These Templates by the Shuttleworth Foundation ( are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License (
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from the Shuttleworth Foundation (
You are free to use these templates entirely at your own risk. By using a templates you agree that it is not legal advice. These templates have been drawn up for a specific legal jurisdiction. You may need to modify the templates for them to be suitable for your jurisdiction and circumstances.
The template is for an agreement between a Grant Giver and a Fellow in terms of which the Grant Giver gives the Fellow a grant to enable the Fellow to achieve specified objectives.
In order to create an organisation specific template from this template some information must be specified. This information is indicated in square brackets. Once this information is inserted the template can be used to create multiple specific contracts, the only changes required will be the name of the person receiving the grant in the title and the details set out in Fellowship Specifications, and specifying a grammatical gender for the Fellow by replacing [he/she] with the chosen pronoun throughout the document.
- insert the full legal name of the Grant Giving Organisation;
- replace [Grant Giver] with the short name of the Grant Giving organisation throughout the document;
- in 11.4 specify which law will apply to interpretation of the agreement;
- in 15.6 and 15.7 specify which organisation will appoint an arbitrator if the parties do not agree on an arbitrator;
- in 16.11 specify an email address and physical address at which the grant giving organisation will receive notices for purposes of the contract.
The template is for an agreement between a Grant Giver, a Fellow and a Recipient of Project Funding in terms of which the Grant Giver gives the Recipient a grant to enable the Recipient and Fellow to achieve specified objectives.
In order to create an organisation specific template from this template some information must be specified. This information is indicated in square brackets. Once this information is inserted the template can be used to create multiple specific contracts, the only changes required will be the name of the Fellow and the legal person receiving the grant in the title and the details set out in the Project Specifications.
- Insert the full legal name of the Grant Giving Organisation;
- replace [Grant Giver] with the short name of the Grant Giving organisation throughout the document;
- in 11.4 specify which law will apply to interpretation of the agreement;
- in 15.6 and 15.7 specify which organisation will appoint an arbitrator if the parties do not agree on an arbitrator;
- in 16.11 specify an email address and physical address at which the grant giving organisation will receive notices for purposes of the contract.
This template does not bind the Shuttleworth Foundation in any way in negotiating any agreement.
This template is for an agreement between an Employer and and Employee. It is not legal advice. It is written for use in South Africa, and labour laws in other jurisdictions might be dramatically different. Whatever is stated in the agreement does not override the requirements of labour legislation, in some cases labour legislation sets minimum levels and an employment agreement may grant more to an employee.
In order to create an organisation specific template from this template some information must be specified. This information is indicated in square brackets. Once this information is inserted the template can be used to create multiple specific contracts, the only changes required will be the name of the employee in the title and the details set out in agreement on starting dates and amounts of renumeration and specifying a grammatical gender for the employee by replacing [he/she] with the chosen pronoun throughout the document.
- in 1 insert Job Title, Full Legal Name of Employer and Commencement Date,
- in 2.1 insert Job Title,
- in 2.2 insert Place of Business,
- in insert 4.1 insert annual CTC (cost to company) salary figure,
- in Signature Page insert Place of Signature, Day, Month and Year
Insert the full legal name of the Employer on the cover page, then replace [Employer] with the short name of the employer throughout the document; specify an email address and physical address at which the employer will receive notices for purposes of the contract.