Full-stack JavaScript e-commerce site selling home decor.
- As a customer...
- I can do a search on all products and see products that match based on name or description.
- I can add items to cart and can preview number of items in the navigation sidebar.
- I can quick add to cart from the all products view, or go to a single product's page and add to cart.
- I can shop as a guest or as a logged-in user.
- I can choose to have an account by signing in with Google.
- I can see a cart overview before payment.
- After a purchase, I see a confirmation that my order was received and my cart is empty again.
- As a guest...
- I can choose to create an account. After creating an account, what was in my cart as a guest is still in my cart.
- I can choose to checkout as a guest, and not create an account.
- As a user with account...
- Items added to my cart as a guest will merge with my saved user cart after I login.
- I can see a user view, in which I can edit my display name in place and see a summary of my past orders.
- On logout, I am redirected home and cart will become empty until I sign back in.
- As a administrator...
- I can go to an admin view to edit product details and edit users.
- React
- Redux
- Node Express
- Sequelize
- PostgresQL
- Passport OAuth
- Stripe
- Enzyme, Mocha, Chai
Deployed on http://supermodel-matrices.herokuapp.com/
Install JS dev dependencies (listed in package.json):
npm install
Compile with babel/webpack in watch mode and start server:
npm run start-dev
In your browser: