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Adding a new function to an existing file

Hans Schoenemann edited this page Aug 20, 2014 · 13 revisions

Here we describe how to add new function to an existing file.

Lets take the same example as before: we want to add the functinos that takes two numbers, A and B and computes A^2+B^2.

  • In libpolys/coeffs/numbers.h add the line

      number n_myAdd(number A, number B, const coeffs R);
  • In libpolys/coeffs/ add the function:

    number n_myAdd(number A, number B, const coeffs R)
      number AA = n_Mult(A, A, R),
      BB = n_Mult(B, B, R),
      CC = n_Add(AA, BB, R);
      n_Delete(&AA, R);
      n_Delete(&BB, R);
      return CC;

    (Be sure you understand the memory management, in particular, the reason for the calls to n_Delete())

  • Now, after a compile, the function is ready to use - however, it is not yet available in the interpreter.

  • Next, we'll show how to incorporate this function - in the previous example we "hacked" it into the Singular/ file, now we'll do it properly.

    You need to add entries to

    • In Singular/tok.h: MYADD_CMD, (it is not important, but try to keep the list alphabetically sorted)

    • In Singular/table.h:

      • in cmdnames cmds[] add in the correct (alphabetical) position:

        "myAdd", 0, MYADD_CMD , CMD_2

        (where CMD_2 indicates that we take to arguments)

      • find sValCmd2 dArith2 and add


    • In Singular/ add a function

      static BOOLEAN jjMyAdd(leftv res, leftv u,leftv v)
          number a=(number)u->Data();
          number b=(number)v->Data(),
          number c = n_myAdd(a,b,currRing);
          res ->data = (char *)c;
          return FALSE;

      Note that the declaration in sValCmd2 guarantees that jjMyAdd is going to get called with 2 arguments, both of type number. Q: does iparith have to be in some special order?

      After a compile, you should have a new function in Singular: myAdd. Try using

      ring r=0,x,dp;
      number a =1;
      number b=2;
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