A light-weight Mirai QQ bot http interface lib for Ruby.
This library is designed specifically for integration with mirai-api-http. Mirai is a QQ bot framework. The relationship is like this:
mirai <-jvm-> mirai-console <-plugin-> mirai-api-http <-http-> rubirai
Install mirai-api-http and configure its setting.yml
Now its easier to enable singleMode
if you have only one account
in the mirai console.
Note that you must enable Http Adapter with configuration of
under adapterSettings
. More mode support to come.
First, download the package using gem
. In your Gemfile
, add
gem 'rubirai'
Then, start to write code (no matter if it's a rails application or something else):
require 'rubirai'
# assuming your mirai http api address and port
# are and 8080
bot = Rubirai::Bot.new('', '8080')
# qq and verify key
bot.login 1145141919, 'ikisugi_key'
# Add a listener function
bot.add_listener do |event|
puts event.inspect
if event.is_a?(Rubirai::MessageEvent)
event.respond("Hello, world!")
# Listen to message every 0.5 seconds
# And blocks the current thread
bot.start_listen 0.5, is_blocking: true
If you want to install globally with
, use
gem install rubirai