Sender: LSF System Subject: Job 558952: <#BSUB -q scarf-lexicon-2;#BSUB -n 16;#BSUB -W 24:00;#BSUB -o %J.log;#BSUB -e %J.err; export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8;export MP_TASK_AFFINITY=core:$OMP_NUM_THREADS; module load intel/14.0;module load gcc/6.2.0;module load numpy/1.10.4;export PATH=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/anaconda2/bin:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/openmpi-1.10.2/bin:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/bin:${PATH};export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/openmpi-1.10.2/lib:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH};export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16; export HDF5_DOCDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/doc;export HDF5_INCDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/include;export HDF5_INCLUDEDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/include;export HDF5_LIBDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/lib; export PYTHONHOME=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/Python-2.7.12; DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"; mpirun ~/SMILEI-reinstall/smilei-novafix/smilei $DIR/> in cluster Done Job <#BSUB -q scarf-lexicon-2;#BSUB -n 16;#BSUB -W 24:00;#BSUB -o %J.log;#BSUB -e %J.err; export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8;export MP_TASK_AFFINITY=core:$OMP_NUM_THREADS; module load intel/14.0;module load gcc/6.2.0;module load numpy/1.10.4;export PATH=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/anaconda2/bin:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/openmpi-1.10.2/bin:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/bin:${PATH};export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/openmpi-1.10.2/lib:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH};export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16; export HDF5_DOCDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/doc;export HDF5_INCDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/include;export HDF5_INCLUDEDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/include;export HDF5_LIBDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/lib; export PYTHONHOME=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/Python-2.7.12; DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"; mpirun ~/SMILEI-reinstall/smilei-novafix/smilei $DIR/> was submitted from host by user in cluster at Fri Jul 7 16:20:20 2017. Job was executed on host(s) <8*>, in queue , as user in cluster at Fri Jul 7 16:20:21 2017. <8*> was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Fri Jul 7 16:20:21 2017. Terminated at Fri Jul 7 17:36:47 2017. Results reported at Fri Jul 7 17:36:47 2017. Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input #BSUB -q scarf-lexicon-2 #BSUB -n 16 #BSUB -W 24:00 #BSUB -o %J.log #BSUB -e %J.err export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 export MP_TASK_AFFINITY=core:$OMP_NUM_THREADS module load intel/14.0 module load gcc/6.2.0 module load numpy/1.10.4 export PATH=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/anaconda2/bin:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/openmpi-1.10.2/bin:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/bin:${PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/openmpi-1.10.2/lib:/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16 export HDF5_DOCDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/doc export HDF5_INCDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/include export HDF5_INCLUDEDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/include export HDF5_LIBDIR=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/hdf5-1.8.16/lib export PYTHONHOME=/home/clfg/scarf176/SMILEI-reinstall/Python-2.7.12 DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" mpirun ~/SMILEI-reinstall/smilei-novafix/smilei $DIR/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully completed. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 71701.00 sec. Max Memory : 627.12 MB Average Memory : 582.15 MB Total Requested Memory : - Delta Memory : - Max Swap : 273145 MB Max Processes : 21 Max Threads : 151 Run time : 4592 sec. Turnaround time : 4587 sec. The output (if any) follows: _ _ ___ _ | | _ \ \ Version : ??-?? / __| _ __ (_) | | ___ (_) | | \__ \ | ' \ _ | | / -_) _ | | |___/ |_|_|_| |_| |_| \___| |_| | | /_/ Reading the simulation parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HDF5 version 1.8.16 Python version 2.7.11 Parsing Parsing ??