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File metadata and controls

68 lines (44 loc) · 1.73 KB

Capturing a sequence of responses

You may want capture the same request multiple times. You may to do this because the response served changes. An example of this could include a response that returns the time.

To record a sequence of duplicate requests, we need to enable stateful recording in capture mode.

hoverctl mode capture --stateful

Now that we have enabled stateful recording, we can make several capture several duplicate requests.

curl --proxy http://localhost:8500

curl --proxy http://localhost:8500

Once we have finished capturing requests, we can switch Hoverfly back to simulate mode.

hoverctl mode simulate

Now we are in simulate, we can make the same requests again, and we will see the time update each request we make until we reach the end of our recorded sequence.

    "time": "01:59:21 PM",
    "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1528120761743,
    "date": "06-04-2018"
    "time": "01:59:23 PM",
    "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1528120763647,
    "date": "06-04-2018"

If we look at the simulation captured, can see that the requests have the requiresState fields set. a sequence counter.

"requiresState": {
    "sequence:1": "1"

"requiresState": {
    "sequence:1": "2"

We can also see that the first respone has transitionsState` field set.

"transitionsState": {
    "sequence:1": "2"

For a more detailed explaination of how sequences work in hoverfly: see sequences in the keyconcepts section.