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go-skycli - Skygear Command Line Interface

go-skycli was the old skycli, which is obsoleted since we wish to have a new skycli which solely focus in deplyoing Cloud Functions.

If you wish to keep using it for DB schema management, you can still use the binary in this repo. The go get command described below would not works. Plesae use the binary from github if you're not sure

Original introduction

Skygear provides a default command-line interface skycli to interact with Skygear's handlers and PostgreSQL backend to facilitate application development and some common administration works.

Getting started

To install skycli:

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ go get -u

Then configure the API key of your Skygear app so that it can call Skygear's handler:


Let's verify it is working by getting a non-existed record:

$ skycli record get note/id _id
Error: record not found

API key can also be overridden on a per command basis by supplying the api_key flag:

$ skycli --api_key ANOTHER_API_KEY record get note/id _id
Error: record not found

::: tips

Tips: Global options like API key, access token and endpoint address should be persisted on a project-by-project basis (e.g. on ./.skycli/config) so that CLI user doesn't have to configure it on every new shell.


Manage Database Schema

schema sub-commands help to add, rename and delete record fields -- the kind of schema operations that cannot be achieved via regular record handlers.

schema sub-commands are provided as a convenient tool for simple schema operations and do not intended to be a full-featured database migration tool. If you need more sophisticated amendments on the database, remember you have full access to the underlying PostgreSQL db, you should feel free to write db script or use whatever tools like psql to fulfill your needs. Refer to database structure guide for more information on our internal table definitions.

Managing record schema requires Skygear Server to be placed in development mode or using a master key.

Fetch schema


skycli schema fetch fetches the record schema from the server.


$ skycli schema fetch


$ skycli schema fetch
  "user": {
    "fields": [
      { "name": "firstname", "type": "string" }

Add new column


skycli schema add adds a new column to a record type.


$ skycli schema add <record_type> <column_name> <column_def>

column_def means the type of field you wanted to create. The permitted values are:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • json
  • location
  • datetime
  • asset
  • ref(record_type), where record_type is an existing record type


$ skycli schema add user lastname string
$ skycli schema fetch
  "user": {
    "fields": [
      { "name": "firstname", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "lastname", "type": "string" }

Rename existing column


skycli schema move renames an existing column to another name.


$ skycli schema move <record_type> <column_name> <new_column_name>


$ skycli schema move user lastname othername
$ skycli schema fetch
  "user": {
    "fields": [
      { "name": "firstname", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "othername", "type": "string" }

Remove existing column


skycli schema remove removes an existing column.


$ skycli schema remove <record_type> <column_name>


$ skycli schema remove user othername
$ skycli schema fetch
  "user": {
    "fields": [
      { "name": "firstname", "type": "string" }

Manage Skygear Records



skycli record import imports record data from JSON file.

When importing records, each record found in the file is saved to the database. If the record to be saved already exists in the database, each field in the record to be saved will overwrite the respective field in the existing record.

Existing records and existing fields are not removed before the import operation. Therefore, records and fields that exist in the database but not in the file will remain in place.


skycli record import [options] [<path> ...]

Records data stored in <path> will be imported.
If <path> is a directory, all files in the directory with .json extension are imported.
If <path> is not specified, skycli will import from stdin.

For the file format of imported files, see [File format](#File format)

Use skycli record import --help to view a list of available options.

File Format

Each JSON file/stdin follows the concatenated JSON format, where each record is represented by one JSON object.



{ "_id": "student/44ea2a9c-ee15-447a-a758-430210be7fa4", "name": "Alice", "age": 10}
{ "_id": "city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb", "name": "Hong Kong", "image": "@file:images/hongkong.jpg" }
    "_id"       : "country/8b799ecd-e243-44e1-aa14-a736121defe1",
    "name"      : "Japan",
    "location"  : "@loc:3.14,2.15"

Each record is represented by a single JSON dictionary. The key _id is mandatory for every record, any other key that starts with underscore _ is reserved by Skygear Server and should not be used.

Complex Value

Skycli supports a simpler format of complex values. For each value using this format, skycli will prompt the user for confirmation. Unconverted complex value will be stored literally as its simpler form. Use the flag --no-warn-complex to skip the prompt and convert automatically.

Skycli currently support the following complex values:

location      @loc:<lat>,<lng>
reference     @ref:<referenced_id>
string        @str:<literal>

See Protocol Data Type for more complex value supported by Skygear.

Handling assets

For the field with value @file:<relative_path>, the corresponding asset file will be uploaded. When returning the field value from server to skycli, the field will be replaced as @asset:<asset_id> to indicate an uploaded asset.

By default, the location of the asset file is relative to the imported JSON file. If --basedir is set, Skycli will find the asset file relative to --basedir.


