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The "preserved" branch contains the absolute original CPU in it's final state after I attempted to add the call and return instructions to the CPU. Yes, I finally found the original CPU files. This is not a remake of the original, but the original itself!


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Demo CPU

This is an enhanced version of my original CPU. This enhancement adds stack management, function call and return instructions, and more data transfer instructions. It also lays the framework for implementing system interrupts. For this CPU to work, you will need the latest version of Logisim Evolution (Holy Cross Edition) (4.0.4+). The DemoCPU.cpu file is for use with customasm.

BIN files are raw binary files that can be loaded directly into RAM through the "Load Memory Image..." option. HEX files hold the exact same data in text format so that it's easier to see what's in it. ASM files hold a human-readable assembly code of said program.

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This is an 8-bit processor with an 8-bit data bus and a 16-bit address bus. There are 5, 8-bit general purpose registers, 3, 8-bit specialty registers, and 5, 16-bit address registers. Some of these registers overlap with other registers. The processor is also little-endian.

Address Registers

There are 5, 16-bit address registers.

Address Register (adr)

This register points to a memory location for reading or writing. Some instructions will copy the pointer in this register to the temporary register in order to preserve the value of this register during the execution of said instruction. This register is accessed in an LD, ST, or MOV instruction by using adr to address the entire register, or adrl and adrh to access only the lower and upper half of the register respectively.

Temporary Register

This register points to a memory location for reading, writing, or executing code. This register is loaded whenever preservation of the address register is required, when the instruction in question does not need to use the address register, or when loading the address of the next instruction to execute. The contents of this register are considered invalid after the instruction that is using it finishes executing. This register cannot be accessed by software.

Program Counter

This register points to the location of the next instruction to be executed. It is loaded through the data bus through a RET or RTI instruction, or from the Interrupt Service System or Temporary Register, or it is incremented. This register cannot be accessed directly though software, but only indirectly through the Jxx, CALL, RET, or RTI instructions, which set the program counter's value, then resumes execution at the new address.

Interrupt Service System (ISS)

This register points to the first instruction of the Interrupt Service Reoutine (ISR). This register can only be written to through an ISR instruction. There is no way to read the value of the ISS. The ISS also contains a 17th bit to determine if interrupts are enabled. The INT instruction will either set or clear this bit depending on the 1-bit embeded operand.

Stack Pointer

This register points to the top of the stack. Calling functions, using the PUSH and POP instructions, and using interrupts will all modify the stack pointer. The lower half of the stack pointer can be accessed directly as r7 for both reading, writing, and arithmetic. The upper half of the stack pointer is hardwired to a value of 0x08.

General Purpose Registers (rX)

There are 5, 8-bit registers that do not have a special function attached to them. And 8, 8-bit registers that can be accessed with the rX operand, where X is a number from 0-7. Values of X from 0-4 address the 5 registers that do not have a special function attached to them.

Accumulator (acc)

The accumulator can be accessed through the operand r5 and/or acc depending on the instruction. This register is always the second operand of an ALU operation, though it can also be used as the first operand. All registers that can be accessed through the rX operand of an instruction can be copied into this register.

Output Register (out)

The output register can be accessed through the operand r6 and/or out depending on the instruction. ALU output is stored in this register. Data from this register can be copied to all registers that can be accessed through the rX operand of an instruction.

Flags Register (flags)

The flags register is written to whenever an ALU operation is performed. The output goes to the control unit which then evaluates the flags based on the jump condition specified by a Jxx instruction. This register can only be accessed through the use of PUSH or POP instructions by specifying flags in the operand.


Interrupts are disabled by default, by INT 0 instructions, and by entry into the interrupt service reoutine (ISR). Interrupts are enabled by INT 1 or RTI instructions. When interrupts are enabled, the interrupt signal must be held high until an instruction finishes executing. After that, the processor will enter the ISR.

Upon entry into the ISR, the program counter is pushed onto the stack followed by the value of the flags register. When an RTI instruction is executed, the flags register is popped from the stack followed by the program counter. The user must push any additional registers that he/she intends to use onto the stack at the begining of the ISR, and then pop those registers from the stack in the reverse order before the RTI instruction. The ISR must end with the RTI instruction. Enabling interrupts from inside the ISR is not recommended.


The Demo CPU has no peripherals or instructions to access peripherals. Peripherals must be mapped to specific addresses in such a way as to not conflict with each other or the stack pointer (mapped to 0x0800-0x08FF). These peripherals would then be accessed in software through LD and ST instructions to read from and write to the peripherals respectively. At the bare minimum, RAM must be mapped to addreses 0x0800-0x08FF to accommodate the stack, and a ROM must be mapped at least to address 0x0000 to accomodate the start of execution of the program. If the program is a BIOS, then the entirety of the BIOS should fit within the first 2k of addressable memory, including the variables used by the BIOS.

Instruction Set

This processor is Little-Endian and the results of all ALU operations are stored in the output register. All ALU operations are done with 'rX' as the A input and the accumulator as the B input. This instruction set is incompatible with the restored version of the CPU, though some instructions will still work with it.

imm8 is a one-byte number that immediately follows the opcode. imm16 is a two-byte number that immediately follows the opcode (little endian order). rX is a general purpose register where X is a 3-bit number from 0-7. These 3 bits make up the 3 least-significant bits of the opcode. flags refers to the flags register, adr refers to the address register, and adrl and adrh refer to the lower half and upper half of the address register respectively.

Instruction Description Opcode (binary)
NOP Does nothing. 00000000
ISR imm16 Sets the address of the interrupt service routine. 00000001
INT 0 Disables interrupts. 00000010
INT 1 Enables interrupts. 00000011
RTI Returns from interrupt service routine. 00000100
CALL imm16 Calls a function at the immediate address. 00000101
RET Returns from a function. 00000110
PUSH flags Pushes the flags register to the stack. 00000111
POP flags Pops the flags register from the stack. 00001000
LD adrl, imm8 Loads the immediate byte into the lower half of the address register. 00001001
LD adrh, imm8 Loads the immediate byte into the upper half of the address register. 00001010
LD adr, imm16 Loads the immediate address into the address register. 00001011
LD adr, [imm16] Loads the address at the immediate address into the address register. 00001100
LD adr, [adr] Loads the address at the address in the address register into the address register. 00001101
POP adr Pops the address register from the stack. 00001110
ST [imm16], adr Stores the value of the address register at the immediate address. 00001111
ST [adr], adr Stores the value of the address register at address in the address register. 00010000
PUSH adr Pushes the address register to the stack. 00010001
HLT Halts the processor until a reset signal is received. 00010010
JMP imm16 Unconditional jump to immediate address. 00011000
JNE/JNZ imm16 Jumps to the immediate address if the zero flag is cleared. 00011001
JE/JZ imm16 Jumps to the immediate address if the zero flag is set. 00011010
JL/JC imm16 Jumps to the immediate address if the carry flag is set. 00011011
JNL/JNC imm16 Jumps to the immediate address if the carry flag is cleared. 00011100
JG imm16 Jumps to the immediate address if the zero and carry flags are cleared. 00011101
JNG imm16 Jumps to the immediate address if the zero or carry flags are set. 00011110
LD rX, imm8 Loads the immediate byte into the specified register. 00100xxx
LD rX, [imm16] Loads the byte at the immediate address into the specified register. 00101xxx
LD rX, [adr] Loads the value stored at the address in the address register into the specified register. 00110xxx
POP rX Pops the specified register from the stack. 00111xxx
ST [imm16], rX Stores the value in the specified register at the immediate address. 01000xxx
ST [adr], rX Stores the value in the specified register at the address in the address register. 01001xxx
PUSH rX Pushes the specified register onto the stack.. 01010xxx
MOV acc, rX Copies the value in the specified register into the accumulator. 01011xxx
MOV rX, out Copies the value in the output register into the specified register. 01100xxx
MOV rX, adrl Copies the value in the lower half of the address register into the specified register. 01101xxx
MOV rX, adrh Copies the value in the upper half of the address register into the specified register. 01110xxx
MOV adrl, rX Copies the value in the specified register into the lower byte of the address register. 01111xxx
MOV adrh, rX Copies the value in the specified register into the upper byte of the address register. 10000xxx
ADC rX Adds the accumulator and the carry flag to the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 10010xxx
ADD rX Adds the accumulator to the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 10011xxx
SUB rX Subtracts the accumulator from the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 10100xxx
NEG rX Negates the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 10101xxx
INC rX Increments the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 10110xxx
DEC rX Decrements the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 10111xxx
TEST rX Sets the zero flag if the specified GPR is zero. Does not set the carry flag. 11000xxx
AND rX Logical AND operation with the accumulator and the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 11001xxx
OR rX Logical OR operation with the accumulator and the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 11010xxx
NOT rX Logical NOT operation of the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 11011xxx
XOR rX Logical XOR operation with the accumulator and the specified GPR. The result is stored in the output register. 11100xxx
SHR rX Logical shift right of the specified GPR by the amount specified by the accumulator. The result is stored in the output register. 11101xxx
SHL rX Logical shift left of the specified GPR by the amount specified by the accumulator. The result is stored in the output register. 11110xxx
CMP rX Subtracts the accumulator and the carry flag from the specified GPR, setting the zero and carry flags and discarding the results. 11111xxx


The "preserved" branch contains the absolute original CPU in it's final state after I attempted to add the call and return instructions to the CPU. Yes, I finally found the original CPU files. This is not a remake of the original, but the original itself!







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