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Component Server Vault Proxy

Component server vault proxy is deprecated since component-runtime-1.34.0 release

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A Vault proxy dedicated to the component server allows to safely manage credential encryption when operating in a Cloud environment.

Vault proxy

The Vault Proxy only concerns data marked as @Credential in the component configuration.

This Vault proxy:

  • receives an encrypted payload containing sensitive data from the remote engine, via HTTP.

  • decrypts the data

  • caches in memory the decrypted value of the data for performance reasons.

  • sends unencrypted data to the component server using HTTPS. An SSL certificate can be automatically generated and secures the data.

Adding the Vault Proxy to your Docker Compose

The YAML below is the recommended configuration to enable the Vault Proxy and Component Server to communicate over HTTPS.

Linking the Vault Proxy to the Component Server through HTTPS

When the Vault Proxy is enabled, ensure you configure HTTPS on the Component Server using the following parameters:

true or false. Indicates if the SSL protocol is enabled.


Keystore password.


Path to Keystore.


Private key/certificate alias.


Keystore type.


true or false.


Specifies if a custom command is to be used to generate the certificate.


Encryption algorithm. RSA by default.


Distinguished name.


Size of the key. 2048 by default.


SSL port to use.

Adding extensions to the instance

You can mount a volume in /opt/talend/component-kit-vault-proxy/custom/ and the jars in that folder which will be deployed with the server. Since the server relies on CDI (Apache OpenWebBeans) you can use that technology to enrich it, including JAX-RS endpoints, interceptors etc…​or just libraries needing to be in the JVM.