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StretchShop is something most would call e-shop. It's created with simple goal - bring free but smart tool for someone, who wants to bring business online. In this phase, it's

It's fast & scalable e-business REST API backend (with compiled frontend included) based on node.js Moleculer framework, which makes it easy to run as monolithic or microservices application.

See for more information - it's also running on StretchShop as monolith app that is extending public StretchShop.

Visit if you are looking for StretchShop microservices working online demo with almost 100k of generated demo products in categories and cart, with simple price and name filter. Hosted on a commercial cloud, running as docker microservices application without caching results to test the clean performance.

Quick start

There are 3 instalation options:

  1. npm - your own project. This is quick and easy way to create development environment for your own e-shop project that extends the public StretchShop, with demo data - so you can just try it in minutes.
  2. Docker - latest StretchShop container. Use this for quick demo of latest container - you may need data first.
  3. Git - for contributors. And everyone who like to see the code.

Learn more

For more information about Installation and Stretchshop itself visit Stretchshop Wiki.