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QuoteConnection table
Primary key in the CRM database. Definition of a connection to an external system, for the Quote system.

QuoteConnection Table (26)


Name Description Type Null
quoteconnection_id Primary key PK
ERPName Name of the ERP system (programmatic). String(254)
DisplayName Connection name shown to user; multi-language support. The name of the connector to display in a list so that the users can choose between them. Typically the name of the client, with maybe the ERP system in parenthesis. String(254)
DisplayDescription Tooltip/description shown to user; multi-language support. Any other info available that would make an uncertain user chose the right connector. Typically, used for tooltip. String(254)
Rank Rank order Int
ConnectorName Programmatic name of the Connector plugin that implements this kind of connection String(254)
ExtraData Optional extra data, in XML format, for configuring the connector. Connector-specific! String(3999)
ErpConnectionId The ERP Connection that this Quote connection is an extension of FK ErpConnection
AllAccess Is this connection accessible to everyone? If not, then the QuoteConnectionAccess table tells us who can access it Bool
Deleted If set, then this is a row that has been 'deleted'; we do not physically delete rows to avoid disaster Bool
registered Registered when UtcDateTime
registered_associate_id Registered by whom FK associate
updated Last updated when UtcDateTime
updated_associate_id Last updated by whom FK associate
updatedCount Number of updates made to this record UShort

QuoteConnection table relationship diagram



Fields Types Description
quoteconnection_id PK Clustered, Unique

Replication Flags

  • Replicate changes DOWN from central to satellites and travellers.
  • Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.

Security Flags

  • No access control via user's Role.