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Quick Start

API Usage

You can run all kinds of experiments through CogDL APIs, especially experiment(). You can also use your own datasets and models for experiments. A quickstart example can be found in the More examples are provided in the examples/.

from cogdl import experiment

# basic usage
experiment(dataset="cora", model="gcn")

# set other hyper-parameters
experiment(dataset="cora", model="gcn", hidden_size=32, epochs=200)

# run over multiple models on different seeds
experiment(dataset="cora", model=["gcn", "gat"], seed=[1, 2])

# automl usage
def search_space(trial):
    return {
        "lr": trial.suggest_categorical("lr", [1e-3, 5e-3, 1e-2]),
        "hidden_size": trial.suggest_categorical("hidden_size", [32, 64, 128]),
        "dropout": trial.suggest_uniform("dropout", 0.5, 0.8),

experiment(dataset="cora", model="gcn", seed=[1, 2], search_space=search_space)

Command-Line Usage

You can also use python scripts/ --dataset example_dataset --model example_model to run example_model on example_data.

  • --dataset, dataset name to run, can be a list of datasets with space like cora citeseer. Supported datasets include cora, citeseer, pumbed, ppi, flickr. More datasets can be found in the cogdl/datasets.
  • --model, model name to run, can be a list of models like gcn gat. Supported models include gcn, gat, graphsage. More models can be found in the cogdl/models.

For example, if you want to run GCN and GAT on the Cora dataset, with 5 different seeds:

`bash python scripts/ --dataset cora --model gcn gat --seed 0 1 2 3 4`

Expected output:

Variant test_acc val_acc
('cora', 'gcn') 0.8050±0.0047 0.7940±0.0063
('cora', 'gat') 0.8234±0.0042 0.8088±0.0016

If you want to run parallel experiments on your server with multiple GPUs on multiple models/datasets:

python scripts/ --dataset cora citeseer --model gcn gat --devices 0 1 --seed 0 1 2 3 4

Expected output:

Variant test_acc val_acc
('cora', 'gcn') 0.8050±0.0047 0.7940±0.0063
('cora', 'gat') 0.8234±0.0042 0.8088±0.0016
('citeseer', 'gcn') 0.6938±0.0133 0.7108±0.0148
('citeseer', 'gat') 0.7098±0.0053 0.7244±0.0039