$ skycli record import
{ "_id": "student/bed763f3-071f-4d87-91fb-dccb22099162", "name": "Alice", "age": 10}
{ "_id": "city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb", "name": "Hong Kong", "image": "@file:images/hongkong.jpg" }
    "_id"       : "country/805b13a2-22c2-4785-87bf-5a179413f0e8",
    "name"      : "Japan",
    "location"  : "@loc:3.14,2.15"
Found complex value @loc:3.14,2.15. Convert? (y or n) y
Files or Directories:
$ skycli record import city.json records --skip-asset
Found complex value @loc:3.14,2.15. Convert? (y or n) y



skycli record query query records from Skygear.

All records with the specified record type will be fetched.

The result will be printed to stdout. If -o is specified, then the result will be stored with the given filename.

Each record will be printed as a JSON object delimited by a newline character. If --pretty-print is specified, then each record will be printed with proper indentation, otherwise each record will be printed in a single line.

For downloading assets, please see skycli record get


skycli record query [options] <record_type>

Use skycli record query --help to view a list of available options.


Record ID:
$ skycli record query city --pretty-print
    "_id": "city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb",
    "name": "hongkong"
    "_id": "city/f6890365-cca6-440d-a813-e2ace6662301",
    "country": "USA"
Record Type:
$ skycli record query country -o country.json --basedir=image
$ cat country.json
{"_id": "country/805b13a2-22c2-4785-87bf-5a179413f0e8", "image":"@file:image/someassetid-japan.jpg"}
{"_id": "country/720f5c7d-ac0b-46b3-88ae-969ae7ec37ea", "name": "United Kingdom"}
$ ls image



skycli record delete delete records from Skygear.


skycli record delete [options] <record_id> [<record_id> ...]

Record with ID <record_id> will be deleted from Skygear.

Use skycli record delete --help to view a list of available options.


$ skycli record delete city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb



skycli record set set attributes of a record.

For each key-value pair in the command, the corresponding attributes of the record will be replaced by the provided value. The other existing attributes of the record will remain unchanged.

If the required record does not exist, it will be created with given attributes.


skycli record set [options] <record_id> <key>=<value> [<key>=<value> ...]

For record with ID <record_id>, its attribute <key> will be replaced by <value>.

Use skycli record set --help to view a list of available options.


$ skycli record set city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb name="Hong Kong"



skycli record get fetch records from Skygear.

The result will be printed to stdout. If -o is specified, then the result will be stored with the given filename.

For each record with field containing @asset:<assetID>, the corresponding asset will be downloaded. The file will be stored at the working directory, unless --basedir is specified.


skycli record get [options] <record_id> [<record_id> ...]

Record with ID <record_id> will be fetched from Skygear.

Use skycli record get --help to view a list of available options.


$ skycli record get city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb student/bed763f3-071f-4d87-91fb-dccb22099162
{ "_id": "city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb", "name": "Hong Kong" }
{ "_id": "student/bed763f3-071f-4d87-91fb-dccb22099162", "name": "Alice", "age": 10}
Files and Base Directories:
$ skycli record get -o out.json --basedir=file --pretty-print
$ ls file
$ cat out.json
    "_id": "city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb",
    "name": "Hong Kong",
    "image": "@file:tmp/someassetid-hongkong.jpg"

Get attribute


skycli record getattr gets the value of an attribute of a record.

The value of the attribute will be printed to stdout.

If the attribute is @asset:<assetID>, the corresponding asset will be downloaded. The file will be stored at the working directory, unless --basedir is specified.


skycli record getattr [options] <record_id> <key>

The attribute <key> of the record with ID <record_id> will be fetched from Skygear.

Use skycli record getattr --help to view a list of available options.


Normal value:
$ skycli record getattr student/bed763f3-071f-4d87-91fb-dccb22099162 name
$ skycli record getattr city/f8cf1947-68ec-4fb0-9216-dc32ef92ddeb image --basedir=file
$ ls file



skycli record edit fetches a record from Skygear, ask user to edit it, and re-upload the record.

The record will be fetched, then an editor program will be opened including the record. After the editor is closed, the modified record will be uploaded.

If only the record type is specified, a new record with new ID will be created.

Note that removing an attribute in the editor WILL NOT remove the corresponding attribute in Skygear. The attribute will remain unchanged with the original value.

For uploading and downloading assets, please see skycli record import and skycli record export


skycli record edit [options] (<record_id>|<record_type>)

Use skycli record edit --help to view a list of available options.


Record ID:
$ skycli record edit student/bed763f3-071f-4d87-91fb-dccb22099162
    "_id": "student/bed763f3-071f-4d87-91fb-dccb22099162",
    "name": "Alice"
Record Type:
$ skycli record edit student
    "_id": "city/0123456",