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SmartJSONEditor edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

Why there is no JSON Text editor view in app?

Swift JSON Editor is not a json text editor, if you need to edit json text please use other plain text editors. Application in its purpose uses more extended JSON format and not text format. You can open .json text files and use all advanced features, however they will be lost when you save and close your document as .json files do not preserve extended information by its definition.

Always use Project format .sje to preserve all information such value transformers or smart objects. You can easily import several .json files into project or export them back to plain .json text files if needed.

Why "Smart" JSON Editor

Smart JSON Editor is a successor of popular Cocoa JSON Editor. As Cocoa JSON Editor the name "Cocoa" means that was written using Apple Cocoa Framework, as one of the first Apple AppStore JSON handling apps. Smart JSON Editor takes name from Apple Swift Programming language as is completely written using Swift programming language.

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