This document's format is based on Keep a Changelog, and adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Relation: fetchValue in MTO when
is an array
- Atk: minor fix
- Handler: minor fix AddHandler
- Attribute: added isset record fieldName check in NumberAttribute hide function
- Handler: fix ImportHandler
- Node: atkSelector nullable in confirmAction
- Atk: added return type to all methods in Atk.php
- Attribute: all setter are now fluent in Attribute.php
- Atk: added favicon_base_url and manifest_url globalvars
- Attribute: fetch value in the search function of BoolAttribute
- Attribute: absolute and relative path and thumbnail functions in FileAttribute
- Akt: version wording of atk
- Attribute: nullLabel property in ListAttribute
- Attribute: renamed public const 'TAG_SEPARATOR' in 'DISPLAY_SEPARATOR_TAG'
- Attribute: default display separator in now DISPLAY_SEPARATOR_TAG instead of DISPLAY_SEPARATOR_COMMA
- Attribute: MultiSelectListAttribute
- PHP: v8.3 support
- Smarty: v5.4 support
- Attribute: getAttributeValue and getAttributeOldValue when nestedAttribute is a json encoded string
- Export: doExport for NestedAttribute
- Attribute: new functions getAttributeValue and getAttributeOldValue to retrieve the value of an attribute
- Attribute: isAttributeModified for NestedAttribute
- Menu: refactor Menu Item classes
- Attribute: ActionButtonAttribute default params
- NestedAttribute: support to custom nested attribute field for every nested attribute
- NumberAttribute: numberattribute_use_thousands_separator global config
- dependabot: bump grunt
- StateColors: getBorderColor delta is now a parameter and not hardcoded anymore
- Smarty: updated to v4.5.3
- Node: handled checkConfirmAction without atkSelectors
- Node: adminHeaderInputFilters submit button and newline param
- ActionButtonAttribute: paramsFieldNames to handle record params in url
- FileAttribute: preview in no-stream mode
- FileAttribute: hide widget mode for legacy projects
- FileAttribute: add preview in stream mode
- Attribute: fix UIStateColorListAttribute when is null
- Attribute: JsonAttribute edit when value is null
- Attribute: inline mode to FileAttribute
- Attribute: inline mode to FileAttribute
- Attribute: added inline mode to FileAttribute to open a file in new tab instead of download it
- Attribute: m_maxsize getter and setter
- Attribute: json prettify for list of elements
- Attribute: removed min-width default for multiple ListAttribute
- Attribute: search min-width for ListAttribute
- Menu: print warning if there are items in the menu whose module has not been loaded
- Resources: weight of headings
- Resources: font weight of headings to make the font uniform at first
- Resources: font Source Sans 3
- Resources: font Source Sans 3 instead of Source Sans Pro
- Resources: the Sans font is now loaded locally
- Attribute: search for NestedAttribute
- Attribute: validate in add for FileAttribute
- Node: added const PARAM_ATKMENU
- Node: refactor admin header input filters
- Node: admin header input filters
- Attribute: PasswordAttribute validation when "new" or "again" field are empty
- Attribute: refactor display/edit of FileAttribute
- Atk: translations en
- Atk: added function to unregister node
- Atk: fixed phpdotenv 3 compatibility
- Atk: reverted phpdotenv dependency to v3.6 for backward compatibility
- Atk: updated phpdotenv dependency to v5.5
- Atk: updated phpdotenv dependency to v3.5
- Atk: fix on mobile menu
- Node: fix forced values in node
- Menu: added config to hide sidebar
- Attribute: added maxWidth property
- Menu: added menu_default_item_position config to manage the default position of menu items
- Ui: added action_form_buttons_position config to manage the position of action form buttons
- Attribute: fix DateTimeAttribute fetch value
- Attribute: fix TimeAttribute watch widget
- Node: fix setAttributesFlags in action_admin
- TimeAttribute: Time Chooser Popup utility, configurable with AF_TIME_SECONDS.
