🤘 Opinionated ESLint rules for writing Cypress.io tests 🤘
# with NPM
npm i -D eslint-plugin-cypress-strict
# or Yarn
yarn add -D eslint-plugin-cypress-strict
Setup – adjust your .eslintrc
Option A: Via extends – this will add the plugin and use all the rules automatically
"extends": [ "plugin:cypress-strict/recommended" ]
Option B: Add the plugin and list individual rules manually
plugins: [ "cypress-strict" ]
rules: {
"cypress-strict/»rule name«": "error"
Prefer whole selectors directly inside cy.get(»selector«)
instead of using Cypress commands.
Why? When whole selector is in one string, it's easier to copy-paste it and debug it in Cypress playground / Dev Tools.
😐 | 🤩 |
cy.get("button").first() |
cy.get("button:first") |
cy.get("button").eq(3) |
cy.get("button:eq(3)") |
cy.get("button").not(".unwanted") |
cy.get("button:not(.unwanted)") |
cy.get("»modal«").find(»close btn«) |
cy.get("»modal« »close btn«") |
cy.get("tr").filter(".odd") |
cy.get("tr.odd") |
Why? Chained commands can cause impression that they are working with previous results.
– Looks like it's selecting .child
inside .parent
- Looks like it's waiting 5s for the element...
Why? Should to be is incorrect
🙏 🙏 🙏 Issues/PRs/gratitude is welcome 🙏 🙏 🙏
npx pack publish
In this project
npx pack build
cd pkg
yarn link
cd ..
# after changes
npx pack build
In dependant projects
yarn link "eslint-plugin-cypress-strict"