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Snapbrillia Quadratic Voting Project

This branch introduces a Nix build system for the project. 'So what?' I hear you say...

This means:

  • No more faffing around with cloning plutus-apps and/or setting up links to its dist-newstyle directory etc.
  • No need to explicitly clone the plutonomy repo and set it up
  • Support for VSCode (i.e. code completion and all that stuff). (This does NOT use the devcontainer. I haven't got that working yet. Not sure it's a priority given we can use Vscode without it).
  • Most importantly it provides a 'reproduceable' build. i.e. the build should be the 'same' on everyone's machine.
  • It provides the basis for setting up pipeline builds on github

The build system implements a Nix flake.

Flakes are the unit for packaging Nix code in a reproducible and discoverable way. They can have dependencies on other flakes, making it possible to have multi-repository Nix projects.

Setting up


The multi-user Nix installation is recommended. This can be performed as follows:

$ sh <(curl -L --daemon

This will install the Nix cache under /nix. You will need approximately 100Gb free storage on the partition on which /nix is mounted.

After installation copy the following to /etc/nix/nix.conf

build-users-group   = nixbld
max-jobs            = auto # maybe only for personal machines
substituters        =
trusted-public-keys =
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
allow-import-from-derivation = true

Then restart the nix daemon:

sudo systemctl restart nix-daemon

Clone this repo and/or checkout this branch.

You may prefer to play with the support this branch provides with out interfering (too much) with your current development environment. If so clone quadraticvoting into a new location (recommended).

$ mkdir -p ~/tmp/repos
$ cd ~/tmp/repos
$ git clone
$ cd quadraticvoting
$ git checkout feature/chained-stateful-scripts-nix

Or you could just checkout this branch in your current quadraticvoting directory.

$ git pull
$ git checkout feature/chained-stateful-scripts-nix


When this build system hits 'main' the repo will become a flake. It supports multiple ways of building the code and setting up a development environment. E.G.

  1. nix build .

The default flake build:

$ cd ~/tmp/repos/quadraticvoting
$ nix build . -o qvf-cli-dynamic

This is the default 'flake' build. It builds 'qvf-cli' as a dynamic executable. It creates a symlink 'qvf-cli-dynamic' to the nix store directory that contains the executable. i.e.

$ ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 andy andy    71 Aug 18 22:20 qvf-cli-dynamic -> /nix/store/w84h3k9iiq461bw35j2hfg1r9vvs1r9m-qvf-cli-exe-qvf-cli-

We can see the executable is dynamic

$ ldd qvf-cli-dynamic/bin/qvf-cli (0x00007ffc96cee000) => /nix/store/p6vws9zzv997asjmrnyc33v9xiw5pjyr-xz-5.2.5/lib/ (0x00007f049faeb000) => /nix/store/k56d9sk88pvrqhvwpa6msdf8gpwnimf6-glibc-2.34-210/lib/ (0x00007f049fae6000) => /nix/store/hcdak2r7n3g850iw1hmhiasi0nzchdw8-zlib-1.2.12/lib/ (0x00007f049fac8000) => /nix/store/p9nmjgz8kzx87qjxka7g29j6qya752np-ncurses-6.3-p20220507/lib/ (0x00007f049fa51000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x00007f049f9f1000) => /nix/store/z2kzn2kj4wkz3rl1207r4rqyi4ar936j-gmp-with-cxx-6.2.1/lib/ (0x00007f049f950000) => /nix/store/k56d9sk88pvrqhvwpa6msdf8gpwnimf6-glibc-2.34-210/lib/ (0x00007f049f752000) => /nix/store/k56d9sk88pvrqhvwpa6msdf8gpwnimf6-glibc-2.34-210/lib/ (0x00007f049f679000) => /nix/store/k56d9sk88pvrqhvwpa6msdf8gpwnimf6-glibc-2.34-210/lib/ (0x00007f049f674000) => /nix/store/k56d9sk88pvrqhvwpa6msdf8gpwnimf6-glibc-2.34-210/lib/ (0x00007f049f66d000) => /nix/store/a6n90jvgz1sbr6982f6pzqs7y95x32b2-libffi-3.4.2/lib/ (0x00007f049f660000) => /nix/store/8pc3bcwhgz4aldkmpysqjblkcl4arq0w-numactl-2.0.14/lib/ (0x00007f049f651000)
	/nix/store/k56d9sk88pvrqhvwpa6msdf8gpwnimf6-glibc-2.34-210/lib/ => /nix/store/k56d9sk88pvrqhvwpa6msdf8gpwnimf6-glibc-2.34-210/lib64/ (0x00007f049fb17000)
  1. nix-build
$ cd ~/tmp/repos/quadraticvoting
$ nix-build

This is equivalent to the previous command, except it creates the default symlink 'result' to the store.

  1. cabal build all

If you have already established the Nix environment for the project then 'qvf-cli' can be built using 'raw' cabal. This will be quickest.