- Relation: added config onetomany_label_position_top to manage label position of one-to-many
- Attribute: added min-width in search box
- Export: hidden attributes with some specific class from export page (e.i. DummyAttribute, TabbedPane)
- Export: export layout updated
- Export: removed atk_export criteria
- Atk: updated layout for advanced-search
- Attribute: fix DateAttribute edit
- Attribute: fix TimeAttribute display without ':'
- Attribute: added titleWrap property to handle text-wrap in column th
- Relation: added descriptorListSep in one-to-many
- Font: fix supporto to old font
- Relation: fix padding one-to-many list mode ul
- Attribute: fix FileAttribute edit to show thumbnail
- Font: added system dependand font (with old-atk)
- Dependencies: Updated to minor versions
- UI: added css classes for texts
- Font: added UI font & configuration on config file
- Attribute: add maxWidth in CurrencyAttribute
- Attribute: fix ckeditor in CkAttribute
- Menu: fix enable field in menu item
- Relation: fix add in many-to-many select relation
- Attribute: fix CkAttribute enter mode br
- Sidebar: collapsed on load
- Config: added UI configurations on config file
- PasswordAttribute: fixed & tested password autocomplete
- PasswordAttribute: fix password autocomplete
- Node: added action download_file_attribute
- Atk: refactor const atkselector
- Relation: added selectRecordsMethod to set a record SelectHandler for DataGrid
- Attribute: fix action of ButtonAttribute when FileAttribute is a stream
- Attribute: added "stream" property in FileAttribute
- Relation: fix "remove" button of many-to-many select relation
- Relation: refactor ManyToManySelectRelation
- Attribute: refactor DateAttribute
- Node: refactor function exportFileName of Node
- Export: updated export filename
- Export: fixed missing nested attribute value on export action
- Relation: fix setAttributesFlags in OneToMany
- Node: added recordListDropdownStartIndex property to customize recordListTdFirst in the datagrid list
- Attribute: fix do update when clicked SubmitButtonAttribute
- Datagrid: fixed datagrid top scroller design
- Attribute: fixed hide/show attribute layout
- Attribute: added textWrap property
- Atk: added new layout for "record actions" in DataGridList
- Atk: reduced body font-size
- Atk: reduced column padding in DataGridList
- Menu: added badge on menu action item in the navbar menu
- Menu: added badge on menu ActionItem
- Attribute: added CkAttribute stripTagsEnabled property
- Relation: added display list mode (ul and badge pill)
- IndexPage: username link goes in edit when user has permissions
- Tools: added param to force whole words in truncateHTML function
- Attribute: refactor edit render in DateAttribute
- Atk: fix FR and IT translations
- Node: fix default descriptor
- Attribute: fix CurrencyAttribute edit()
- Relation: fix width of select2 in ManyToOne
- Node: added new function setAttributesFlags() called automatically by adminPage, addPage, viewPage and editPage
- Select2: Updated layout margins for multiselect
- Node: added function getDefaultNestedAttribute
- Attribute: fix filename check in edit in FileAttribute
- Style: fix max-width of helpModal in box.tpl
- Attribute: removed default param 'atkselector' in ActionButtonAttribute when other params are specified
- Attribute: fix default text of ButtonAttribute
- Handler: fix nested attribute loading in EditcopyHandler
- Attribute: added setMultipleSearch on ExpressionListAttribute
- Attribute: fix search in NestedDateTimeAttribute
- Attribute: fix FileAttribute edit when file not found
- UIStateColors: added color "orange ultra light"
- Node: added adminPage node help in the top right corner of the adminPage box
- Node: added bookmarkLink, legend and filter buttons in the box.tpl
- NestedBoolAttribute: support for search field
- NestedBoolAttribute: support for search field (WIP)
- Attribute: added NestedDateTimeAttribute
- CkAttribute: added support to enterMode
- Attribute: moved minWidth, maxHeight and maxChars from TextAttribute to Attribute
- MultiListAttribute: fixed fluent setters
- Node: added hidePageTitle flag to hide title of the page
- Icon: update system atk icon to support fontawesome v6
- Attribute: added UIStateColorListAttribute
- Node: refactor template in confirmAction with multiple records
- Node: added argument $atkSelectors of checkConfirmAction to manage multiple atkselector
- UIStateColors: added blue color
- adminPage: added admin-header class instead of list-header
- Legend: fix trad
- UIStateColors: added new colors green, cyan, red, yellow, orange in light or strong version
- Tools: added new string functions strStartsWith and strEndsWith
- Node: added support to legend in the adminHeader
- NestedAttribute: added function setForceUpdate setting same value to the relative nested attribute field
- adminHeader: added adminHeaderFilterButtons to manage filter buttons in adminHeader
- IndexPage: fix user link (top right) for administrator
- JsonAttribure: fix update when readonly and force update enabled
- Node: added function getAtkError
- Node: added function updateDbIncludes
- Node: added function addAttributesFlags
- Node: added function removeAttributesFlags
- Node: added function hasAction
- Attribute: added TitleAttribute
- FileAttribute: added thumbnail class attribute
- UpdatedByAttribute: added possibility to force created_by user to administrator
- IndexPage: added function getPage
- IndexPage: added function getUi
- Attribute: added ListBoolAttribute
- CkAttribute: added enter mode constant (ENTER_MODE_P, ENTER_MODE_BR, ENTER_MODE_DIV)
- Node: refactor function signatures
- Attribute: renamed variable $rec to $record
- FileAttribute: renamed function AddSlash to addSlash
- CkAttribute: changed default display mode to MODE_SCROLL
- Attribute: refactor ButtonAttribute
Contains mainly bugfixes and small changes.
This branch starts from v9.1 and it contains an updated style based on AdminLte framework. We are making other changes that will be rolled out in the future, generally we will be work on fixing existing functionalities on the version 9 line.
Removed all custom javascript and added JQuery.