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Move documentation from the GH wiki into the repository
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Based on @edhager's work of similar nature for 0.4
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Kenneth G. Franqueiro committed May 30, 2014
1 parent 4e77184 commit dfd3a80
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Showing 30 changed files with 2,528 additions and 8 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
This document outlines changes since 0.3.0. For older changelogs, see the
[dgrid wiki](
**Note:** Going forward, release notes will be maintained on the GitHub repository's
[releases page]( This file will likely be
removed in the future.

# master (0.3.15-dev)

## Significant changes

### General/Core

* Documentation has been moved out of the wiki and into the repository under the
doc folder, to facilitate maintaining relevant documentation for both 0.3 and 0.4.
* Fixed a regression in `List` which could cause errors in certain situations
due to a feature test being performed before the document is ready. (#907)

Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions
Expand Up @@ -58,13 +58,11 @@ on APIs new to 1.8 or 1.9, so as to maintain compatibility with 1.7.

# Documentation

Documentation for dgrid components is available in the
[dgrid GitHub project wiki](
The wiki's content may still be obtained for offline reading by cloning
the wiki repository, as indicated under the "Git Access" tab.
The [doc folder](./doc) contains documentation for dgrid components.
In addition, the website hosts a number of [tutorials](

In addition to the documentation on the wiki, if upgrading from a previous
dgrid release, please be sure to read the changelog, found in
If upgrading from a previous dgrid release, please be sure to read the
[release notes](

# Testing

Expand Down
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# dgrid Documentation

This folder contains the official dgrid documentation. It includes
information on dgrid's core components, as well as information on various
mixins, plugins, and extensions that are available to further expand dgrid's
default functionality.

## Components

* Core Components
* [List](components/core-components/
* [Grid](components/core-components/
* [GridFromHtml](components/core-components/
* [OnDemandList and OnDemandGrid](components/core-components/
* Mixins
* [Keyboard](components/mixins/
* [ColumnSet](components/mixins/
* [Selection](components/mixins/
* [CellSelection](components/mixins/
* Column Plugins
* [editor](components/column-plugins/
* [tree](components/column-plugins/
* [selector](components/column-plugins/
* Extensions
* [ColumnReorder](components/extensions/
* [ColumnResizer](components/extensions/
* [ColumnHider](components/extensions/
* [CompoundColumns](components/extensions/
* [Pagination](components/extensions/
* [DijitRegistry](components/extensions/
* [DnD](components/extensions/
* Utilities
* [mouse](components/utilities/
* [touch](components/utilities/
* [misc](components/utilities/

## Usage

* [Working with Events](usage/
* [Working with Widgets](usage/
* [Styling dgrid](usage/
* [Limitations](usage/

## Migrating from dojox/grid

* [API Comparison](migrating/
* [Usage Comparison](migrating/

## Tutorials

Various tutorials are available on [](
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions doc/components/column-plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# editor

The editor plugin provides the ability to render editor controls within cells
for a column. When used in conjunction with a store-backed grid such as an
[OnDemandGrid](../core-components/, edited fields are directly
correlated with the dirty state of the grid; changes can then be saved back to
the store based on edits performed in the grid.

"dojo/_base/declare", "dgrid/OnDemandGrid","dgrid/editor", "dgrid/Keyboard", "dgrid/Selection"
], function(declare, OnDemandGrid, editor, Keyboard, Selection){
var editGrid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Keyboard, Selection]))({
store: myStore,
columns: [
label: "Name",
field: "name",
editor: "text",
editOn: "dblclick"
// ...
}, "editGrid");

For more examples of editor in use, see the various `editor` test pages, as well
as the `GridFromHtml_editors` test page for declarative examples.

## Additional Column Definition Properties

The editor plugin supports the following additional column definition properties.