$ cd ~/src/quadraticvoting
$ nix-shell
$ cabal build all
nix/store/ql8kpz74mxgcml09qpyaa607y5phwnvx-cabal-install-exe-cabal- --project-file=/home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/.nix-shell-cabal.project build all
Warning: No remote package servers have been specified. Usually you would have
one specified in the config file.
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.10.7 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - quadraticVoting- (lib) (configuration changed)
 - qvf-cli- (exe:qvf-cli) (configuration changed)
Configuring library for quadraticVoting-
Preprocessing library for quadraticVoting-
Building library for quadraticVoting-
[1 of 3] Compiling Token            ( src/Token.hs, /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/quadraticVoting-, /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/quadraticVoting- )
[2 of 3] Compiling Utils            ( src/Utils.hs, /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/quadraticVoting-, /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/quadraticVoting- )
[3 of 3] Compiling OnChain          ( src/OnChain.hs, /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/quadraticVoting-, /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/quadraticVoting- )
Configuring executable 'qvf-cli' for qvf-cli-
Preprocessing executable 'qvf-cli' for qvf-cli-
Building executable 'qvf-cli' for qvf-cli-
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( app/CLI.hs, /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/qvf-cli- )
Linking /home/andy/src/quadraticvoting/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/qvf-cli- ...
  1. nix develop .

The build system supports 'nix develop'. This can be used instead of 'nix-shell' in the example above. Currently it provides no additional functionality. But in future we may want to extend its functionality to provide support for testing.

  1. Building a static executable.

We can produce a fully static executable as follows:

$ cd ~/src/quadraticvoting
$ nix build .#qvf-cli-static.x86_64-linux -o qvf-cli-static
$ ldd qvf-cli-static/bin/qvf-cli 
$	not a dynamic executable
  1. AWS SAM

We can use 'AWS SAM' to build, run and deploy AWS Lambda Functions. There is an example lambda function under quadraticvoting/qvf-generate-scripts. There are 3 SAM templates:

The latter 2 examples are deprecated because they are not guaranteed to be built in the correct environment (i.e. Amazon Linux).

qvf-generate-scripts.yaml is built via a docker image based on the latest Fedora image (the same a Amazon Linux). Unfortunately 'sam build' and an underlying docker build do not play together well - because 'sam build' uses a chroot environment. So there is a custom build script - This has some prerequisites:

  1. Docker - see
  2. yq - see
  3. jq - sudo apt-get install -y jq

The script is invoked as follows:

$ ./ qvf-generate-scripts.yaml

Once this has been successfully executed the function can can be invoked as follows:

$ sam local invoke QvfGenerateScriptsFunction  -e qvf-generate-scripts/events/qvf-gen-scripts.json [--debug]

To build the deprecated static example:

$ sam build -t qvf-generate-scripts-static.yaml

To invoke the lambda locally:

$ sam local invoke QvfGenerateScriptsStaticFunction  -e qvf-generate-scripts/events/qvf-gen-scripts.json [--debug]

Editor Support

Editor and IDE support for Haskell is provided by the haskell-language-server project. The build system ensures that the Nix environment contains an appropriately compiled version of 'haskell-language-server' and a version of 'haskell-language-server-wrapper'. This means VSCode, Emacs, Vim etc. can be made Haskell-aware and thus increase productivity.


The project provides default support for VSCode via 'vscode/settings.json'. This uses the Nix Environment Selector plugin. Follow instuctions below to make VSCode haskell-aware.

  1. Install VSCode from here
  2. Start VSCode and add the following extensions:
  • Haskell (id: haskell.haskell)
  • Haskell Syntax Highlighting (id: justusadam.language-haskell)
  1. Exit VSCode.

To ensure that VSCode runs the correct version of haskell-language-server (which provides code awareness):

  1. cd .../quadraticvoting
  2. nix develop
  3. vscode . &


Configuration instructions for vim are here. The following worked for me :-) :

  1. Install nodejs
$ curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  1. Install vim-plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
  1. Add coc.nvim plugin to .vimrc

Add the following to ~/.vimrc

call plug#begin()

" Use release branch (recommend)
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

call plug#end()
  1. Install coc.nvim plugin
  • invoke vim
  • type ':PlugInstall' and wait for it to complete.
  • type ':q'
  1. Add support for Haskell

Add the following to ~/.vim/coc-settings.json

  "languageserver": {
    "haskell": {
      "command": "haskell-language-server-wrapper",
      "args": ["--lsp"],
      "rootPatterns": ["*.cabal", "stack.yaml", "cabal.project", "package.yaml", "hie.yaml"],
      "filetypes": ["haskell", "lhaskell"]

Now when you edit a haskell file using vim inside the project's nix environment (set up via 'nix-shell' or 'nix develop') you should see vim interacting with the 'haskell-language-server'. You will see a notification indicating that the 'haskell-language-server' is processing the project's Haskell files.

However, I didn't see any context sensitive info. OTOH I am not a vim user, so it's possible there's something else required. Please update the README if you discover what it is :-)