This a personal blog and portfolio website made with Next.js & Tailwind CSS, adapted from Timothy Lin's Next.js Starter Template which took inspriation from Lee Robinson's now infamous Next.js blog.
- Easy styling customization with Tailwind 2.0
- Near perfect lighthouse score - Lighthouse report
- Lightweight, 43kB first load JS, uses Preact in production build
- Mobile-friendly view
- Light and dark theme
- MDX - write JSX in markdown documents!
- Server-side syntax highlighting with rehype-prism
- Math display supported via KaTeX
- Automatic image optimization via next/image
- Flexible data retrieval with next-mdx-remote
- Support for tags - each unique tag will be its own page
- Projects page
- SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps and more!
- Google Analytics
- Subscription form
- Newsletter library
- Home page / Layout changes