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StefanoAllesina committed Jun 19, 2015
1 parent 95853a9 commit 5b9acd9
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Showing 27 changed files with 559 additions and 696 deletions.
512 changes: 0 additions & 512 deletions .Rhistory

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .Rproj.user/5B9FC3CC/pcs/source-pane.pper
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"activeTab" : 6
"activeTab" : 0
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions .Rproj.user/5B9FC3CC/pcs/windowlayoutstate.pper
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"left" : {
"panelheight" : 1085,
"splitterpos" : 629,
"panelheight" : 1113,
"splitterpos" : 841,
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"windowheight" : 1123
"windowheight" : 1151
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"panelheight" : 1113,
"splitterpos" : 475,
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"windowheight" : 1123
"windowheight" : 1151
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .Rproj.user/5B9FC3CC/pcs/workbench-pane.pper
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"TabSet1" : 2,
"TabSet2" : 0
"TabSet2" : 1
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .Rproj.user/5B9FC3CC/persistent-state
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
build-last-outputs="[{\"output\":\"==> R CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source eyeball\\n\\n\",\"type\":0},{\"output\":\"* installing to library ‘/home/sallesina/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1’\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"* installing *source* package ‘eyeball’ ...\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** R\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** preparing package for lazy loading\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** help\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"*** installing help indices\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** building package indices\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** testing if installed package can be loaded\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"* DONE (eyeball)\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1}]"
build-last-outputs="[{\"output\":\"==> R CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source eyeball\\n\\n\",\"type\":0},{\"output\":\"* installing to library ‘/home/sallesina/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1’\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"* installing *source* package ‘eyeball’ ...\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** R\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** preparing package for lazy loading\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** help\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"*** installing help indices\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** building package indices\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"** testing if installed package can be loaded\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"* DONE (eyeball)\\n\",\"type\":1},{\"output\":\"\",\"type\":1}]"
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions .gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@


2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: eyeball
Version: 0.1
Date: 2015-06-15
Date: 2015-06-19
Title: Approximations for the real part of the leading eigenvalue of large
community matrices.
Description: This package provides a set of functions to: a) Build food webs b)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ export(eye.ellipse.df)
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Empty file removed R/.Rhistory
Empty file.
42 changes: 32 additions & 10 deletions R/eye.approximations.R
@@ -1,6 +1,35 @@
#' Calculates various approximations for the real part of the leading eigenvalue
