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A puppet module for installing and configuring Scala Build Tool. SBT is an open source build tool for Scala and Java projects.

Basic Usage:

Installation via jar configuration

The default configuration installs and configures sbt via the sbt jar download and configuration.

Prerequisite : You need to have Java installed on your machine in order to have sbt working using this type of installation.

class { 'sbt':
  sbt_jar_version  => '0.13.11'
  sbt_java_opts    => '-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'
  sbt_jar_path     => '/bin'

Installation via package

It is also possible to install sbt via a RPM package. To do so, you must set the install_as_package parameter to true.

class { 'sbt': }

This package will install openjdk as part of the process, so you don't need to have java installed as a prerequisite.

Set-up publishing

The publish action is used to publish your project to a remote repository. To use publishing, you need to specify the repository to publish to and the credentials to use.

To do so, you have to configure a set of hiera variables, such as:

sbt::publish_configure_credentials: true
sbt::publish_credentials_folder: '/home/myuser/.ivy2/'
sbt::publish_credentials_file: '.credentials'
sbt::publish_credentials_file_owner: 'myuser'
sbt::publish_realm: 'My Nexus Repository Manager'
sbt::publish_host: ''
sbt::publish_user: 'admin'
sbt::publish_password: 'admin'


  • install_as_package - Whether to install sbt via the RPM package or the jar file
  • sbt_jar_version - The version of sbt to install (default is 0.13.11) - Only used when installing via the jar file
  • sbt_jar_path - The directory in which to install the jar file - Only used when installing via the jar file
  • sbt_java_opts - The Java options used when launching a sbt build
  • publish_configure_credentials - Whether to set the configuration for remote publishing
  • publish_credentials_folder - The directory in which to place the credentials file used for publishing
  • publish_credentials_file - The name of the file containing the credentials used for publishing
  • publish_credentials_file_owner - The owner of the crendentials file
  • publish_realm - The realm of the artifacts repository
  • publish_host - The artifacts repository host
  • publish_user - Username for publishing into the artifacts repository
  • publish_password - Password for publishing into the artifacts repository

Hiera Support

All parameters can be defined in hiera:

sbt::install_as_package: false
sbt::sbt_jar_version: 0.13.11
sbt::sbt_jar_path: '/bin/'
sbt::sbt_java_opts: '-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'
sbt::publish_configure_credentials: true
sbt::publish_credentials_folder: '/home/myuser/.ivy2/'
sbt::publish_credentials_file: '.credentials'
sbt::publish_credentials_file_owner: 'myuser'
sbt::publish_realm: 'My Nexus Repository Manager'
sbt::publish_host: ''
sbt::publish_user: 'admin'
sbt::publish_password: 'admin'


  • puppetlabs-stdlib > 2.4.0
  • maestrodev-wget > 1.7.0

Supported platforms

For installation as a jar file

  • CentOS/Redhat 6/7
  • Ubuntu 14.04

For installation as a package

  • CentOS/Redhat 6/7