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Small Fixes [1.17.3]

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@ShaneBeee ShaneBeee released this 21 Jul 18:07

This release fixes a few bugs... I hope!
Please make sure to read the full changelog, especially everything regarding future NBT changes, so you can prepare yourself.

NBT Warning:

In a future release of SkBee, NBT related syntax that uses strings will be removed, and SkBee will focus on the use of NBT compounds.
This is mainly due to the mess of code I have had to write for string related NBT, and I want to work on cleaning this all up.
Click below for more details:

NBT Change Details

Example of what will be removed:

set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt "{someNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt "{myCustomNBT:1}"
add "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt of player

Don't worry though, cause these simply can be replaced with the nbt compound from string expression:

set {_n} to nbt compound from "{someNBT:1}"
set nbt-block at player to furnace with nbt {_n}

set {_nbt} to nbt compound from "{myCustomNBT:1}"
give player a diamond sword with nbt {_nbt}

add nbt compound of "{SomeNBT:1}" to nbt compound of player
# OR
set {_n} to nbt compound from  "{SomeNBT:1}"
add {_n} to nbt compound of player

This change will most likely happen in SkBee 1.18.0. I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to switch over to using NBT compounds.

Release News:


  • Fixed an issue with open sign gui effect not working on some servers
  • Fixed an unparsed literal error in text component expression
  • Fixed an error when update checker is failing