A Command Line Interface App with CRUD functioning, incorporating:
- Object Relational Mapping (with ActiveRecord)
- SQL Databases (using sqlite3)
- Object Orientation Models (via Ruby)
- User-Friendly Navigation (with TTY prompts)
thebridge. is a mental health and wellness centered application which acts as a bridge between its Users and various Resources of common psychological disorders, or PsychCategories, by providing them in a manner that is accessible and assuring to their uncertainty of where to begin the path of knowlege and, ultimately, treatment. See 'AboutUs' in the app for more information.
Instructions: Run "ruby app/run.rb" in the terminal to begin the application
- A User has many PsychCategories
- A User has many Resources, through PsychCategory
- A PsychCategory belongs to a User
- A PsychCategory belongs to a Resource
- A Resource has many PsychCategories
- A Resource has many Users, through PsychCategory
- Full Name
- Username (Email Address)
- Password
- Age
- Gender (M or F)
- Location
- Name
- User ID (Foreign Key)
- Resource ID (Foreign Key)
- Type
- Details
- Name
- Resource_ID (Foreign Key)
"." Designates class methods | "#" Designates instance methods
User is greeted with a welcome message upon opening the application
AppCLI.start AppCLI.welcome
User can create an account and provide their information
User can view all user profile information
User can view a randomly-selected affirming message upon successful login
User can view a short paragraph about the creators of "The Bridge." app
User can view list of all PyschCategories, including an "Unknown/Not Sure" option
User can view list of all Resources
User can view (PsychCategory) description
User can view criteria of PsychCategory (return DSM-V API or DSM-V strings)
User can view (PsychCategory-related) articles
User can view therapist infomation specific to selected PsychCategory
User can view (PsychCategory-related) hotline information (from Resources)
User can view all resources pertaining to a specific PsychCategory
User can update user profile information
User can select and view list of preferred PsychCategories specific to oneself
User can delete a PsychCategory from selected list specific to User
Users with existing account can input their username and password
AppCLI.username_login AppCLI.password_login
User can exit the program by typing the letter "x" and pressing "enter" AppCLI.exit
Using a global variable to incorporate throughout a particalular scope and associate User's input to then be used to interact with the Database
Applying the many features of TTY Prompts to the interface of a Command Line
Understanding the importance of Git: working with branches vs. master, merging, pull requests, committing, etc.
Interaction with Git/Github
- Re-evaluated, utilized Google seraches, and created a strategy as not to override our work
Incorporation of Global Variables
- Researched, considered the scope of our object, and implemented its function into our programming
Incorporating Remotely-Sourced Data Retrival (with API) to retrieve PsychCategory material from the DSM-5
Including a questionnare/guide for Users that select "Unkown/Not Sure" as PsychCategory
Implementing Username/Password Validation upon User login
Continuing formatting to enhance User-friendliness and overall aesthetic of interface and of navigation within the app
The User#saved_psych_categories method
The creative code associated using TTY:Prompt