#' of the community matrix M.
#' It returns the expectation for the real part of the rightmost eigenvalue of M
#' according to May (Nature 1972), Tang et al (Ecology Letters 2014), and
#' Allesina et al. (Nature Communications 2015) derivations.
#' @param M The community matrix. Note that for the Allesina et al. (eyeball) approximation, M should contain (almost) no
#' positive coefficients in the upper triangular part and (almost) no negative coefficients in the lower-triangular
#' part
#' @param calculate_eigenvalues (TRUE by default) calculate the actual eigenvalues of M and return them
#' @return A list composed of:
#' \describe{
#' \item{$M}{The community matrix}
#' \item{$M.eigenvalues}{The eigenvalues of M (if calculate_eigenvalues = TRUE)}
#' \item{$ReL1.observed }{The actual real part of the rightmost eigenvalue of M}
#' \item{$ReL1.May }{The prediction according to May's approximation}
#' \item{$ReL1.TangEtAl}{The prediction according to Tang et al. approximation}
#' \item{$ReL1.eyeball}{The prediction according to the "eyeball" approach in Allesina et al. }
#' \item{$May.stats}{List containing the relevant statistics for computing May's approximation}
#' \item{$TangEtAl.stats}{List containing the relevant statistics for computing the approximation of Tang et al.}
#' \item{$eyeball.stats}{List containing the relevant statistics for computing the eyeball approximation of Allesina et al.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' M <- eye.parameterize.M(eye.foodweb.cascade())
#' eye.approximate.ReL1(M)
#' @export
eye.approximate.ReL1 <- function(M, calculate.eigenvalues = TRUE){
if (calculate.eigenvalues == TRUE){
eye.approximate.ReL1 <- function(M, calculate_eigenvalues = TRUE){
if (calculate_eigenvalues == TRUE){
ev <- eigen(M, only.values = TRUE, symmetric = FALSE)$values
S <- dim(M)[1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,16 +75,9 @@ eye.approximate.ReL1 <- function(M, calculate.eigenvalues = TRUE){
ReL1.observed <- NULL
M.eigenvalues <- NULL
## if desired, calculate the actual ReL1.observed
if (calculate.eigenvalues == TRUE){
if (calculate_eigenvalues == TRUE){
ReL1.observed <- max(Re(ev))
M.eigenvalues <- ev
## Debug
#print(plot(ev, xlim = c(min(Re(ev)), 1 + max(c(ReL1.observed, ReL1.May, ReL1.TangEtAl)))))
#print(abline(v = ReL1.observed, col = "black"))
#print(abline(v = ReL1.May, col = "red"))
#print(abline(v = ReL1.TangEtAl, col = "blue"))
#print(abline(v = ReL1.eyeball, col = "pink"))
## End Debug
return(list(M = M,
M.eigenvalues = M.eigenvalues,
Expand Down
95 changes: 65 additions & 30 deletions R/eye.buildcommunitymatrix.R
@@ -1,32 +1,48 @@
#' @export
#' Builds a community matrix M based on a food web, and a parameterization for the bivariate distribution
#' @param FW A food web object, produced by the method eye.foodweb.cascade or similar
#' @param distribution_pairs A bivariate distribution for the pairs (possibilities are "Normal", "FourCorner", or an empirical distribution, represented by a Nx2 matrix of pairs)
#' @param mux Mean of the negative interaction strengths
#' @param muy Mean of the positive interaction strengths
#' @param sigmax Standard deviation of the negative interaction strengths
#' @param sigmay Standard deviation of the positive interaction strengths
#' @param rhoxy Correlation between the interaction strengths
#' @param mu_diagonal (0 by default) mean of the diagonal elements
#' @param sigma_diagonal (0 by default) standard deviation for the diagonal elements
#' @return The community matrix M
#' @examples
#' M <- eye.parameterize.M(eye.foodweb.cascade())
#' M <- eye.parameterize.M(eye.foodweb.niche(size = 30, connectance = 0.2),
#' distribution_pairs = "FourCorner", mux = -1, muy = 1, sigmax = 2, sigmay = 1, rhoxy = -0.5)
#' @export
eye.parameterize.M <- function(FW,
distribution.pairs = "Normal",
distribution_pairs = "Normal",
mux = -1,
muy = 0.5,
sigmax = 1/4,
sigmay = 1/4,
rhoxy = -2/3,
mu.diagonal = 0,
sigma.diagonal = 0){
S <- FW$S
mu_diagonal = 0,
