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46 lines (37 loc) · 1.8 KB

File metadata and controls

46 lines (37 loc) · 1.8 KB

Strings parser


The strings parser accepts a strings file, typically Localizable.strings. It will parse each string in this file, including the type information for formatting parameters.

The strings file will be converted into a structured tree version, where each string is separated into components by the . character. We call this the dot syntax, each component representing a level. For example, the following strings:


will be parsed into the following structure (not showing the rest of the structure, such as values and types):

  "some": [
    "deep": [
  "hello": [


The output context has the following structure:

  • tables: Array — List of string tables
    • name : String — name of the .strings file (usually "Localizable")
    • levels: Array — Tree structure of strings (based on dot syntax), each level has:
      • name : String — name of the level (that is, part of the key split by . that we're describing)
      • children: Array — list of sub-levels, repeating the same structure as a level
      • strings : Array — list of strings at this level:
        • name : String — contains only the last part of the key (after the last .) (useful to do recursion when splitting keys against . for structured templates)
        • key : String — the full translation key, as it appears in the strings file
        • translation: String — the translation for that key in the strings file
        • types: Array<String> — defined only if localized string has parameter placeholders like %d and %@ etc. Contains a list of types like "String", "Int", etc