Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SubnauticaZero/SubnauticaZero_Data/Mono/data-000001C70FCF3010.dll Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SubnauticaZero/SubnauticaZero_Data/Mono/data-000001C7184D8090.dll Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SubnauticaZero/SubnauticaZero_Data/Mono/data-000001C71857E8A0.dll Initialize engine version: 2019.4.2f1 (500) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SubnauticaZero/SubnauticaZero_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (ID=0x1b06) Vendor: VRAM: 11127 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly - Completed reload, in 0.121 seconds OnLevelWasLoaded was found on OVRScreenFade This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed (Filename: Line: 369) D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding. Initializing input. Input initialized. Initialized touch support. [Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - SubnauticaZero [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.2.492 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher methods from MirrorInternalLogs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher methods from QModManager.OculusNewtonsoftRedirect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher methods from QModManager.QMMHarmonyShimmer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher methods from QModManager.QModPluginGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher methods from QModManager.UnityAudioFixer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [Info : BepInEx] 6 patcher plugin(s) loaded [Info :QMMHarmonyShimmer] Shimming QMods... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Attempting to enable Unity audio... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Unity audio enabled. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Newtonsoft.Json] with [QModManager.OculusNewtonsoftRedirect] [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Loading QMMAssemblyCache... [Info :QModPluginGenerator] QMMAssemblyCache loaded in 33 ms. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 38 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QMMLoader 1.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Advanced Inventory] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Advanced Storage] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [All Items 1x1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BelowZero Alt Meter] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SMLHelper] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Better Alien Containment Unit] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BetterBioReactor] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Better Seaglide] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Better Teleportation Tool] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BuilderModule] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [CheatManagerZero] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ConfigurableChunkDrops] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Copper From Scanning] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [CreaturesFleeLess] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [CustomHullPlates] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Customize Your Spawns] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [DataBoxScannerFix] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Defabricator] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Drop Upgrades On Destroy] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [EasyCraft] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ImprovedPowerNetwork] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Increased Resource Spawns] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Moonpool Vehicle Repair] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MoreIngotsBz] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Pickupable Storage Enhanced] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [PowerOrder] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Quantum Lokers Enhanced] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Quick Slots] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Replenish ReactorRods] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Resource Monitor] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Slot Extender Zero] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SnapBuilder] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SubnauticaMap] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TechPistol] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ToolInspection] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [UnSlowSeaTruck] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [WaterFoodHotkeyBZ] [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete UnloadTime: 0.371400 ms Initializing Steam services (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [QModManager:INFO] Detected game: BelowZero [QModManager:INFO] Game Version: 37024 Build Date: 29-października-2020 [QModManager:INFO] Loading QModManager v4.0.3.3 built for BelowZero v32698... [QModManager:INFO] Today is 02-listopada-2020 [QModManager:INFO] Folder structure: + SubnauticaZero |---+ BepInEx | |---+ cache | | |---- chainloader_typeloader.dat (354,00B) | | |---- qmodmanager.dat (899,00B) | | `---- qmodmanager_plugingenerator_typeloader.dat (10,61KB) | |---+ config | | |---- BepInEx.cfg (4,41KB) | | `---- MirrorInternalLogs.cfg (788,00B) | |---+ core | | |---- 0Harmony.dll (137,50KB) | | |---- 0Harmony.xml (163,75KB) | | |---- BepInEx.dll (105,50KB) | | |---- BepInEx.Harmony.dll (5,50KB) | | |---- BepInEx.Harmony.xml (3,96KB) | | |---- BepInEx.Preloader.dll (35,00KB) | | |---- BepInEx.Preloader.xml (7,33KB) | | |---- BepInEx.xml (82,03KB) | | |---- Mono.Cecil.dll (331,50KB) | | |---- Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll (42,00KB) | | |---- Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll (84,50KB) | | |---- Mono.Cecil.Rocks.dll (27,00KB) | | |---- MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.dll (86,50KB) | | |---- MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.xml (8,43KB) | | |---- MonoMod.Utils.dll (173,00KB) | | `---- MonoMod.Utils.xml (76,47KB) | |---+ patchers | | |---+ QModManager | | | |---- AssetsTools.NET.dll (148,00KB) | | | |---- cldb.dat (325,90KB) | | | |---- Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.dll (95,43KB) | | | |---- Newtonsoft.Json.dll (653,41KB) | | | |---- Oculus.Newtonsoft.Json.dll (466,50KB) | | | |---- QModManager.exe (119,50KB) | | | |---- QModManager.OculusNewtonsoftRedirect.dll (7,00KB) | | | |---- QModManager.QMMHarmonyShimmer.dll (62,50KB) | | | |---- QModManager.QModPluginGenerator.dll (18,50KB) | | | |---- QModManager.UnityAudioFixer.dll (8,50KB) | | | `---- QModManager.UnityAudioFixer.xml (2,41KB) | | `---- MirrorInternalLogs.dll (19,50KB) | |---+ plugins | | |---+ QModManager | | | |---- QModInstaller.dll (82,50KB) | | | |---- QModInstaller.xml (27,70KB) | | | |---- QModManager.QMMLoader.dll (6,50KB) | | | `---- QModManager.QMMLoader.xml (503,00B) | `---- LogOutput.log (4,00KB) |---+ MonoBleedingEdge | `---- (Folder content not shown) |---+ OST | `---- (Folder content not shown) |---+ QMods | |---+ AdvancedInventory_BZ | | |---- advancedinventory (3,73KB) | | |---- AdvancedInventory_BZ.dll (13,50KB) | | `---- mod.json (268,00B) | |---+ AdvancedStorageLockers_BZ | | |---- AdvancedStorageLockers.dll (6,00KB) | | |---- config.json (97,00B) | | `---- mod.json (313,00B) | |---+ All-Items-1x1 | | |---- All-Items-1x1.dll (5,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (385,00B) | |---+ BelowZeroAltMeter | | |---- BelowZeroAltMeter.dll (5,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (348,00B) | |---+ BetterACU | | |---- BetterACU.dll (11,50KB) | | |---- config.json (237,00B) | | `---- mod.json (425,00B) | |---+ BetterBioReactor | | |---- BetterBioReactor.dll (46,50KB) | | `---- mod.json (252,00B) | |---+ BetterSeaglideBZ | | |---- BetterSeaglideBZ.dll (10,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (339,00B) | |---+ BetterTeleportationTool | | |---- BetterTeleportationTool.dll (30,50KB) | | `---- mod.json (329,00B) | |---+ BuilderModule | | |---+ Assets | | | `---- BuilderModule.png (2,35KB) | | |---- BuilderModule.dll (19,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (421,00B) | |---+ CheatManagerZero | | |---- CheatManagerZero.dll (140,00KB) | | |---- config.txt (569,00B) | | `---- mod.json (242,00B) | |---+ ConfigurableChunkDrops | | |---- config.json (26,00B) | | |---- ConfigurableChunkDrops.dll (11,00KB) | | |---- DefaultValues.json (836,00B) | | `---- mod.json (475,00B) | |---+ CopperFromScanning | | |---- CopperFromScanning.dll (5,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (448,00B) | |---+ CreaturesFleeLess | | |---- CreaturesFleeLess.dll (5,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (482,00B) | |---+ CustomHullPlates | | |---+ HullPlates | | | |---+ airlock | | | | |---- icon.png (22,10KB) | | | | |---- info.json (107,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (385,80KB) | | | |---+ AlienContainmentHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (20,75KB) | | | | |---- info.json (144,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (47,25KB) | | | |---+ AlienRelicHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (25,30KB) | | | | |---- info.json (133,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (261,81KB) | | | |---+ AlterraArmsHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (18,95KB) | | | | |---- info.json (147,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (164,82KB) | | | |---+ AlterraLightHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (18,36KB) | | | | |---- info.json (135,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (133,14KB) | | | |---+ biohaz | | | | |---- icon.png (18,06KB) | | | | |---- info.json (130,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (69,77KB) | | | |---+ BioHazardHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (20,19KB) | | | | |---- info.json (136,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (178,59KB) | | | |---+ brig | | | | |---- icon.png (18,36KB) | | | | |---- info.json (105,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (59,91KB) | | | |---+ CaptainsHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (18,00KB) | | | | |---- info.json (140,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (87,56KB) | | | |---+ CargoBayHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (17,95KB) | | | | |---- info.json (129,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (79,79KB) | | | |---+ CautionHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (19,90KB) | | | | |---- info.json (130,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (163,27KB) | | | |---+ CircleLightHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (22,71KB) | | | | |---- info.json (147,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (180,21KB) | | | |---+ ContainerHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (14,77KB) | | | | |---- info.json (139,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (26,64KB) | | | |---+ CuddlefishHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (25,40KB) | | | | |---- info.json (142,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (319,71KB) | | | |---+ CyclopsHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (20,36KB) | | | | |---- info.json (133,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (143,17KB) | | | |---+ divesuit | | | | |---- icon.png (17,36KB) | | | | |---- info.json (122,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (59,46KB) | | | |---+ ExitSignHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (14,88KB) | | | | |---- info.json (128,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (21,59KB) | | | |---+ ExplosiveHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (21,27KB) | | | | |---- info.json (137,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (203,03KB) | | | |---+ FireHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (14,95KB) | | | | |---- info.json (150,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (21,13KB) | | | |---+ galley | | | | |---- icon.png (18,00KB) | | | | |---- info.json (107,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (40,47KB) | | | |---+ greenhouse | | | | |---- icon.png (16,92KB) | | | | |---- info.json (122,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (40,42KB) | | | |---+ HighVoltageHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (19,72KB) | | | | |---- info.json (144,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (174,18KB) | | | |---+ IonCubeHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (21,89KB) | | | | |---- info.json (127,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (120,13KB) | | | |---+ KittyHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (19,16KB) | | | | |---- info.json (127,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (119,51KB) | | | |---+ LifepodHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (14,32KB) | | | | |---- info.json (133,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (22,71KB) | | | |---+ medbay | | | | |---- icon.png (15,73KB) | | | | |---- info.json (107,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (61,54KB) | | | |---+ MedicalHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (14,52KB) | | | | |---- info.json (149,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (19,31KB) | | | |---+ MIACrewHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (22,41KB) | | | | |---- info.json (135,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (291,15KB) | | | |---+ MIAGirl1Hullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (22,97KB) | | | | |---- info.json (138,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (184,29KB) | | | |---+ MIAGirl2Hullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (22,90KB) | | | | |---- info.json (145,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (182,06KB) | | | |---+ Miku | | | | |---- icon.png (23,19KB) | | | | |---- info.json (100,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (471,61KB) | | | |---+ NexusModsHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (28,01KB) | | | | |---- info.json (167,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (54,14KB) | | | |---+ NurseryHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (15,98KB) | | | | |---- info.json (133,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (108,50KB) | | | |---+ ObservatoryHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (20,59KB) | | | | |---- info.json (134,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (58,58KB) | | | |---+ PDAQuoteHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (16,43KB) | | | | |---- info.json (155,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (56,17KB) | | | |---+ PeeperHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (26,92KB) | | | | |---- info.json (130,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (506,73KB) | | | |---+ PoisonHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (20,03KB) | | | | |---- info.json (127,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (167,46KB) | | | |---+ powersystems | | | | |---- icon.png (18,10KB) | | | | |---- info.json (130,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (51,93KB) | | | |---+ PrawnSuitHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (20,40KB) | | | | |---- info.json (141,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (154,40KB) | | | |---+ PrecursorHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (23,16KB) | | | | |---- info.json (139,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (341,65KB) | | | |---+ QuantumTeleportHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (19,43KB) | | | | |---- info.json (143,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (52,98KB) | | | |---+ RadiationHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (19,14KB) | | | | |---- info.json (136,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (155,90KB) | | | |---+ REAC | | | | |---- icon.png (17,06KB) | | | | |---- info.json (114,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (37,16KB) | | | |---+ RepairBayHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (23,02KB) | | | | |---- info.json (136,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (189,88KB) | | | |---+ Sakuya | | | | |---- icon.png (19,00KB) | | | | |---- info.json (105,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (232,84KB) | | | |---+ ScannerRoomHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (22,70KB) | | | | |---- info.json (135,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (161,31KB) | | | |---+ ScienceLabHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (17,88KB) | | | | |---- info.json (132,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (34,20KB) | | | |---+ SeaEmperorHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (25,51KB) | | | | |---- info.json (144,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (446,85KB) | | | |---+ SeamothHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (19,96KB) | | | | |---- info.json (133,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (142,23KB) | | | |---+ SensorHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (15,55KB) | | | | |---- info.json (130,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (37,45KB) | | | |---+ XenoLabHullplate | | | | |---- icon.png (17,42KB) | | | | |---- info.json (125,00B) | | | | `---- texture.png (47,71KB) | | |---- CustomHullPlates2.dll (9,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (432,00B) | |---+ CustomizeYourSpawns | | |---+ ChangesToLoad | | |---- BiomeList.json (28,85KB) | | |---- CustomizeYourSpawns.dll (11,50KB) | | |---- DefaultDistributions.json (38,25KB) | | |---- ExampleFile.json (355,00B) | | `---- mod.json (444,00B) | |---+ DataBoxScannerFixBZ | | |---- DataBoxScannerFix.dll (5,50KB) | | `---- mod.json (261,00B) | |---+ Defabricator | | |---+ Items | | | |---- example.json (340,00B) | | | `---- Items.txt (87,86KB) | | |---- Defabricator.dll (30,00KB) | | `---- mod.json (418,00B) | |---+ DropUpgradesOnDestroy | | |---- DropUpgradesOnDestroy.dll (10,50KB) | | `---- mod.json (420,00B) | |---+ EasyCraft_BZ | | |---- EasyCraft_BZ.dll (28,00KB) | | |---- mod.json (232,00B) | | `---- settings.json (70,00B) | |---+ ImprovedPowerNetwork | | |---- config.json (80,00B) | | |---- ImprovedPowerNetwork.dll (17,50KB) | | `---- mod.json (450,00B) | |---+ Increased_Resource_Spawns | | |---- config.json (127,00B) | | |---- Increased_Resource_Spawns.dll (6,50KB) | | `---- mod.json (470,00B) | |---+ MoonpoolVehicleRepair | | |---- config.json (64,00B) | | |---- mod.json (318,00B) | | `---- MoonpoolVehicleRepair.dll (7,00KB) | |---+ MoreingotsBz | | |---+ Assets | | | |---- BI.png (24,69KB) | | | |---- MI.png (14,38KB) | | | |---- MIAcid.png (129,04KB) | | | |---- MIAcidjug.png (69,78KB) | | | |---- MIAdvwirekit.png (21,34KB) | | | |---- MIAerosheet.png (113,66KB) | | | |---- MIArmidfiber.png (23,42KB) | | | |---- MIbenzenejug.png (91,46KB) | | | |---- MIBleachjug.png (90,53KB) | | | |---- MIComputerchip.png (21,93KB) | | | |---- MICopper.png (14,09KB) | | | |---- MICopperwire.png (32,34KB) | | | |---- MICoral.png (87,72KB) | | | |---- MICrash.png (64,33KB) | | | |---- MICreepp.png (130,03KB) | | | |---- MIDeeplilypad.png (20,10KB) | | | |---- MIDiamond.png (14,79KB) | | | |---- MIEnameled.png (19,15KB) | | | |---- MIFibermesh.png (26,25KB) | | | |---- MIGallonWater.png (23,39KB) | | | |---- MIGenericribbon.png (19,42KB) | | | |---- MIGlass.png (19,69KB) | | | |---- MIGold.png (14,38KB) | | | |---- MIIon.png (12,61KB) | | | |---- MIJelly.png (95,23KB) | | | |---- MIKyanite.png (13,38KB) | | | |---- MILead.png (14,79KB) | | | |---- MILithum.png (64,35KB) | | | |---- MILubricantjug.png (115,25KB) | | | |---- MIMagnetite.png (64,35KB) | | | |---- MINickel.png (16,23KB) | | | |---- MIPjug.png (70,24KB) | | | |---- MIPlasteel.png (10,80KB) | | | |---- MIQuartz.png (12,50KB) | | | |---- MIRuby.png (64,33KB) | | | |---- MIS5GallonWater.png (23,39KB) | | | |---- MISAcid.png (132,76KB) | | | |---- MISAcidbarrel.png (34,80KB) | | | |---- MISAdvwirekit.png (21,71KB) | | | |---- MISAerosheet.png (15,11KB) | | | |---- MISalt.png (17,70KB) | | | |---- MISArmidfiber.png (23,42KB) | | | |---- MISBenzenebarrel.png (34,28KB) | | | |---- MISBleachbarrel.png (33,74KB) | | | |---- MISComputerchip.png (20,41KB) | | | |---- MISCopper.png (17,72KB) | | | |---- MISCopperwire.png (39,38KB) | | | |---- MISCoral.png (182,75KB) | | | |---- MISCrash.png (13,80KB) | | | |---- MISCreepp.png (118,10KB) | | | |---- MISDeeplilypad.png (17,56KB) | | | |---- MISDiamond.png (16,02KB) | | | |---- MISeed.png (97,95KB) | | | |---- MISEnameled.png (23,64KB) | | | |---- MISFibermesh.png (26,25KB) | | | |---- MISGenericribbon.png (13,97KB) | | | |---- MISGlass.png (89,09KB) | | | |---- MISGold.png (17,25KB) | | | |---- MISilicone.png (10,77KB) | | | |---- MISilver.png (10,80KB) | | | |---- MISIon.png (16,05KB) | | | |---- MISJelly.png (83,21KB) | | | |---- MISKyanite.png (16,02KB) | | | |---- MISLead.png (17,34KB) | | | |---- MISLithium.png (17,20KB) | | | |---- MISLubricantbarrel.png (33,68KB) | | | |---- MISMagnetite.png (16,06KB) | | | |---- MISNickel.png (15,14KB) | | | |---- MISnowstalker.png (36,68KB) | | | |---- MISPbarrel.png (34,68KB) | | | |---- MISPlasteel.png (17,20KB) | | | |---- MISQuartz.png (6,65KB) | | | |---- MISRuby.png (13,31KB) | | | |---- MISSalt.png (10,98KB) | | | |---- MISSeed.png (97,80KB) | | | |---- MISSilicone.png (10,77KB) | | | |---- MISSilver.png (15,31KB) | | | |---- MISSnowstalker.png (43,63KB) | | | |---- MISStaker.png (58,99KB) | | | |---- MISSulphur.png (13,80KB) | | | |---- MISTable.png (134,71KB) | | | |---- MIStaker.png (42,56KB) | | | |---- MISTitanium.png (17,20KB) | | | |---- MISulphur.png (64,33KB) | | | |---- MISUraninite.png (16,46KB) | | | |---- MISWhite.png (111,72KB) | | | |---- MISWirekit.png (20,44KB) | | | |---- MITable.png (67,79KB) | | | |---- MITitanim.png (10,80KB) | | | |---- MIUrninite.png (17,71KB) | | | |---- MIWhite.png (99,39KB) | | | |---- MIWirekit.png (27,72KB) | | | |---- PI.png (19,19KB) | | | |---- PIAcid.png (14,87KB) | | | |---- PIAcidjug.png (15,15KB) | | | |---- PIAdvwirekit.png (14,03KB) | | | |---- PIAerosheet.png (13,03KB) | | | |---- PIArmidfiber.png (10,73KB) | | | |---- PIBenzenejug.png (14,87KB) | | | |---- PIBleachjug.png (8,57KB) | | | |---- PIComputerchip.png (12,34KB) | | | |---- PICopper.png (17,68KB) | | | |---- PICopperwire.png (15,66KB) | | | |---- PICoral.png (23,05KB) | | | |---- PICrash.png (15,11KB) | | | |---- PICreepp.png (10,90KB) | | | |---- PIDeepLilypad.png (11,41KB) | | | |---- PIDiamond.png (16,90KB) | | | |---- PIEnameled.png (18,80KB) | | | |---- PIFibermesh.png (16,36KB) | | | |---- PIGenericribbon.png (14,36KB) | | | |---- PIGlass.png (14,44KB) | | | |---- PIGold.png (16,73KB) | | | |---- PIIon.png (16,99KB) | | | |---- PIithium.png (19,01KB) | | | |---- PIJelly.png (13,08KB) | | | |---- PIKyanite.png (15,06KB) | | | |---- PILead.png (18,25KB) | | | |---- PILithium.png (19,01KB) | | | |---- PILubricantjug.png (6,31KB) | | | |---- PIMagnetite.png (16,05KB) | | | |---- PINickel.png (17,29KB) | | | |---- PIPlasteel.png (17,20KB) | | | |---- PIPPjug.png (12,69KB) | | | |---- PIQuartz.png (19,70KB) | | | |---- PIRuby.png (19,98KB) | | | |---- PISalt.png (14,20KB) | | | |---- PISeed.png (10,66KB) | | | |---- PISilicone.png (12,35KB) | | | |---- PISilver.png (18,56KB) | | | |---- PISnowstalker.png (23,87KB) | | | |---- PIStaker.png (6,19KB) | | | |---- PISulphur.png (18,86KB) | | | |---- PISWaterFrom5Gallon.png (19,20KB) | | | |---- PITable.png (16,75KB) | | | |---- PITitanium.png (15,23KB) | | | |---- PIUrninite.png (17,21KB) | | | |---- PIWaterfromGallon.png (19,20KB) | | | |---- PIWhite.png (14,53KB) | | | |---- PIWirekit.png (17,17KB) | | | |---- SI.png (68,10KB) | | | |---- UI.png (18,94KB) | | | `---- USI.png (68,98KB) | | |---- Mod.json (242,00B) | | `---- MoreIngots.dll (74,00KB) | |---+ PickupFullCarryalls | | |---- mod.json (318,00B) | | `---- PickupFullCarryalls.dll (19,00KB) | |---+ PowerOrder | | |---- config.json (213,00B) | | |---- mod.json (438,00B) | | `---- PowerOrder.dll (10,50KB) | |---+ QuantumLockerEnhanced | | |---+ Assets | | | `---- quantumlocker.png (66,80KB) | | |---- mod.json (321,00B) | | `---- QuantumLockerEnhanced.dll (12,00KB) | |---+ QuickSlotsMod_BZ | | |---- mod.json (510,00B) | | `---- QuickSlots.dll (30,00KB) | |---+ ReplenishReactorRods | | |---+ Assets | | | `---- reactorrod.png (28,10KB) | | |---- mod.json (216,00B) | | `---- Replenish ReactorRods.dll (5,50KB) | |---+ ResourceMonitor | | |---+ Assets | | | |---- ResourceMonitorLarge.png (26,18KB) | | | |---- ResourceMonitorSmall.png (25,55KB) | | | `---- resources (125,61KB) | | |---- DontTrackList.txt (50,00B) | | |---- mod.json (244,00B) | | |---- OdinSerializer.dll (314,50KB) | | |---- ResourceMonitor.dll (32,50KB) | | `---- Settings.json (1,65KB) | |---+ SlotExtenderZero | | |---- config.txt (464,00B) | | |---- mod.json (242,00B) | | `---- SlotExtenderZero.dll (114,00KB) | |---+ SMLHelper_BZ | | |---+ CraftTreeTypeCache | | | |---- CraftTreeTypeCache.txt (0,00B) | | | `---- CraftTreeTypeDeactivatedCache.txt (0,00B) | | |---+ Language | | | |---+ Originals | | | | |---- BuilderModule.txt (105,00B) | | | | |---- CustomHullPlates2.txt (4,72KB) | | | | |---- MoreIngots.txt (21,54KB) | | | | |---- PickupFullCarryalls.txt (137,00B) | | | | |---- Replenish ReactorRods.txt (127,00B) | | | | |---- ResourceMonitor.txt (383,00B) | | | | |---- SeaTruckArmorUpgrades.txt (183,00B) | | | | |---- SeaTruckArms.txt (164,00B) | | | | |---- SeaTruckDepthUpgrades.txt (190,00B) | | | | |---- SeaTruckSpeedUpgrades.txt (176,00B) | | | | |---- SeaTruckStorage.txt (157,00B) | | | | |---- Straitjacket.Subnautica.Mods.SnapBuilder.txt (904,00B) | | | | `---- TechPistol.txt (347,00B) | | | |---+ Overrides | | |---+ PingTypeCache | | | |---- PingTypeCache.txt (0,00B) | | | `---- PingTypeDeactivatedCache.txt (0,00B) | | |---+ RestrictedIDs | | |---+ TechTypeCache | | | |---- TechTypeCache.txt (4,33KB) | | | `---- TechTypeDeactivatedCache.txt (29,67KB) | | |---- EnableDebugLogs.txt (5,00B) | | |---- ExtraItemInfo.txt (18,00B) | | |---- mod.json (215,00B) | | |---- SMLHelper.dll (182,50KB) | | `---- SMLHelper.xml (391,74KB) | |---+ SnapBuilder | | |---- config.json (470,00B) | | |---- mod.json (544,00B) | | `---- Straitjacket.Subnautica.Mods.SnapBuilder.dll (27,00KB) | |---+ SubnauticaMap_BZ | | |---+ maps | | | |---+ default | | | | |---- 0.json (229,00B) | | | | |---- 1.json (99,00B) | | | | |---- base.dds (8,00MB) | | | | |---- biome.dds (8,00MB) | | | | |---- depth.dds (32,00MB) | | | | `---- palette.dds (2,08KB) | | |---- mod.json (245,00B) | | |---- subnauticamap (724,20KB) | | `---- SubnauticaMap_BZ.dll (66,00KB) | |---+ TechPistol | | |---+ Assets | | | `---- TechPistol (16,16MB) | | |---- config.json (265,00B) | | |---- mod.json (441,00B) | | `---- TechPistol.dll (31,00KB) | |---+ ToolInspection | | |---- mod.json (403,00B) | | `---- ToolInspection.dll (7,50KB) | |---+ UnSlowSeaTruck | | |---- mod.json (200,00B) | | |---- SeaTruckConfig.json (128,00B) | | `---- UnSlowSeaTruck.dll (9,50KB) | |---+ WaterFoodHotKeyBZ | | |---- mod.json (337,00B) | | `---- WaterFoodHotkeyBZ.dll (14,00KB) |---+ SNAppData | `---- (Folder content not shown) |---+ SubnauticaZero_Data | `---- (Folder content not shown) |---- doorstop_config.ini (367,00B) |---- qmodmanager-config.json (24,00B) |---- qmodmanager_log-SubnauticaZero.txt (29,12KB) |---- steam_api64.dll (201,91KB) |---- Subnautica32.exe (68,50KB) |---- SubnauticaZero.exe (636,50KB) |---- unins000.dat (34,87KB) |---- unins000.exe (2,57MB) |---- UnityCrashHandler64.exe (1,04MB) |---- UnityPlayer.dll (24,66MB) |---- winhttp.dll (20,00KB) [QModManager:INFO] Folder structure ended. Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SubnauticaZero/SubnauticaZero_Data/Mono/data-000001C790AA91F0.dll [QModManager:INFO] Started loading mods [SMLHelper/Info] Enable debug logs set to: False [SMLHelper/Info] Finished known CraftTreeType exclusion. 4 IDs were added in ban list. [SMLHelper/Info] Loading v2.9.0.1 for BelowZero [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 11016 to Workbench/BasePiece as that is an invalid combination. Loading Moreingots Loading Fabricator Loaded Fabricator Loading Ingots Ingots Loaded Stacked Loading Stacked Loaded Unpacked Loading Unpacked Loaded Unstacked Loading Unstacked Loaded MoreIngots Loaded [PowerOrder:INFO] Patching complete. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 11193 to Miscellaneous/23 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 11194 to Miscellaneous/23 as that is an invalid combination. [ResourceMonitor] Found the dont track list at location: ./QMods/ResourceMonitor/DontTrackList.txt [Info :SnapBuilder] Initialising SnapBuilder for BelowZero v1.3.6.0... [Info :SnapBuilder] Harmony patches applied in 39ms. [Info :SnapBuilder] Initialised in 42ms. [MoonpoolVehicleRepair] Successfully patched. [UnSlowSeaTruck] Patching v1.2.1 [UnSlowSeaTruck] Existing config file loaded. [UnSlowSeaTruck] Configured WeightOverride: 0,0001 [UnSlowSeaTruck] Original HorsePowerModifier: 0,65 [UnSlowSeaTruck] Modified HorsePowerModifier: 0,4 (Less is faster) [SubnauticaMap] Patched [QuickSlotsMod] Loading... (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Debug: ValidateConfig (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) ValidateConfig [QuickSlotsMod] Patched (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [EasyCraft] Patched [BetterBioReactor:INFO] Start patching. Version: 1.3.1 [BetterBioReactor:INFO] Finished patching [AdvancedInventory] Patched [SMLHelper/Warn] CustomTechData already exists for 'TechPistol'. Original value has been overwritten by later entry. So far we have discarded or overwritten 1 entries for 'TechPistol'. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 11199 to Personal/Constructor as that is an invalid combination. [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Configuration loaded. [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Session slotID's created. [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Information: Enter 'sezconfig' command in main menu for configuration window. [QuantumLockerEnhanced/INFO] Obtained values from config [QuantumLockerEnhanced/INFO] Registered mod options [QuantumLockerEnhanced/INFO] Patched successfully! [PickupFullCarryalls] Patched successfully! [PickupFullCarryalls] Obtained values from config [PickupFullCarryalls] Registered mod options [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12051 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12052 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12053 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12054 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12055 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12056 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12057 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12058 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12059 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12060 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12061 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12062 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12063 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12064 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12065 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12066 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12067 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12068 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12069 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12070 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12071 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12072 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12073 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12074 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12075 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12076 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12077 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12078 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12079 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12080 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12081 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12082 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12083 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12084 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12085 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12086 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12087 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12088 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12089 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12090 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12091 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12092 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12093 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12094 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12095 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12096 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12097 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12098 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12099 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12100 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [SMLHelper/Error] Failed to add 12101 to Uncategorized/25 as that is an invalid combination. [BetterTeleportationTool/INFO] Registered mod options [BetterTeleportationTool/INFO] Patched successfully! [SMLHelper/Info] Added 227 TechTypes succesfully into the game. [SMLHelper/Info] Added 0 CraftTreeTypes succesfully into the game. [SMLHelper/Info] Finished known PingType exclusion. 0 IDs were added in ban list. [SMLHelper/Info] Added 0 PingTypes succesfully into the game. [SMLHelper/Info] Added 3 middle click actions. [SMLHelper/Info] Extra item info set to: Mod name (default) [Warning: Harmony] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type TooltipFactory and name Recipe and parameters [QModManager:INFO] Finished loading QModManager. Loaded 37 mods. [QModManager:WARN] Some mods are using an old version of harmony! This will NOT cause any problems, but it's not recommended: - Resource Monitor (ResourceMonitor) - WaterFoodHotkeyBZ (WaterFoodHotkey) - Advanced Storage (AdvancedStorage_BZ) - BelowZero Alt Meter (BelowzeroAltMeter) - Better Seaglide (BetterSeaglide) - EasyCraft (EasyCraft_BZ) - DataBoxScannerFix (DataBoxScannerFix) - BetterBioReactor (BetterBioReactor) - Advanced Inventory (AdvancedInventory_BZ) [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Configuration saved. [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Configuration initialized. [CheatManagerZero] Information: Enter 'cmzconfig' command for configuration window. AutomatedProfiler CommandLineArguments: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SubnauticaZero\SubnauticaZero.exe -silent-crashes -vrmode none (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Configuration saved. Object reference not set to an instance of an object NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at SystemsSpawner+d__3.MoveNext () [0x00051] in :0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in :0 (Filename: Line: 0) [QModManager:INFO] Received latest version from GitHub. We're ahead. This is probably a development build. Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' (Filename: Line: 1452) Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' (Filename: Line: 1452) Loading game settings (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Configuration saved. changeset 37024, QualityLevel = 2 (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) OK Running Win64 (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Application version: 37024 (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) SystemInfo: deviceModel = Z270-Gaming K3 (Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.) deviceName = DESKTOP-JFMFNS3 deviceType = Desktop deviceUniqueIdentifier = 4bfe3c5f74a041f015615d6a59b947bc06e88f0c graphicsDeviceID = 6918 graphicsDeviceName = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphicsDeviceType = Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVendor = NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID = 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion = Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize = 11127 graphicsShaderLevel = 50 npotSupport = Full maxTextureSize = 16384 operatingSystem = Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit processorCount = 8 processorFrequency = 4200 processorType = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz supportedRenderTargetCount = 8 supports3DTextures = True supportsAccelerometer = False supportsComputeShaders = True supportsGyroscope = False supportsImageEffects = True supportsInstancing = True supportsLocationService = False supportsRawShadowDepthSampling = True supportsRenderTextures = True supportsRenderToCubemap = True supportsShadows = True supportsSparseTextures = True supportsStencil = 1 supportsVibration = False systemMemorySize = 32720 (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Telemetry session started. (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) MissingMethodException: uGUI_SnappingSlider uGUI_TabbedControlsPanel.AddSliderOption(int,string,single,single,single,single,single,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1,SliderLabelMode) at SMLHelper.V2.Options.ModOptions+<>c__DisplayClass26_0.b__0 (SMLHelper.V2.Options.ModOption option) [0x00000] in <3ab16902b00c48189741143d09f273df>:0 at SystemExtensions.ForEach[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] items, System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00010] in :0 at SMLHelper.V2.Options.ModOptions.AddOptionsToPanel (uGUI_TabbedControlsPanel panel, System.Int32 tabIndex) [0x00047] in <3ab16902b00c48189741143d09f273df>:0 at SMLHelper.V2.Patchers.OptionsPanelPatcher+<>c__DisplayClass4_0.b__1 (SMLHelper.V2.Options.ModOptions options) [0x00000] in <3ab16902b00c48189741143d09f273df>:0 at SystemExtensions.ForEach[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] items, System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00010] in :0 at SMLHelper.V2.Patchers.OptionsPanelPatcher.AddTabs_Postfix (uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance) [0x0012c] in <3ab16902b00c48189741143d09f273df>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) uGUI_OptionsPanel.DMD(uGUI_OptionsPanel) at uGUI_OptionsPanel.OnEnable () [0x0002d] in :0 UnityEngine.GameObject:SetActive(Boolean) MainMenuRightSide:OpenGroup(String) uGUI_MainMenu:OnButtonOptions() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() UnityEngine.UI.Button:Press() UnityEngine.UI.Button:OnPointerClick(PointerEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(IPointerClickHandler, BaseEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) FPSInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) FPSInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent() FPSInputModule:OnUpdate() ManagedUpdate:Execute(Queue) ManagedUpdate:LateUpdate() (Filename: <3ab16902b00c48189741143d09f273df> Line: 0) [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Configuration saved. Saving game settings (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [SlotExtenderZero] [LOG] Configuration saved. Setting up 4 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 34ac -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 1988 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 1350 -> priority: 1 Cannot find PlatformUtils prefab (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Cannot find PlatformUtils prefab (Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) (Filename: Line: -1)