sigma_diagonal = 0){
S <- FW$size
M <- matrix(0, S, S)
## Get off-diagonal coefficients
NumPairs <- FW$L
if (is.matrix(distribution.pairs) == TRUE){
my.pairs <- eye.pairs.from.empirical(NumPairs = NumPairs,
Empirical.Distribution = distribution.pairs)
if (is.matrix(distribution_pairs) == TRUE){
my.pairs <- eye.pairs.from.empirical(num_pairs = NumPairs,
empirical_distribution = distribution_pairs)
} else {
if (distribution.pairs == "Normal"){
my.pairs <- eye.pairs.from.normal(NumPairs = NumPairs,
if (distribution_pairs == "Normal"){
my.pairs <- eye.pairs.from.normal(num_pairs = NumPairs,
mux = mux,
muy = muy,
sigmax = sigmax,
sigmay = sigmay,
rhoxy = rhoxy)
if (distribution.pairs == "FourCorner"){
my.pairs <- eye.pairs.from.fourcorner(NumPairs = NumPairs,
if (distribution_pairs == "FourCorner"){
my.pairs <- eye.pairs.from.fourcorner(num_pairs = NumPairs,
mux = mux,
muy = muy,
sigmax = sigmax,
Expand All @@ -37,39 +53,58 @@ eye.parameterize.M <- function(FW,
M[FW$links] <- my.pairs[ , 1]
M[FW$links[,2:1]] <- my.pairs[ , 2]
## Optional: set diagonal
diag(M) <- rnorm(S, mean = mu.diagonal, sd = sigma.diagonal)
diag(M) <- rnorm(S, mean = mu_diagonal, sd = sigma_diagonal)

#' Builds a community matrix M based on a food web model, and a parameterization for the bivariate distribution
#' @param foodweb_model A food web model. Possible options are "Random", "Cascade", "Niche" or a file name containing an adjacency matrix
#' @param size The number of species in the foodweb
#' @param connectance The connectance of the food web
#' @param distribution_pairs A bivariate distribution for the pairs (possibilities are "Normal", "FourCorner", or an empirical distribution, represented by a Nx2 matrix of pairs)
#' @param mux Mean of the negative interaction strengths
#' @param muy Mean of the positive interaction strengths
#' @param sigmax Standard deviation of the negative interaction strengths
#' @param sigmay Standard deviation of the positive interaction strengths
#' @param rhoxy Correlation between the interaction strengths
#' @param mu_diagonal (0 by default) mean of the diagonal elements
#' @param sigma_diagonal (0 by default) standard deviation for the diagonal elements
#' @return The community matrix M
#' @examples
#' M <- eye.buildfoodweb.and.parameterize.M(foodweb_model = "Cascade", size = 100, connectance = 0.2,
#' distribution_pairs = "Normal", mux = -1, muy = 1, sigmax = 1, sigmay = 1, rhoxy = -0.2,
#' mu_diagonal = -3, sigma_diagonal = 0)
#' @export
#' @import igraph
#' @import MASS
#' @import ggplot2
eye.buildfoodweb.and.parameterize.M <- function(foodweb.model = "Cascade",
S = 100,
C = 0.1,
distribution.pairs = "Normal",
eye.buildfoodweb.and.parameterize.M <- function(foodweb_model = "Cascade",
size = 100,
connectance = 0.1,
distribution_pairs = "Normal",
mux = -3,
muy = 1.5,
sigmax = 1,
sigmay = 0.75,
rhoxy = -2/3,
mu.diagonal = 0,
sigma.diagonal = 0){
mu_diagonal = 0,
sigma_diagonal = 0){
# if it's a file
if (file.exists(foodweb.model) == TRUE){
FW <- eye.foodweb.file(foodweb.model)
if (file.exists(foodweb_model) == TRUE){
FW <- eye.foodweb.file(foodweb_model)
if (foodweb_model == "Cascade"){
FW <- eye.foodweb.cascade(size, connectance)
if (foodweb.model == "Cascade"){
FW <- eye.foodweb.cascade(S, C)
if (foodweb_model == "Niche"){
FW <- eye.foodweb.niche(size, connectance)
if (foodweb.model == "Niche"){
FW <- eye.foodweb.niche(S, C)
if (foodweb_model == "Random"){
FW <- eye.foodweb.niche(size, connectance)
if (is.null(FW)){
stop("Invalid food web model. Please enter Cascade, Niche, or a file name for the adjacency matrix.")
stop("Invalid food web model. Please enter Random, Cascade, Niche, or a file name for the adjacency matrix.")
M <- eye.parameterize.M(FW, distribution.pairs, mux, muy, sigmax, sigmay, rhoxy, mu.diagonal, sigma.diagonal)
M <- eye.parameterize.M(FW, distribution_pairs, mux, muy, sigmax, sigmay, rhoxy, mu_diagonal, sigma_diagonal)

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