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- - - fast.ai-v3, - - -


Fine Grained Classification

- - Follow - Dec 31, 2019 · - - - 1 min read - - - - -
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- Fine Grained Classification -
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Finally you can solve the mystery behind this weird drawing.. through this course.

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juptyer notebook magic

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%reload_ext autoreload
-%autoreload 2
-%matplotlib inline
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this is special directives to jupyter notebook, not python code. -And it is called ‘magics’ (but i think jeremy is magicion)

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  • If somebody changes underlying library code while I’m running this, please reload it automatically
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  • If somebody asks to plot something, then please plot it here in this Jupyter Notebook
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Don’t hesitate to import start~

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Digging into untar_data, path.ls

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Union[pathlib.Path, str]: typed programming language? -> maybe i think disclaim the type beforehand for sure.

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Q. like assert?

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this is some module that fast.ai made because os.listdir(‘path’) is unconvinient.

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Python3 pathlib library!

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