SafeHome is a management system that provides atomicity and isolation among concurrent routines in a smart environment. SafeHome is intended to run at an edge device such as a home hub or an enhanced access point from where it can control devices. SafeHome does not require additional logic on devices. SafeHome proposes new Visibility Models (GSV, PSV, EV, and WV) that trade off responsiveness against temporary incongruence of smart home state. It also provides a serial order of executed routines taking failures into account.
SafeHomeFramework is a simulator that mimics SafeHome routine execution logic and could compare the performance of different models. SafehomeFramework contains both synthetic parameterized workload and realistic workload generated from real-life scenarios.
SafeHomeFramework is a java application and runs easiest with the help of Intellij. Thus, the pre-request of deploying SafeHomeFramework requires:
- Intellij (best later than 2020.2)
- Java 1.8+
- Open IntelliJ and import SafeHome project
- Setup Run/Debug Configurations:
- Add a new configuration with type Application
- Set main class as SafeHomeSimulator.SafeHomeSimulator
- Set work directory as the root directory of the project folder. Note: not the directory stored for
- Save and apply
In each run, SafeHomeFramework executes all modes and records different metrics for each model. It could also be specified to vary a specific parameter with configured values.
To run the experiments, you need to specify correct configurations in
. All supported parameters are illustrated as
decides whether to store the simulation results.IS_RUNNING_BENCHMARK
decides whether SafeHomeFramework will run with realistic worklaod. It will run synthetic workload if set asfalse
decides the number of runs under the setting.
For more detail settings. To run predefined realistic scenarios:
sets scenario category. Valid value includesSCENARIO
type defines sub-scenarios includingMORNING_CHAOS
Pre-defined scenarios are designed with fixed routines. Thus, the routine
parameters are not variable during the experiments. But the routine set could
be modified before the run. The routines are defined in
To run synthetic workloads, SafeHome needs to define:
defines the range that routines are triggered with respect to the total length of all generated routines. For example, if all generated routines can finish execution in 1000 time unit if executed sequentially. All routines will be triggered between time unit [0, 500) ifshinkFactor = 0.50
defines the minimum number of commands for each routine.maxCmdCntPerRtn
defines the maximum number of commands for each routine.zipF
defines the parameter for routine start time pattern, which follows Zipf distribution. Default as 0.1.devRegisteredOutOf65Dev
defines the number of devices that will be touched during simulation. Max as 65.maxConcurrentRtn
defines the maximum number of concurrent routine that are allowed to run in the system.longRrtnPcntg
decides the percentage of long running routines across all generated routines.isAtleastOneLongRunning
decides whether there is at least one long-running routine in each run.minLngRnCmdTimSpn
decides the minimum length of long-running command.maxLngRnCmdTimSpn
decides the maximum length of long-running command.minShrtCmdTimeSpn
decides the minimum length of short-running command.maxShrtCmdTimeSpn
decides the maximum length of short-running commanddevFailureRatio
decides the possibility for a device to fail during each run.atleastOneDevFail
decides whether there is at least device to fail during each run.mustCmdPercentage
decides the percentage of must command in each routine. Other commands are best-effort command which do not need to guarantee atomicity property.IS_PRE_LEASE_ALLOWED
decides whether to use pre-lease mechanism for EV model.IS_POST_LEASE_ALLOWED
decides whether to use post-lease mechnism for EV model.
If you would like to vary a specific setting to collect data of how that impact different metrics, SafeHomeFramework supports:
Only one of the above parameters could set as true
at one time with all others
as false
. Then you could use below two parameters to define the value range of
the variable you choose to vary in above list.
decides the lower bound of each value (inclusive).commaSeprtdCorrespondingUpperBoundListString
decides the upper bound of each value (inclusive).
For example, if set
totalSampleCount = 500
isVaryLongRunningDuration = true
commaSeprtdVarListString = 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000
commaSeprtdCorrespondingUpperBoundListString = 110, 210, 310, 410, 610, 810, 1010
SafeHomeFramework would run 7 sets of experiments, each set runs for 500 runs. In first run, the long-running command duration are randomly from 100 to 110. In second run, the long-running command duration are randomly from 200 to 210. So on so forth until the last set with 1000 to 1010.
With Run/Debug configuration setup as Environment Setup, click Run in Intellij to run the code.
SafeHomeFramework collects and provides some initial results for data analysis.
The results are stored in dataStorageDirectory
specified in configuration file.
In result directory, there will be N+1
sub-folders and an Overall.txt, where
the N
is the number of variable values specified in commaSeprtdVarListString
There will be one folder avg
contains the average values of each metric for
different models. One metric one file. The main metric-to-filename mappings are:
- End-to-end latency:
- Parallel Level:
- Temporary Incongruence:
- Order Mismatch:
The N
other folders includes the CDF data of each metric under the N
parameter values. One value one folder. The CDF covers the data of
The instruction to reproduce results in the paper is in result/