-?? Parsing Parsing /home/clfg/scarf176/jholloway/SMILEI/newversionruns/novabug-AUTHORPATCH/1ns-cladcolion/ Parsing Calling python _smilei_check Geometry: 2d3v -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (nDim_particle, nDim_field) : (2, 2) Interpolation_order : 2 (res_time, sim_time) : (7.443229, 26870.057685) (n_time, timestep) : (200000, 0.134350) timestep = 0.950000 * CFL dimension 0 - (res_space, sim_length) : (5.000000, 32.000000) - (n_space_global, cell_length) : (160, 0.200000) dimension 1 - (res_space, sim_length) : (5.000000, 32.000000) - (n_space_global, cell_length) : (160, 0.200000) Initializing MPI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of MPI process : 16 Number of patches : dimension 0 - number_of_patches : 16 dimension 1 - number_of_patches : 16 Patch size : dimension 0 - n_space : 10 cells. dimension 1 - n_space : 10 cells. Dynamic load balancing frequency: every 0 iterations. OpenMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of thread per MPI process : 8 Initializing the restart environment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initializing moving window -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initializing particles & fields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating Species : Laser parameters : Parameters for collisions #0 : Collisions between species (0 3) and (2) Coulomb logarithm: 0.000000 Debug every 2000 timesteps Collisional ionization with atomic number 1 Adding particle walls: Nothing to do Initializing Patches -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First patch created Approximately 10% of patches created Approximately 20% of patches created Approximately 30% of patches created Approximately 40% of patches created Approximately 50% of patches created Approximately 60% of patches created Approximately 70% of patches created Approximately 80% of patches created Approximately 90% of patches created All patches created Species 0 (elecCore) created with 344 particles Species 1 (ionCore) created with 344 particles Species 2 (hydrogen) created with 50856 particles Species 3 (ionisede) created with 0 particles Initializing Diagnostics, antennas, and external fields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diagnostic Fields #0 : Ex Ey Rho_elecCore Rho_ionCore Done initializing diagnostics Solving Poisson at time t = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poisson solver converged at iteration: 169, relative err is ctrl = 0.909072 x 1e-14 Poisson equation solved. Maximum err = 0.000000 at i= -1 Time in Poisson : 0.070151 Applying external fields at time t = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initializing diagnostics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running diags at time t = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleaning up python runtime environement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking for cleanup() function: python cleanup function does not exists Calling python _keep_python_running() : Closing Python Memory consumption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Master) Species part = 0 MB Global Species part = 0.002 GB Max Species part = 0 MB (Master) Fields part = 0 MB Global Fields part = 0.006 GB Max Fields part = 0 MB Time-Loop started: number of time-steps n_time = 200000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- timestep sim time cpu time [s] ( diff [s] ) 20000/200000 2.6871e+03 1.9405e+02 ( 1.9405e+02 ) 40000/200000 5.3741e+03 4.1223e+02 ( 2.1818e+02 ) 60000/200000 8.0611e+03 6.2574e+02 ( 2.1351e+02 ) 80000/200000 1.0748e+04 8.5955e+02 ( 2.3381e+02 ) 100000/200000 1.3435e+04 1.1353e+03 ( 2.7580e+02 ) 120000/200000 1.6122e+04 1.4465e+03 ( 3.1117e+02 ) 140000/200000 1.8809e+04 1.8129e+03 ( 3.6636e+02 ) 160000/200000 2.1496e+04 2.4304e+03 ( 6.1752e+02 ) 180000/200000 2.4183e+04 3.4249e+03 ( 9.9448e+02 ) 200000/200000 2.6870e+04 4.5804e+03 ( 1.1555e+03 ) End time loop, time dual = 26870.125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time profiling : (print time > 0.001%) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time in time loop : 4580.390 88.658% coverage Particles 102.894 2.246% Maxwell 16.218 <1% Diagnostics 148.646 3.245% Densities 2.854 <1% Collisions 183.900 4.015% Mov window 5.655 <1% Sync Particles 921.600 20.121% Sync Fields 596.364 13.020% Sync Densities 2062.287 45.024% Printed times are averaged per MPI process See advanced metrics in profil.txt END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: Read file <558952.err> for stderr output of this job.