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Terraform for Azure Managed Database MSSQL

Current Version: v3.0.0


Creates an MSSQL Server, Database and Elastic Pools. Examples for using the module can be found in the examples/ folder. Changelog can be found in

Using this module you will be able to create:

User Input Requirement

See inputs and examples for reference.


No requirements.


No providers.


Name Source Version
db git:: v2.0.3
elasticpool git:: v1.0.2
sqlserver git:: v2.0.2


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
account_replication_type (Required) Defines the type of replication to use for this storage account. Valid options are LRS, GRS, RAGRS, ZRS, GZRS and RAGZRS. string "LRS" no
active_directory_administrator_login_username The Active Directory Administrator Login Username. string "" no
active_directory_administrator_object_id The Active Directory Administrator Object ID. string "" no
active_directory_administrator_tenant_id The Active Directory Administrator Tenant ID. string "" no
administrator_login The Administrator Login for the MSSQL Server string "sqlhstsvc" no
administrator_login_password (Required) The Password associated with the administrator_login for the PostgreSQL Server. any n/a yes
connection_policy The connection policy the server will use (Default, Proxy or Redirect) string "Default" no
db_names (Required) The name of the MSSQL database(s). any n/a yes
emails List of email addresses that should recieve the security reports. list(string) [] no
environment The environment used for keyvault access. any n/a yes
ep_names The name of the MSSQL elastic pool(s). any null no
family n/a any null no
firewall_rules Specifies the Start IP Address associated with this Firewall Rule. list(string) [] no
job_agent_credentials username and password for an elastic job agent any null no
kv_enable (Optional) Enable Key Vault for passwords. bool false no
kv_name The keyvault name. string "" no
kv_resource_group_name The keyvault resource group. string "" no
location The Azure Region in which all resources should be provisioned. any n/a yes
mssql_name (Required) The name of the MSSQL instance. This needs to be globally unique. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. any n/a yes
mssql_version The version of the MSSQL Server. string "12.0" no
primary_mi_id n/a any null no
private_endpoints (Optional) Options to enable private endpoint any null no
resource_group_name The resource group in which all resources should be provisioned. any n/a yes
sa_resource_group_name The storageaccountinfo resource group name. string "" no
str_days Short Term Retention Point in Time Restore Configuration. Values has to be between 7 and 35 number 7 no
subnets n/a list [] no
tags n/a map(string)
"environment": "dev"


Name Description
db n/a
elasticpool n/a
sqlserver n/a


Terraform module to deploy a managed MSSQL instance on Azure




Security policy





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