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A distributed crawler to capture screenshots and log the redirection

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   _____                   _   _____  _     _     _
  / ____|                 | | |  __ \| |   (_)   | |
 | (___   __ _ _   _  __ _| |_| |__) | |__  _ ___| |__
  \___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | __|  ___/| '_ \| / __| '_ \
  ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | |_| |    | | | | \__ \ | | | - Crawler
 |_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|\__|_|    |_| |_|_|___/_| |_|
            | |

Welcome to SquatPhish-Crawler. It is part of SquatPhish project to crawler the squatting domains for phishing pages detection.

A distributed crawler to capture screenshots and log the redirection

  • web-based crawling
  • mobile-based-crawling
  • distributed-crawling using shared memory counter
  • add JS tracking
  • auto submitting forms and loggin

Set up


How to Use

Run the demo:

node demo.js

You will get a web version and a mobile version screenshot, their redirections and HTML source in test folder.

The usage can be customized by following function calls in demo.js.

Distributed Crawling 🚀 🚀 🚀

We provide a distributed crawling framework to crawl a large number of URLs.

The idea borrows from Hadoop with MapReduce. We separate the URL list into different chunks (stored under chunk folder), we then apply task dispatch for each sublist with a chunk ID.


The demo provides a step-by-step instruction to crawl FB squatting domains. How to detect squatting domains can be referred to SquatPhish-1

We use the data test/crawl_demo_url_list.txt as an example:

  1. Clean chunks and create data folder:
rm -rf chunks/*
mkdir data
  1. Split the list into chunks: The first argument is the file. The second argument is the number of chunks.
python3 test/crawl_demo_url_list.txt 10
  1. Compile the task dispatch: You could define your PROC_MAX in task_dispatcher.c
## define PROC_MAX 5  //The maximum processes the machine can tolerate
gcc task_dispatcher.c --std=c99
  1. Run jobs with an index range:
./a.out 0 10

You could separate tasks among different servers, e.g.,

server 1 >> ./a.out 0 2
server 2 >> ./a.out 3 4
server 3 >> ./a.out 5 10
  1. Get results in a new data folder


bash test/crawl_demo_url_list.txt 10

Disclaimer and Reference

This is a research prototype, use at your own risk.

If you feel this tool is useful, cite the tool as 🐕 SquatPhish 🐕 is highly appreiciated.


Core contributor: ke tian @ririhedou

Thanks hang hu @0xorz for reproduction testing.

Current version is 0.0.2, updated at June 04 2018


A distributed crawler to capture screenshots and log the redirection







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