18:12:24 [INFO] Creating webview... 18:12:24 [INFO] Spawning webview thread... 18:12:25 [INFO] Running webview thread... 18:12:25 [INFO] Found 8 configuration file(s). 18:12:25 [INFO] Version 2.2.0 in use, 2.2.0 is newest. 18:12:25 [INFO] Connected to SimConnect. 18:12:25 [INFO] Loaded and mapped 2100 H: events. 18:12:25 [INFO] Loaded and mapped 106 aircraft vars, 36 local vars, and 95 events 18:12:25 [INFO] TBM930.yaml loaded successfully. 18:12:25 [WARN] SimConnect exception occurred: 3 18:12:25 [WARN] SimConnect exception occurred: 7 18:12:25 [WARN] SimConnect exception occurred: 7 18:12:25 [WARN] SimConnect exception occurred: 7 18:12:25 [WARN] SimConnect exception occurred: 7 18:12:43 [WARN] Could not port forward! Reason: GatewayNotFound 18:12:43 [INFO] Server started and controls taken. 18:12:45 [INFO] Data: {"data":"mytola","from":"mytola","time":1604254365.6569905,"type":"name"} 18:12:45 [INFO] mytola connected. 18:13:40 [INFO] mytola lost connection. 18:13:49 [INFO] Request to disconnect. 18:13:49 [INFO] Server/Client stopped. Reason: Stopped.