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Launching the App

  1. Move to the metromaps directory, i.e. cd metromaps
  2. Do npm install
  3. Start the application with npm start

Prettier Setup

  1. Install Prettier - Code formatter on VSCode.

    • Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl + P on Windows or Cmd + P on macOS)
    • Run ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode
  2. Open Preferences > Settings (Ctrl + , on Windows or Cmd + , on macOS)

    • Search for editor.defaultFormatter and set it to Prettier - Code Formatter or "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
    • Search for editor.formatOnSave and tick the box or set it to true
    • Search for prettier.requireConfig and tick the box or set it to true to use project-specific Prettier configuration (.prettierrc file)