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Dave Verwer edited this page May 31, 2020 · 2 revisions

How do I define Language and Platform information?

The more metadata the Swift Package Index knows about your package, the better we can present it to people looking for packages.

Does your package listing currently show this?

Missing language and platform metadata

Two critical pieces of metadata are the supported Swift language versions and the supported platforms for your package.

Providing Swift language version metadata

Define the versions of Swift that your package is compatible with by setting the swiftLanguageVersions property in your package manifest, Package.swift. This property is an array of SwiftVersion enums:

swiftLanguageVersions: [.v4, .v4_2, .v5]

SwiftVersion does not define all versions of Swift, only versions that made source breaking changes. For example, if your package supports Swift 5, 5.1, and 5.2 then your swiftLanguageVersions should look like this:

swiftLanguageVersions: [.v5]

Once you add this key and push an updated Package.swift. The Swift Package Index will pick up your new metadata within a few hours. After the update, your listing will look something like this:

Swift language metadata

Note: Be careful not to mix up swiftLanguageVersions with the swift-tools-version comment at the top of your Package.swift file. swiftLanguageVersions defines the version(s) of Swift your package supports, and swift-tools-version defines what version of Swift is required to parse your Package.swift file. The Swift Package Index only parses the swiftLanguageVersions metadata.

Providing platform compatibility metadata

Define the Apple platforms (iOS, macOS, watchOS, or tvOS) that your package is compatible with by setting the platforms property in your package manifest. This property is an array of SupportedPlatform enums:

platforms: [.macOS(.v10_12),

Add or update this property and push an updated Package.swift. The index will update within a few hours, and your listing will look something like this:

Swift language and platform metadata

Note: Unfortunately, Package.swift does not currently support platform metadata that includes Linux compatibility. If this ever changes, the Swift Package Index will support it.