Native iOS application for analyzing whatsapp conversations freely on your own iOS device. I wrote this app long time ago, (hence the objective-c code).
I had to prove someone that I said a certin word more times than he did. This was the empirical evidence to win our $10 bet :)
- Export .txt whatsapp converstaions into the app.
- Analyze whatsapp conversations.
- How many messages ?
- Who are the participants ?
- Who sent the most messages ?
- What is the percentage of each person in the conversation?
- etc...
- View cool graphs
- 2 People conversation graphs (1 vs 1)
- Group conversation graphs
~you$ mkdir Whatsapp-Analyzer && cd Whatsapp-Analyzer
~you$ git clone
~you$ pod install
- Now open WhatsappAnalyzer.xcworkspace
- Analyzing Conversations
- Graphs
- Graphs 2