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Oz committed Feb 9, 2014
1 parent 59d99e4 commit 32036d6
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Showing 14 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/Chinese.lua
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "你拥有的最高级货币为"
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "欢迎使用ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "输入/cfg进行插件设置,或者访问"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "得到更多信息."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "注: 此版本的ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00)由Pozzo dell'Eternità奥兹编辑。|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "注: 此版本的ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00)由Pozzo dell'Eternità奥兹编辑。|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/English.lua
Expand Up @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "You get maximum value of"
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Welcome to ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Type /cfg to config interface, or visit"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "for more informations."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Note: this version of ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00) is edited by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r"
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Note: this version of ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00) is edited by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r"

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/French.lua
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "You get maximum value of" -- Needs review
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Bienvenue sur ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Tapez /cfg pour configurer l'interface, ou visitez"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "pour plus d'informations"
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Note: cette version de ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00) est édité par Oz de Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Note: cette version de ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00) est édité par Oz de Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/German.lua
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "Maximalwert erreicht"
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Willkommen bei ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Gebe /cfg ein um das Interface zu konfigurieren, oder besuche"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "für weitere Informationen."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Hinweis: Diese Version von ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00) wird von Oz von Pozzo dell'Eternità bearbeitet.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Hinweis: Diese Version von ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00) wird von Oz von Pozzo dell'Eternità bearbeitet.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/Italian.lua
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "Hai raggiunto il valore massimo di"
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Benvenuto/a in ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Digita /cfg per configurare l'interfaccia oppure visita"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "per maggiori informazioni."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Nota: questa versione di ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00) è a cura di Oz di Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r"
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Nota: questa versione di ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00) è a cura di Oz di Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r"

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/Korean.lua
Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "You get maximum value of"
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Welcome to ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Type /cfg to config interface, or visit"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "for more informations."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "참고: ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00)이 버전은 Pozzo dell'Eternità의 오즈 (가) 수정되었습니다.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "참고: ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00)이 버전은 Pozzo dell'Eternità의 오즈 (가) 수정되었습니다.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua
Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "You get maximum value of"
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Welcome to ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Type /cfg to config interface, or visit"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "for more informations."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Nota: esta versão do ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00) é editado por Oz de Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Nota: esta versão do ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00) é editado por Oz de Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/Russian.lua
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "Вы набрали максимальное колич
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Добро пожаловать в ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Введите /cfg для входа в настройки интерфейса, или посетите страницу"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "для получения дополнительной информации."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Примечание: данная версия ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00) изменена Oz из Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Thanks to Shestak for translation
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Примечание: данная версия ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00) изменена Oz из Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Thanks to Shestak for translation

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/Spanish.lua
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "You get maximum value of" -- Needs review
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "Bienvenido a ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "Escribe /cfg para configurar la interfaz, o visita"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "para más información."
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Nota: esta versión de ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00) está editado por Oz de Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "Nota: esta versión de ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00) está editado por Oz de Pozzo dell'Eternità.|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated

-- Combat text
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ L_POPUP_CURRENCY_CAP = "您擁有的最高級貨幣為"
L_WELCOME_LINE_1 = "歡迎使用ShestakUI "
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_1 = "輸入/cfg進行UI設置,或者訪問"
L_WELCOME_LINE_2_2 = "獲取更多信息"
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "注: 此版本的ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.0|r|cffFFFF00)由Pozzo dell'Eternità奧茲編輯。|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated
L_WELCOME_LINE_3 = "注: 此版本的ShestakUI (|cff00FFFFOzEdit 1.4.1|r|cffFFFF00)由Pozzo dell'Eternità奧茲編輯。|r" -- Goooooooooogle translated

-- Combat text
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/ShestakUI.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Interface: 50400
## Title: ShestakUI
## Notes: A total UI overhaul for World of Warcraft. Edit 1.4.0 by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità
## Notes: A total UI overhaul for World of Warcraft. Edit 1.4.1 by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità
## Author: Shestak
## Version: 4.56
## Credits: AcidWeb, Aezay, Affli, Ailae, Allez, ALZA, Ammo, Astromech, Beoko, Bitbyte, Blamdarot, Bozo, Caellian, Califpornia, Camealion, Chiril, CrusaderHeimdall, Cybey, Dawn, Don Kaban, Dridzt, Duffed, Durcyn, Eclipse, Egingell, Elv22, Evilpaul, Evl, Favorit, Fernir, Foof, Freebaser, g0st, gi2k15, Gorlasch, Gsuz, Haleth, Haste, Hoochie, Hungtar, HyPeRnIcS, Hydra, Ildyria, iSpawnAtHome, Jaslm, Karl_w_w, Karudon, Katae, Kemayo, Killakhan, Kraftman, Kunda, Leatrix, m2jest1c, Magdain, Meurtcriss, Monolit, MrRuben5, Myrilandell of Lothar, Nathanyel, Nefarion, Nightcracker, Nils Ruesch, p3lim, Partha, Phanx, pvtschlag, Rahanprout, Renstrom, RustamIrzaev, Safturento, Sara.Festung, SDPhantom, Sildor, Silverwind, SinaC, Slakah, Soeters, Starlon, Suicidal Katt, Syzgyn, Tekkub, Telroth, Thalyra, Thizzelle, Tia Lynn, Tohveli, Tukz, Tuller, Veev, Villiv, Vladinator, Wetxius, Woffle of Dark Iron, Wrug, Xuerian, Yleaf, Zork. ShestakUI_OzEdit additional credits: ivancr72, rwk, Sinaris, tonyis3l33t
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI_Config/ShestakUI_Config.lua
Expand Up @@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ function CreateUIConfig()
local TitleBoxVerText = TitleBoxVer:CreateFontString("UIConfigTitleVer", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
TitleBoxVerText:SetText("ShestakUI "..T.version.." (OzEdit 1.4.0)")
TitleBoxVerText:SetText("ShestakUI "..T.version.." (OzEdit 1.4.1)")
-- Main Frame Title
local TitleBox = CreateFrame("Frame", "TitleBox", UIConfigMain)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI_Config/ShestakUI_Config.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Interface: 50400
## Title: ShestakUI Config
## Notes: In-game configuration for ShestakUI. Edit 1.4.0 by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità
## Notes: In-game configuration for ShestakUI. Edit 1.4.1 by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità
## Author: Tohveli
## Version: 4.56
## Credits: Elv22, Fernir, Tukz
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI_Filger/ShestakUI_Filger.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Interface: 50400
## Title: ShestakUI Filger
## Notes: Class timers for ShestakUI. Edit 1.4.0 by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità
## Notes: Class timers for ShestakUI. Edit 1.4.1 by Oz of Pozzo dell'Eternità
## Author: Nils Ruesch
## Version: 4.56
## Credits: Affli, Ildyria, SinaC
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