Property | Description
-------- | -----------
`editor` | The type of component to use for editors in this column; either a string specifying a type of standard HTML input to create, or a Dijit widget constructor to instantiate.
`editOn` | A string containing the event (or multiple events, comma-separated) upon which the editor should activate. If unspecified, editors are always displayed in this column's cells.
`editorArgs` | An object containing input attributes or widget arguments. For HTML inputs, the object will have its key/value pairs applied as node attributes via `put-selector`; for widgets, the object will be passed to the widget constructor.
`canEdit(object, value)` | A function returning a boolean value indicating whether or not the cell for this column should be editable in a particular row. Receives the item for the current row, and the value to be rendered (i.e. the return from the column's `get` function if any, or the value of the `field` specified in the column).
`autoSave` |If `true`, the grid's `save` method will be called as soon as a change is detected in an editor in this column. Defaults to `false`. **Note:** if an error is encountered as a result of a store operation triggered by `autoSave`, a `dgrid-error` event will be emitted.
`dismissOnEnter` | By default, pressing enter will store the current value in the grid's dirty data hash. This can be undesirable particularly for textarea editors; setting this property to `false` will disable the behavior.

For convenience, the `editor` and `editOn` properties may also be specified as
the second and third arguments to the `editor` function. For example, both of
the following would result in an editor which presents a text field when a cell
in the column is double-clicked:

// long version, everything in column def object
editor: "text",
editOn: "dblclick",
/* rest of column definition here... */

// shorthand version, editor and editOn as arguments
editor({ /* rest of column definition here... */ }, "text", "dblclick")

## Additional Grid APIs

When the editor plugin is applied to a column in a grid, the grid is augmented with
the following method.

Method | Description
------ | -----------
`edit(cell)` | Activates/focuses the specified cell (which can be a cell object from `grid.cell()`, or a DOM node or event resolvable to one).

## Events

The editor plugin emits a `dgrid-datachange` event whenever an editor field
loses focus after its value is changed. This event includes the following

* `grid`: The Grid instance in which the edit occurred
* `cell`: The `cell` object to which the edit applied, as reported by the
`grid.cell` method
* `oldValue`: The value before the edit occurred
* `value`: The value after the edit occurred

This event bubbles and is cancelable; if the event is canceled, the modification
will be reverted.

Editors with `editOn` set also emit `dgrid-editor-show` and `dgrid-editor-hide`
events when the editor is shown and hidden, respectively. These events also
include `grid` and `cell` properties and bubble; however, they are not
cancelable. If an editor should not be shown under specific circumstances,
include a `canEdit` function in the column definition.

## Recommendations for the editOn property

If attempting to trigger an editor on focus (to accommodate keyboard and mouse),
it is highly recommended to use dgrid's custom event, `dgrid-cellfocusin`
instead of `focus`, to avoid confusion of events. Note that this requires also
mixing the Keyboard module into the Grid constructor.

If touch input is a concern for activating editors, the easiest solution is to
use the `click` event, which browsers on touch devices tend to normalize to fire
on taps as well. If a different event is desired for desktop browsers, it is
possible to do something like the following:

["dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/editor", "dojo/has" /*, ... */],
function(OnDemandGrid, editor, has /*, ... */){
var columns = [
/* ... more columns here ... */
editor({ name: "name", label: "Editable Name" }, "text",
has("touch") ? "click" : "dblclick")
/* ... create grid here ... */

There are also a couple of useful simple gesture implementations available in
the `util/touch` module, namely `tap` and `dbltap`.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions doc/components/column-plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# selector

Used in conjunction with the [Selection](../mixins/ mixin, the selector plugin dedicates
a column to the purpose of rendering a selector component, providing alternate
means for selecting and deselecting rows in a grid.

"dojo/_base/declare", "dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/Selection", "dgrid/selector"
], function(declare, OnDemandGrid, Selection, selector){
var grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection]))({
store: myStore,
selectionMode: "single",
columns: {
col1: selector({ label: "Select", selectorType: "radio" }),
col2: "Column 2"
}, "grid");
// ...

