So this is a simple Web-Crawler. It fetches .html from a Bible-Website ( & and converts it to .md files and .md files for each chapter for Bible Linker Plugin. Until now I provide these versions:
Übersetzungen von
1. Einheitsübersetzung (EU) | 2. Luther Bibel (LUT) | 3. Elberfelder Bibel (ELB) | 4. Hoffnung für alle (HFA)
5. Schlachter Bibel (SLT) | 6. La Biblia Textual (BTX) | 7. Gute Nachricht Bibel 2018 (GNB) | 8. Neue Evangelistische Übersetzung (NEUE / NeÜ)
Übersetzungen von
9. Basis Bibel (BB) | 10. Nestle-Aland 28 (NA28) | 11. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)
If you want a special Version, than please open an Issue.
Just try it. Download the Binary in the release Section. You'll find an Exectuable for Windows, Mac and for Linux.
God bless you!
run in Terminal following command before running the binary:
sudo chmod +x ./bible-crawler