StereoKit is Open Source, so if you have changes or improvements you'd like to add, we'll be happy to integrate it! This document is here to help smooth out the process, and point you in the right direction.
Table of Contents
If you want to add a sample, correct some documentation, or make a guide, it's helpful to know about StereoKit's documentation system! The site (hosted from the /docs folder) is almost entirely generated by the StereoKitDocumenter project! So you probably should never be modifying things in /docs.
StereoKitDocumenter pulls documentation from a few different places when assembling the documentation site:
- Commentdocs from the C# code in /StereoKit
- Samples and Documents from the code in the StereoKitTest project
- Screenshots generated by running StereoKitTest in test mode
For documentation and comments, it is strongly encouraged to limit line length to 80 characters! Lines that are too long become difficult for users to read. This is less of a problem for the final generated docs, but good to adhere to for people spelunking the code. I use the Editor Guidelines VS extension to make this easier for myself.
When writing commentdocs, try to tell the developer something they don't already know when looking at the function signature! Maybe some implementation details, performance implications, potential reasons for failure.
Feel free to use markdown in your commentdocs as well. Be aware of newlines (and the 80 char guideline) when doing this, as newlines tell markdown how to interpret the text.
These are only available in the StereoKitTest project! You can set up samples on their own in /Examples/StereoKitTest/Docs, or as part of an interactive demo, in /Examples/StereoKitTest/Demos. The documenter tool will search comments for a set of :CodeSample:
and :End:
tags that look like this:
:CodeSample: [Class|Class.Method|Class.Property|...] [as many as you want]
/// :CodeSample: Vec3 Vec3.Distance
/// ### Distance between two points
/// Distance does use a Sqrt call, so only use it if you definitely
/// need the actual distance. Otherwise, consider DistanceSq.
Vec3 pointA = new Vec3(3,2,5);
Vec3 pointB = new Vec3(3,2,8);
float distance = Vec3.Distance(pointA, pointB);
/// :End:
can be followed by one or more classes, methods, fields or properties separated by spaces, so they show up as samples in more than one place.
A sample should generally start with a header 3 line: ### Topic
Documents are standalone pages not attached to any particular part of the API. These are great for explaining a concept, making a tutorial, or whatever else! These are also only available in the StereoKitTest project, and mostly reside over here /Examples/StereoKitTest/Guides.
A document uses tags similar to the way :CodeSample:
does. It's good to note that matching samples and documents are appended to each other, so you can exclude parts of the code you don't want in the document. Here's a small example, but check one of the existing documents as a more complete example.
:CodeDoc: [Category] [Sort Index] [Name]
/// :CodeDoc: Guides 5 Drawing
/// # Drawing content with StereoKit
/// ...
using StereoKit;
/// :End:
// doesn't include this in the document
namespace Guides {
/// :CodeDoc: Guides Drawing
/// ...
/// :End:
should always be followed by a category and name, but subsequent :CodeDoc:
s can omit the sort index. Note that right now, categories are only partially implemented. I'd recommend using "Guides", and add an issue if you're interested in the option for a new folder.
A document should generally start with a header line: # Title
If you want to add a screenshot, these are generated via code every major release along with the docs! You should set up your scene in a ITest class, and make a call to Tests.Screenshot
. Then you can refer to this screenshot with markdown like so:
Tests.Screenshot("Drawing_MeshLooksLike.jpg", 600, 400, V.XYZ(0, 0, 0.12f), Vec3.Zero);

The StereoKitTest project does have some tools available in the debug menu behind the user (Print Screenshot Pose
) that can help line up screenshots, and print out code you can use.
If you want to work on features or bugfixes, you'll need to know where to look! See the BUILDING guide for how to compile StereoKit from scratch.
StereoKit Git Repository
| StereoKitC
| StereoKit
| StereoKitCTest
| StereoKitTest
StereoKit is composed of two major components: StereoKitC, which contains the bulk of StereoKit's functionality written in C styled C++, and StereoKit, a C# netstandard2.0 library that provides 1st-class idiomatic C# bindings to the native library, as well as a few high-level features to make developer's lives easier.
When adding a feature, this often means working in two different languages, adding code to both StereoKitC as well as StereoKit!
In addition to these two core projects, there's also two more projects that can be important to know about! StereoKitCTest, a C++ project used for testing StereoKit's C API, and StereoKitTest, a C# project used for testing, documenting, and demoing!
At its core, StereoKit is really just a native C/C++ library. The public interface is pure C, and capable of talking with many different languages. While StereoKit only provides one official binding for C#, StereoKit is still designed to be 100% usable from the native level, for any future bindings or existing 3rd party bindings.
Most bugs should be fixable just by working with this project. There are occasionally issues that can arise when marshalling data up to the C# layer, but these are less common.
This C# project should mostly be about making the best C# bindings possible to StereoKitC! This can mean a reasonable chunk of code sometimes, and occasionally adding a few things to take advantage of code features that C/C++ can't even dream of. But for the most part, this is just idiomatic wrappers, and extensive commentdocs.