## Usage

A selector column can be used to allow selection even in a grid where
`selectionMode` is set to `none`, in which case the controls in the selector
column will be the only means by which a user may select or deselect rows.

## Additional Column Definition Properties

The selector plugin supports the following additional column definition properties.

Property | Description
-------- | -----------
`disabled(item)` | A function which, provided the item for a particular row, should return `true` if the selector control should be disabled for that row. Returning `true` will also prevent the row in question from being directly selected via the [Selection](../mixins/ mixin.
`selectorType` | Specifies the type of selector component to use. Defaults to `"checkbox"`, but `"radio"` may also be specified, as a more appropriate choice for grids in single-selection mode.

Alternatively, `selectorType` may be specified as the second argument to the
`selector` function instead of including it within the column definition.
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions doc/components/column-plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# tree

The tree plugin enables expansion of rows to display children.

"dojo/_base/declare", "dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/tree", "dgrid/Keyboard", "dgrid/Selection"
], function(declare, OnDemandGrid, tree, Keyboard, Selection){
var treeGrid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Keyboard, Selection]))({
store: myStore,
columns: [
tree({ label: "Name", field: "name" }),
{ label:"Type", field: "type", sortable: false},
{ label:"Population", field: "population" },
{ label:"Timezone", field: "timezone" }
}, "treeGrid");

## Store Considerations

The tree plugin expects to operate on a store-backed grid, such as an
[OnDemandGrid](../core-components/ or a grid with the [Pagination](../extensions/
extension mixed in.

The store connected to the grid is expected to provide a `getChildren(object, options)`
method to return the children for a given item. Note that for best results,
`getChildren` should return results with an `observe` function as well
(like `query`), so that changes to children can also be reflected as they occur.

When calling `getChildren`, dgrid will include an `originalQuery` property in
the `options` argument, containing the value from the grid's `query` property.
This allows `getChildren` implementations to perform the same filtering on
child levels if desired.

The following is a simple example of what a `getChildren` implementation could
look like in an extension to `dojo/store/Memory`, where hierarchy is indicated
by a `parent` property on child items:

getChildren: function(parent, options){
// Support persisting the original query via options.originalQuery
// so that child levels will filter the same way as the root level
return this.query(
lang.mixin({}, options && options.originalQuery || null,
{ parent: }),

The store may also (optionally) provide a `mayHaveChildren(object)` method which
returns a boolean indicating whether or not the row can be expanded. If this
is not provided, all items will be rendered with expand icons.

## Additional Column Definition Properties

The tree plugin supports the following additional column definition properties.

Property | Description
-------- | -----------
`shouldExpand(row, level, previouslyExpanded)` | an optional function which returns a boolean indicating whether the given row should be expanded when rendered. The default implementation simply returns the value of `previouslyExpanded`, which denotes whether the row in question was previously expanded before being re-rendered.
`renderExpando()` | an optional function which can be overridden to customize the logic for rendering the expando icon beside each tree cell's content.
`indentWidth` | the number of pixels to indent each nested level of children; the default is `9`.
`collapseOnRefresh` | a boolean indicating whether to collapse all parents (essentially "forgetting" expanded state) whenever the grid is refreshed; the default is `false`.
`allowDuplicates` | If this is set to `true`, a single object (and single id) can be used in multiple places in a tree structure. However, enabling this means that `grid.row(id)` will only return top-level objects (since it can't disambiguate other levels). The default is `false`.

## Additional Grid APIs

When the tree plugin is applied to a column in a grid, the grid is augmented with
the following method.

Method | Description
------ | -----------
`expand(row, expand)` | Expands or collapses the row indicated by the given Row object (from `grid.row(target)`) or a `dgrid-row` element. The optional `expand` argument specifies whether the row should be expanded (`true`) or collapsed (`false`); if unspecified, the method toggles the current expanded state of the row. Returns a promise which resolves after data for the children has been retrieved.

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