Discussion and issues are hosted at github: https://github.com/SimisRnD/simis-cms.
What is SimIS CMS? Agile, Enterprise, Open Source Content Management System (CMS) and Portal.
SimIS CMS comes out-of-the-box with modules, advanced security, easy setup, and powerful developer features. Use and configure what's there, and customize what's not. The flexible Open Source license lets you move beyond the technology to focus on delivering a quality website.
Copyright 2023 SimIS Inc. (https://www.simiscms.com)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Need a website or web portal? SimIS CMS can be used from Day 1:
- Once installed the administrator signs in and can quickly create a sitemap. Working on their own, or with others, the pages of the site are added.
- Each web page can have shared elements and styles, as well as their own elements and styles.
- A designer can work on the site's global style and layout, then target page-by-page improvements, while content authors fill out the web page content.
- Content authors work with the page elements which include searchable text, images, and videos. There are many dynamic elements which can be selected, including slideshows, news feeds, calendar events, blog posts, and more.
- For more complex components, a developer can work both online and off to enable the functionality or create it.
- CMS: Site Map, Web Pages (Templates, UI Designer, SEO, Searchable) with Content and Images, HTML Editor, CSS Editor, Blogs, Form Data, Calendars, Folders and Files, Mailing Lists, Videos, Wikis, Search, Site Alerts, Form Pop-Ups, Sticky Header and Buttons, Responsive, Bot Detection
- Analytics: Tracking for Sessions, Hits, Geolocation, Content, Searches, Referrals; Charts; xAPI; Pixels
- Data Integration: Datasets (CSV, TSV, JSON, GeoJSON, and RSS sources), Collections (Profiles, Geolocation, Multiple Categories, Relationships, Custom Fields, Indexed, Searchable), Data Sources
- Collaboration: Users (Register, Validation, Login, Invite), User Groups, Collection Membership and Permissions, Chat
- E-commerce: Products, SKUs, Categories, Customers, Orders, Account Management, Shipping Methods, Carriers, Tracking Numbers, Pricing Rules (Constraints, Discounts, and Promos)
- CRM: Forms, Leads & Customers, Orders
- Settings: Theme, Site SEO, Social Media, Mail Server, Maps, Captcha, Analytics, E-commerce, Mailing Lists
- Integration: Google Analytics, Map Box, Open Street Map, Square, Stripe, Taxjar, USPS, Boxzooka
- Security: OAuth, Firewall (Integration and Blocked IP lists), Spam Filter, Geo Filter, Rate Limiting, Snyk scanning
- API: Rest API
- Platform: Micro Widgets, Connection Pool, Cache, Scheduler, Workflow, Expression Engine, Upgrades, Migrations, Record Paging
In general:
- Deploy
- Login
- Configure
- Create
- Maintain
An optimized web application archive (.war), with production settings, is released to this project's GitHub releases, ready for installation and which automatically upgrades previously installed versions. Always have a backup of your database and file library path.
The latest release is at https://github.com/SimisRnD/simis-cms/releases.
Release notes include a list of changes for review.
Download the .war and follow your choice of deployment options.
To log into a new site, add "/login" to the URL. Later, turn on the login setting to reveal a login button for your website.
Documentation is in MKDocs format intended for use in platforms which use MKDocs.
The latest documentation is at https://github.com/SimisRnD/simis-cms/blob/main/docs/index.md.
Thank you to all those who have helped make SimIS CMS!
