The Solar Forecast Arbiter dashboard if the Flask based web front-end to the Solar Forecast Arbiter Framework.
Installing the dashboard in development mode can be achieved using pip with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install -e .
The Solar Forecast Arbiter dashboard relies on the Solar Forecast Arbiter API. Starting an instance of the API locally at port 5000 is necessary to use the dashboard's local development instance.
Required Environment Variables
: These environment variables tell the dashboard which AUTH0 application to use for authentication.
Running the dashboard
Start the dashboard with the following command:
FLASK_APP='sfa_dash:create_app("sfa_dash.config.LocalConfig"' flask run -p 8080
Open http://localhost:8080/ in a browser to view the dashboard.
The Solar Forecat Arbiter Dashboard utilizes the following open source projects.
- Flask
- Flask SeaSurf
- Flask Dance
- Flask SQLAlchemy
- Bokeh
- Gunicorn
- Gevent
- SQLAlchemy
- Requests
- Python-JOSE
- Blinker
- Cryptography
- PyTables
- Pandas
Authenication services for the Solar Forecast Arbiter by provided by Auth0
Centralized error reporting for the Solar Forecast Arbiter framework is provided by Sentry.