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Add type displaying and insertion commands
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nh2 committed Apr 7, 2012
1 parent b8b66ce commit 40e9b5a
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Showing 3 changed files with 118 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Default.sublime-commands
Expand Up @@ -12,5 +12,13 @@
"file": "${packages}/User/SublimeHaskell.sublime-settings"
"caption": "SublimeHaskell: Show type",
"command": "haskell_show_type"
"caption": "SublimeHaskell: Insert type",
"command": "haskell_insert_type"
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Default.sublime-keymap
@@ -1,2 +1,12 @@
"command": "haskell_show_type",
"context": "source.haskell",
"keys": ["ctrl+h", "ctrl+t"]
"command": "haskell_insert_type",
"context": "source.haskell",
"keys": ["ctrl+h", "ctrl+i"]
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import re

from sublime_haskell_common import call_ghcmod_and_wait

# Used to find out the module name.
MODULE_RE_STR = r'module\s+([^\s\(]*)' # "module" followed by everything that is neither " " nor "("

# Parses the output of `ghc-mod type`.
# Example: 39 1 40 17 "[Char]"
GHCMOD_TYPE_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<startrow>\d+) (?P<startcol>\d+) (?P<endrow>\d+) (?P<endcol>\d+) "(?P<type>.*)"')

# Name of the sublime panel in which type information is shown.
TYPE_PANEL_NAME = 'haskell_type_panel'

def parse_ghc_mod_type_line(l):
Returns the `groupdict()` of GHCMOD_TYPE_LINE_RE matching the given line,
of `None` if it doesn't match.
match = GHCMOD_TYPE_LINE_RE.match(l)
return match and match.groupdict()

class HaskellShowTypeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def ghcmod_get_type_of_cursor(self):
view = self.view

filename = str(view.file_name())
row, col = view.rowcol(view.sel()[0].a)
row1, col1 = row + 1, col + 1 # ghc-mod uses rows/cols starting with 1
module_region = view.find(MODULE_RE_STR, 0)

if module_region is None:
sublime.status_message("SublimeHaskell: Could not determine module name!")
return None

# RE must match; there is only one group in the RE.
module = MODULE_RE.match(view.substr(module_region)).group(1)

ghcmod_args = ['type', filename, module, str(row1), str(col1)]
out = call_ghcmod_and_wait(ghcmod_args)

if not out:
sublime.status_message("ghc-mod %s returned nothing" % ' '.join(ghcmod_args))
return None

# ghc-mod type returns the type of the expression at at the given row/col.
# It can return multiple lines, extending the expression scope by one level each.
# The last line belongs to the toplevel expression.
types = map(parse_ghc_mod_type_line, out.strip().split('\n'))
result_type = types[0]['type'] # innermost expression's type

if not result_type:
sublime.error_message("ghc-mod type returned unexpected output")
return None

return result_type

def run(self, edit):
result_type = self.ghcmod_get_type_of_cursor()

if result_type:
self.write_output(self.view, result_type)

def write_output(self, view, text):
"Write text to Sublime's output panel."
output_view = view.window().get_output_panel(TYPE_PANEL_NAME)
# Write to the output buffer:
edit = output_view.begin_edit()
output_view.insert(edit, 0, text)
# Set the selection to the beginning of the view so that "next result" works:
# Show the results panel:
view.window().run_command('show_panel', {'panel': 'output.' + TYPE_PANEL_NAME})

# Works only with the cursor being in the name of a toplevel function so far.
class HaskellInsertTypeCommand(HaskellShowTypeCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
result_type = self.ghcmod_get_type_of_cursor()

if result_type:
# TODO get this from ghc-mod as well, e.g. from the range of the type
word_region = view.word(view.sel()[0])
line_region = view.line(view.sel()[0])
indent_region = sublime.Region(line_region.begin(), word_region.begin())

indent = view.substr(indent_region)
fn_name = view.substr(word_region)

signature = "{0}{1} :: {2}\n".format(indent, fn_name, result_type)

view.insert(edit, line_region.begin(), signature)

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