- Docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/
- docker-compose-plugin: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/linux/
On the host system, setup a ROS workspace, a data directory for moving ROS bags, and clone this repo:
mkdir -p ~/ros/ros_docker_example/workspace/src mkdir -p ~/ros/ros_docker_example/data cd ~/ros/ros_docker_example git clone https://github.com/SyllogismRXS/ros_docker_setup.git
Clone ROS example repositories:
cd ~/ros/ros_docker_example/workspace/src git clone -b jazzy https://github.com/ros2/examples.git
Build the docker image
cd ~/ros/ros_docker_example/ros_docker_setup echo -e "USER_ID=$(id -u ${USER})\nGROUP_ID=$(id -g ${USER})" > .env echo -e "ROS_DISTRO=jazzy" >> .env # Modify for your desired ROS distribution docker compose build
Run the minimal subscriber example
docker compose up -d dev docker exec -it ros_jazzy /bin/bash ros2 run examples_rclcpp_minimal_subscriber subscriber_member_function
In a different terminal, run the minimal publisher example:
docker exec -it ros_jazzy /bin/bash ros2 run examples_rclcpp_minimal_publisher publisher_member_function
Back on the host system: if you make changes to the container (e.g., installing additional packages manually) and you want to persist those changes, you will just want to "stop" the container:
docker compose stop
If you want to wipe out changes to the container, use the "down" command:
docker compose down