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StefanCohen edited this page Jan 22, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the digital-receipt-standard wiki!


Q:What is covered by this standard?

A: The standard covers a data format for the interchange of digital receipts from system to system. This includes the structure and content of the receipt as well as identification of the parties. It does not (at least yet) adress transfer, storage, access, security or presentation of digital receipts.

Q:What types of receipts are supported?

A: This standard aims to support sales receipts within retail.

Q: Do the fields that are considered mandatory by the Swedish tax agency need to be included as separate properties in the xml?

A: No, they can be included as ReceiptLines or as an Image in the ReceiptImage instead if that is more convenient. As long as the information is contained in the xml and can be reproduced as a human readable text it is considered a valid receipt.

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