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Autodrive is a resource for FiveM servers

Features: Autodrive Hotkey support FiveM registered hotkeys Radial Menu support NativeUI support

Autodrive to locations: Custom destinations Free Roam Fuel stations

Driving Styles: Custom preset driving styles Custom user input driving styles

Driving Speeds: Custom input with hotkey support Follow speed limits on roads (thanks to big yoda for the street names)

Vehicle Tagging: Tag vehicles and mark them on the map Follow tagged vehicles with autodrive

Radial Menu not included. This is needed for autodrive to use Radial Menu

Keys: NativeUI Menu = LSHIFT + DEL Autodrive = 0 SpeedUP = + SpeedDOWN = - Tag Vehicle = ] Follow Vehicle = '

Installation: To use QB integrations requires a few edits to qbcore and qb-inventory. We also need to add the items to purchase from shops. First we need to add vehicle data to qbcore. This edit saves vehicle installations. Included in this mod is the code to edit qbcore items so no need to add items in qb shared items. Next we need to add the parts to shops and qb-inventory. Add the files from the images folder to qb-inventory images folder. Then make the edit to qb-shops. Then the parts will be added to install, installations will be persistent, and autodrive will function with qb. Whitelisting, part requirements, persitence and more!

Download the latest version Copy to the server resources folder Add ensure ta-autodrive in the server.cfg If using QB then make sure ta-autodrive loads after [qb] ta-autodrive uses qb-core, qb-inventory, qb-menu, and qb-radialmenu

-- add this block to qb-core/client/functions.lua

-- Multiple Add Items local function AddItems(items) local shouldContinue = true local message = "success" local errorItem = nil

for key, value in pairs(items) do
    if type(key) ~= "string" then
        message = "invalid_item_name"
        shouldContinue = false
        errorItem = items[key]

    if QBCore.Shared.Items[key] then
        message = "item_exists"
        shouldContinue = false
        errorItem = items[key]

    QBCore.Shared.Items[key] = value

if not shouldContinue then return false, message, errorItem end
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Client:OnSharedUpdateMultiple', -1, 'Items', items)
return true, message, nil


QBCore.Functions.AddItems = AddItems exports('AddItems', AddItems)

-- insert into qbcore/functions.lua
-- insert into GetVehicleProperties function

function QBCore.Functions.GetVehicleProperties(vehicle) -- do not include if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then -- do not include local autodrive = {} -- copy lines below and add under "DoesEntityExist"

    autodrive = { ["Id"] = vehicle, ["Order"] = 0, ["ad_destinations"] = false, ["ad_kit"] = false, ["ad_osd"] = false,
    ["ad_speed"] = false, ["ad_styles"] = false, ["ad_tagger"] = false, } -- check this line if errors, remove it

    if exports['ta-autodrive']:vehicleswithautodrive() == nil then
        local taEx =exports['ta-autodrive']:vehicleswithautodrive() 

        autodrive = taEx[vehicle]

-- insert into SetVehicleProperties function function QBCore.Functions.SetVehicleProperties(vehicle, props) -- do not include if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then -- do not include if props.autodrive then -- copy lines below and add under "DoesEntityExist" local autodrive = props.autodrive end

-- example product list -- insert into qb-shops Config.Products ["hardware"] = { [1] = { name = "ad_fob", price = 10000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1, }, [2] = { name = "ad_kit", price = 5000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, }, [3] = { name = "ad_tagger", price = 5000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3, }, [4] = { name = "ad_speed", price = 5000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4, }, [5] = { name = "ad_styles", price = 5000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5, }, [6] = { name = "ad_destinations", price = 5000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 6, }, [7] = { name = "ad_osd", price = 5000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 7, }, [8] = { name = "ad_darts", price = 500, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 8, }, }

-- QBShared.Items

["ad_fob"] = { ["name"] = "ad_fob", ["label"] = "Autodrive FOB", ["weight"] = 1, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_fob.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Bro, where's the remote!" }, ["ad_tagger"] = { ["name"] = "ad_tagger", ["label"] = "Autodrive Tagger", ["weight"] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_tagger.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Follow that car!" }, ["ad_kit"] = { ["name"] = "ad_kit", ["label"] = "Autodrive Kit", ["weight"] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_kit.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Take your hands off the wheel!" }, ["ad_speed"] = { ["name"] = "ad_speed", ["label"] = "AD Speed Upgrade", ["weight"] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_speed.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Bro, where's the remote!" }, ["ad_styles"] = { ["name"] = "ad_styles", ["label"] = "AD Styles Upgrade", ["weight"] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_styles.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Follow that car!" }, ["ad_destinations"] = { ["name"] = "ad_destinations", ["label"] = "AD Desinations Upgrade", ["weight"] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_destinations.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Take your hands off the wheel!" }, ["ad_darts"] = { ["name"] = "ad_darts", ["label"] = "AD Darts", ["weight"] = 1, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_darts.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Take your hands off the wheel!" }, ["ad_osd"] = { ["name"] = "ad_osd", ["label"] = "AD OSD Upgrade", ["weight"] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "ad_darts.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Take your hands off the wheel!" },

Copyright © 2022

You can use and edit this code to your liking as long as you don't ever claim it to be your own code and always provide proper credit. You're not allowed to sell ta-autodrive or any code you take from it. If you want to release your own version of ta-autodrive, you have to link the original GitHub repo, or release it via a Forked repo.