There is a StereoKit.Framework namespace that allows for some room to add high-level functionality to StereoKit's C# layer, but this should generally be kept to a minimum for now.
This C++ project is just a collection of demos that can be useful for developing and testing new features from the C API before writing the C# layer above it. This is pretty handy if you haven't solidified the public interface, and want to iterate on the design without needing to worry about marshalling.
This project does quite a bit, and is important to be familiar with! It contains all the C# documentation samples, guides and screenshots, provides a number of useful tools for debugging, building complex tests, and sharing promotional materials.
If you are adding a significant feature, it is strongly encouraged to add a demo as well as samples to this project!
Reflection is used here to find all classes that implement the ITest interface. All ITest classes are run during testing (with the -test
command-line arg), but when run like a normal app, it will present a list of all ITest classes where the name starts with Demo
for the user to select. Long term, it is planned to upload this project as a showcase WASM build to the StereoKit docs website.
Some projects have a _UWP appended to their name. These are Visual Studio projects that build to the UWP platform, but merely link to the code in the non-_UWP project. You shouldn't need to modify these projects directly, just "Set as Active". If you add or remove files from the non-_UWP project, you may need to unload and reload the project for it to discover the new files.
Write simple code, and write less of it! StereoKit's core aspires to be as simple, maintainable, and stateless as possible. For this reason, StereoKit uses mostly C-style code with an immediate mode interface.
StereoKit's public facing API should be treated as a UI/UX! You should always consider the context of how the API is surfaced to the developer through the IDE and code. Anything SK developers touch should be readable, documented in-place, and fit on-screen. C# commentdocs are a key component of this, but names are critical too. Names that SK developers need to type (functions/properties) should be a balance of self explanatory, and short enough to fit on-screen. Abbreviations are okay and fine, as long as they're common or easy to learn. I have a vertical line at 80 columns in my IDE, and while I don’t have a strict rule here, I try and rethink anything that regularly goes past that mark. Names that SK developers don't type can be a bit longer, and should communicate relevant information without relying too heavily on the commentdocs, details like units of measure should be included.
Avoid invisible code, or soft-linked code! This is things like override/virtual functions, operator overloads, constructors/deconstructors and function pointers. In C#, this is sometimes unavoidable or inappropriate, and that's ok, just keep it to a minimum and don't surprise anyone. On the C side, use "Plain Old Data" structs for everything: no constructors, no classes, no default values. When structs are initialized to zero, they should be configured to then generally be in the correct default state.
C++'s STL is out. It's not good. It's hard to read, throws cryptic errors, takes forever to compile, and bloats binary size. StereoKit initially began life using the STL, and it became clear it was a mistake after a month or two of work. It's not worth messing with. It's somewhat acceptable in StereoKitCTest, but should be entirely avoided in the core.
Exceptions for any rule can be appropriate when they make code more readable/maintainable. For example, C++ templates are near unreadable, but there are some cases in the code where they massively reduce painful code duplication.
- This is always a frozen snapshot of the current full release! Changes should generally not be added directly here, but could potentially include high-priority documentation fixes. (The website is hosted from /master
- This is where your PRs should target! This branch should always compile, and code submitted here should be at least partially functional.
- For devs working within the repository, larger in-progress features should be worked on in feature branches.
StereoKit uses SemVer! Since StereoKit is pre-1.0, this gets a little bit creative, but you can generally think of it as shifting the values to the right by one decimal place.
MAJOR - This is 0! MINOR - If this value increments, this indicates breaking changes PATCH - This indicates new features and bugfixes
Postfix - Preview builds look like -preview.2
, we often ship multiple of these between PATCH releases. These often contain bugfixes, and will contain new features with potentially unstable APIs.
StereoKit uses tabs for indentation, and spaces for alignment. Tabs are an accessibility feature that lets people choose the width of their tabs. Consider mixing the two so code stays aligned when tabs change size.
For example:
-> -> function(arg1,
-> -> .........arg2,
-> -> .........arg3);
Avoid deep indentation whenever possible, take advantage of early-outs instead.
Do this:
void function() {
if (!condition) return;
// Do stuff
NOT this:
void function() {
if (condition) {
// Do stuff
Consider coding in vertical columns when you can, even if it violates the 80 character guideline! When related code is aligned vertically, it's easier to take in at a glance, read quickly, and spot differences. Not everyone likes to do this, so don't sweat it, but don't be surprised if it gets turned into columns later on.
Do this:
vec3 column_id = vec3{ (x )*width, 0, 0 };
vec3 column_models = vec3{ (x+1)*width, 0, 0 };
vec3 column_progress = vec3{ (x+2)*width, 0, 0 };
NOT this:
vec3 column_id = vec3{ x*width, 0, 0 };
vec3 column_models = vec3{ (x+1)*width, 0, 0 };
vec3 column_progress = vec3{ (x+2)*width, 0, 0 };
In general, try to make your code look like it blends in with everything else! We're not picky or strict about your formatting, but if your code looks wildly out of place, that'll probably get flagged in review.