This project uses and licenses several technologies:
Apache Commons Apache Utilities https://commons.apache.org
Argon2 LGPL Password hashing https://github.com/phxql/argon2-jvm
Bucket4J Apache Rate limiting https://github.com/bucket4j/bucket4j
Caffeine Apache High performance cache https://github.com/ben-manes/caffeine
ClassGraph MIT Module scanner https://github.com/classgraph/classgraph
Easy Flows Playbooks EditionMIT Workflow engine https://github.com/rajkowski/easy-flows
FlexMark BSD2 Markdown parsing https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java
Flyway Apache Database scripts install and upgrade tracking https://github.com/flyway/flyway
GeoIP2 Apache IP geolocation client https://github.com/maxmind/GeoIP2-java
GeoJson Apache GeoJson Parser https://github.com/opendatalab-de/geojson-jackson
Google GSON Apache Convert Java Objects to/from JSON representation https://github.com/google/gson
Granule Apache CSS and Javascript combine/minify https://github.com/rajkowski/Granule
HikariCP Apache High performance database connection pooling https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP
im4java LGPL Interface to ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick http://im4java.sourceforge.net
Jackson Apache Json Parser https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson
Jackson Core Utils LGPL Json Parser Utility https://github.com/fge/jackson-coreutils
JavaMail CDDL Mail library https://javaee.github.io/javamail/
JMail MIT Email validator https://github.com/RohanNagar/jmail
Jobrunr LGPL Job scheduler https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr
Johnzon Apache Json processing https://johnzon.apache.org
JSON Schema Validator Apache JSON schema validator https://github.com/networknt/json-schema-validator
JSoup MIT HTML cleansing https://github.com/jhy/jsoup/
JSTL Eclipse Servlet tag library https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jstl-api
libphonenumber Apache Phone number validation https://github.com/google/libphonenumber
PostgreSQL BSD Database driver https://jdbc.postgresql.org
Pushy MIT Push notifications https://github.com/relayrides/pushy
RabbitMQ Apache RabbitMQ java client library https://www.rabbitmq.com/java-client.html
RestFB MIT Facebook Graph API client https://github.com/restfb/restfb
ROME Apache RSS https://github.com/rometools/rome
SLF4j MIT Logger https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j
Square Apache Java bindings for SquareUp.com https://github.com/square/square-java-sdk
Stripe MIT Java bindings for Stripe.com https://github.com/stripe/stripe-java
Thymeleaf Apache Template engine https://github.com/thymeleaf/thymeleaf
Timeago Apache Relative time https://github.com/marlonlom/timeago
uniVocity Apache CSV processing https://github.com/uniVocity/univocity-parsers
Foundation MIT Responsive CSS framework https://github.com/foundation/foundation-sites
animate.css MIT CSS animations https://github.com/animate-css/animate.css
autoComplete MIT Form auto-complete https://github.com/Pixabay/JavaScript-autoComplete
ChartJS MIT Charts https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js
Clipboard.JS MIT Clipboard utility https://github.com/zenorocha/clipboard.js
DatePicker Apache Date and time picker https://github.com/najlepsiwebdesigner/foundation-datepicker
Dragula MIT Drag and drop utilities https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula
DropZoneJS MIT Drag and drop utilities https://gitlab.com/meno/dropzone
FontAwesome CC Icons https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome
FullCalendar MIT Calendar https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar
Google Fonts Apache Fonts https://fonts.google.com
GridManager MIT Column editor https://github.com/neokoenig/jQuery-gridmanager
ImagesLoaded MIT UI event handler https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded
Jspreadsheet MIT Data grid https://github.com/jspreadsheet/ce
JS Cookie MIT Cookie functions https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie
Leaflet License Maps https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet
MarkerCluster Apache Clusters for Leaflet https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster
Masonry MIT UI Layout https://github.com/desandro/masonry
Mermaid MIT Diagramming and charting https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid
Add to Calendar Buttons MIT Add to calendar https://github.com/WebuddhaInc/add-to-calendar-buttons
Payform License Credit card form https://github.com/jondavidjohn/payform
Prism MIT Highlighter https://github.com/PrismJS/prism/
Spectrum MIT Color picker https://github.com/bgrins/spectrum
Superset-UI Embedded SDK Apache Visualizations and dashboards https://github.com/apache/superset
Swiper MIT Modern mobile touch slider https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper
TinyMCE LGPL HTML editor https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce
TinyMCE-FontAwesome-Plugin MIT Icon chooser https://github.com/josh18/TinyMCE-FontAwesome-Plugin
JUnit5 Apache Unit testing framework https://github.com/junit-team/junit5
Jacoco Eclipse Code coverage https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco
MeanBean Apache JavaBean testing https://github.com/meanbeanlib/meanbean
Mockito MIT Mocking framework https://github.com/mockito/mockito
Testcontainers MIT Containers library for tests https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-java
Avalara CC US sales tax rate tables https://www.avalara.com/taxrates/en/download-tax-tables.html
GeoLite2 CC Data created by MaxMind https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite2-free-geolocation-data
GeoNames CC Geographic data http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/
Simple Maps CC City, country, Lat, Long https://simplemaps.com/data/world-cities
Zip Codes Attrib. Zip codes http://federalgovernmentzipcodes.us/
Optional Services:
Boxzooka Shipping/Fulfillment https://boxzooka.com
Google Analytics Analytics https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/
Map Box Geocoding, Map tiles https://www.mapbox.com
Open Street Map Geocoding, Map tiles https://www.openstreetmap.org
Square Payment processing https://squareup.com/us/en
Stripe Payment processing https://stripe.com
Taxjar Taxes https://www.taxjar.com
USPS Address Validation Address verification https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/