MOVED: See receipts/secret-4/deployments/prod.yml
for the up-to-date mainnet addresses of all production contracts.
git clone <this-repo>
git submodule update --init --recursive
nix-shell # optional, or bring your own Cargo and PNPM
pnpm i
pnpm build latest
FADROMA_CHAIN=Scrt_1_2_Devnet pnpm deploy latest
The smart contracts are written in Rust, targeting SecretNetwork's fork of cosmwasm-std 0.10
on wasm32-unknown-unknown
See package.json
and scripts/
for the available workflow commands.
See also:
- Git submodules documentation,
and most importantly the
git submodule update --init --recursive
command. - The pnpm package manager, and most importantly its Workspaces feature.
artifacts contains the compiled smart contracts (gitignored) and their checksums (not gitignored).
contracts contains the Rust source code of the smart contracts, as well as the TypeScript code necessary to build them and interact with them.
📖 tge - Token Generation Event (TGE): mints and vests a new token
- Contract: snip20-sienna - Main SIENNA governance token
- Contract: mgmt - Vesting management contract
- Contract: rpt - Remaining pool token splitter contract
- Script: deploy.ts - TGE deployment
📖 amm - Automated Market Maker (AMM): Sienna Swap and friends
- Contract: amm-snip20 - Vanilla SNIP20 token usable by the AMM
- Contract: factory - Sienna Swap Factory
- Contract: exchange - Sienna Swap Exchange
- Contract: lp-token - Sienna Swap LP Token
- Contract: router - Sienna Swap Router
- Contract: 📖 rewards - Sienna Rewards
- Contract: launchpad - Sienna Launchpad
- Contract: ido - Sienna IDO
- Script: deploy.ts - AMM deployment
- Script: upgrade.ts - AMM migrations
📖 lend - Sienna Lend - Private Lending Protocol
- Contract: market
- Contract: oracle
- Contract: overseer
- Contract: interest_model
deps contains submodules of our foundational frameworks.
- fadroma is a Git submodule pointing to the top of the Fadroma deployment framework, which takes care of building and uploading the contracts behind the scenes.
frontends contains clients for the smart contracts, written in JS/TS. Some of them are transcluded as git submodules pointing to other repos.
- siennajs - current client library
- @sienna/api - upcoming mixed deploy/client library
- dashboard - rewards simulation dashboard
- reward-pools-monitor - query status of reward pools
- claim - TGE claim frontend
- vest - TGE vest frontend
libraries contains Rust libraries used by one or more smart contracts.
- amm-shared defines the contract API of Sienna Swap.
- lend-shared defines the contract API of Sienna Lend.
receipts contains the responses to upload and init transactions performed by the framework, grouped by chain ID. This lets you keep track of uploaded contracts.
- secret-4/deployments/prod - current mainnet deployment
- pulsar-2/deployments/.active - current testnet deployment
scripts contains utility scripts pertaining to the whole repo.
- - build with
pnpm build
- - deploy with
pnpm deploy
- - test with
pnpm test
- - build with
settings contains the values of configurable properties for each smart contract, again grouped by chain ID. This is a NPM module that can be imported by the deploy scripts to access the settings for deploying to a specific chain (as testnet configuration may need to systematically differ from mainnet).
- schedule.json - vesting schedule
After deployment the contracts should be transferred to the master multisig account. The CLI and API wrappers in this repo do not support generating multisig transactions.
See hackbg/motika for a GUI-based multisig transaction signer.