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How To:
1) Start by adding a parent preset by pressing the "Base Parent" button
  - If you don't, it will default to the initial vital preset

2) Then add the other parent presets and set their expression (how much they will be expressed in the child presets)
  - All expressions will be scaled from 0 - 100 when generating, so all expression values are relative to the sum of each other

3) Set your Offspring count and Cross Probability
  - You can go above 10 offspring by manually typing the value you want
  - Cross probability controls the chance of values of the base parent being changed
  - Set cross probability to 100% if you don't want the base preset to be expressed

4) Set your output path
  - By default is "OUTPUT\" which outputs to the "OUTPUT" folder in Vinetics' directory

5) Generate and see the results
  - Child presets will be located in the output path designated before generated
  - This is also logged to the inbuilt pseudo-console which also contains errors and percent compositions of each child


Genetics for vital






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