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Supports on 2D members edges

Object definition for a line support on a 2D member (StructuralSurfaceMember) edge. The support can be defined along the entire length of an edge or on its part only.

Specification in the excel

Column header Data type Example / enum definition Required Description
Name String Sn6 yes Human readable unique name of the support
Type Enum





no Type of constraint support in general. Has just informative value. Actual boundary conditions are set per transition/rotation per direction.
Boundary condition Enum

On edge

On subregion edge

On opening edge

yes Specifies on which type of object the force acts
2D Member String S3 yes, if Boundary condition = On edge The name of the StructuralSurfaceMember of affected edge.
2D Member Region String R1 yes, if Boundary condition action = On subregion edge The name of the StructuralSurfaceMemberRegion on which is the load applied.
2D Member Opening String O1 yes, if Boundary condition action = On opening edge The name of the StructuralSurfaceMemberOpening on which is the load applied.
Edge Integer 1 yes The index of edge of the surface member. The index starting with 1. The order is according to order of “edges” property at StructuralSurfaceMember, StructuralSurfaceMemberRegion or StructuralSurfaceMemberOpening
ux Enum




Compression only

Tension only


Translation in X direction.

Free - That is it imposes no constraint in the direction. Rigid - The connection in fully rigid in the specified direction. Flexible - The connection is flexible (elastic) in the specified direction. Parameter Flexible can be linear only, non-linearity is not supported. Compression only acts only under compression. If the support gets under tension it stops acting. Tension only support acts only under tension.

uy Enum




Compression only

Tension only


Translation in Y direction.

Free - That is it imposes no constraint in the direction. Rigid - The connection in fully rigid in the specified direction. Flexible - The connection is flexible (elastic) in the specified direction. Parameter Flexible can be linear only, non-linearity is not supported. Compression only acts only under compression. If the support gets under tension it stops acting. Tension only support acts only under tension.

uz Enum




Compression only

Tension only


Translation in Z direction.

Free - That is it imposes no constraint in the direction. Rigid - The connection in fully rigid in the specified direction. Flexible - The connection is flexible (elastic) in the specified direction. Parameter Flexible can be linear only, non-linearity is not supported. Compression only acts only under compression. If the support gets under tension it stops acting. Tension only support acts only under tension.

fix Enum




yes Rotational stiffness around X axis. Parameter Flexible can be linear only, non-linearity is not supported.
fiy Enum




yes Rotational stiffness around Y axis. Parameter Flexible can be linear only, non-linearity is not supported.
fiz Enum




yes Rotational stiffness around Z axis. Parameter Flexible can be linear only, non-linearity is not supported.
Stiffness X [MN/m2] Double 100 yes, if Translation X = Flexible The flexibility of the connection in X direction. Use this property only if the Translation X direction is Flexible.
Stiffness Y [MN/m2] Double 100 yes, if Translation Y = Flexible The flexibility of the connection in Y direction. Use this property only if the Translation Y direction is Flexible.
Stiffness Z [MN/m2] Double 100 yes, if Translation Z = Flexible The flexibility of the connection in Z direction. Use this property only if the Translation Z direction is Flexible.
Stiffness Fix [MNm/rad/m] Double 50 yes, if Rx = Flexible The flexibility in rotation of the connection around local X axis. Use this property only if the Rotational stiffness Rx is Flexible.
Stiffness Fiy [MNm/rad/m] Double 50 yes, if Ry = Flexible The flexibility in rotation of the connection around local Y axis. Use this property only if the Rotational stiffness Ry is Flexible.
Stiffness Fiz [MNm/rad/m] Double 50 yes, if Rz = Flexible The flexibility in rotation of the connection around local Z axis. Use this property only if the Rotational stiffness Rz is Flexible.
Coordinate system Enum



yes Defines the co-ordinate system of the member in which the support is applied
Coordinate definition Enum



yes Selects the coordinate system that is used to define the length of the hinge. Relative means without units. For define length of the hinges in meters input absolute
Origin Enum

From start

From end

yes Specifies the origin of the coordinate system used for the definition of the length of the hinge
Start point [m] Double

value in meters for Coordinate definition = Absolute


value in percentage for Coordinate definition = Relative


yes Defines the position of the start point of the support in relative or absolute coordinates [m]
End point [m] Double

value in meters for Coordinate definition = Absolute


value in percentage for Coordinate definition = Relative


yes Defines the position of the end point of the support in relative or absolute coordinates [m]
Parent ID String 67b35d84-3d04-47aa-aa4a-dc1263982320 no

Is filled for objects created by dividing curved geometry to series of straight line objects.

Parent ID will ensure that curved edge is imported as straight parts to nonsupporting application, and back to original supporting application as curved geometry.

To ensure successful round trip of segmented objects and their related objects, Parent ID needs to be present in both directions.

Id String 39f238a5-01d0-45cf-a2eb-958170fd4f39 no Unique attribute designation