The action “Run Shell Script” encountered an error: “convert: invalid argument for option '-level': 0%,0%,inf @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2038. convert: unable to open image '03/Fuji 200/IMG_0092-TIFF-autolevel.tif': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3527. convert: no images defined `./autocolor_1_2818.mpc' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3325. autocolor: USAGE: autocolor [-m method] [-c clipmode] [-l cliplow] [-h cliphigh] [-n neutralgray] infile outfile USAGE: autocolor [-help] OPTIONS: -m method method to adjust neutral color; method=gamma, recolor, none; default=recolor -c clipmode clip channels mode; clip=together or separate; default=separate -l cliplow clip percent on low end of histogram; float; 0<=cliplow<=100; default=0.1 -h cliphigh clip percent on high end of histogram; float; 0<=cliphigh<=100; default=same as cliplow -n neutralgray neutral gray value (percent); float between 0 and 100; default=mean of luminance rm: /Volumes/Black/Photography/DSLR Film Scans/2022:03/Fuji 200/IMG_0092-TIFF-autolevel.tif: No such file or directory”