diff --git a/docs/config.json b/docs/config.json index 542ecbd78a..01ddf6e8fe 100644 --- a/docs/config.json +++ b/docs/config.json @@ -700,6 +700,15 @@ "to": "framework/vue/reference/hydration" } ] + }, + { + "label": "solid", + "children": [ + { + "label": "createQuery", + "to": "framework/solid/reference/createQuery" + } + ] } ] }, diff --git a/docs/framework/solid/reference/createQuery.md b/docs/framework/solid/reference/createQuery.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d041592bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/framework/solid/reference/createQuery.md @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +--- +id: createQuery +title: createQuery +--- + +```tsx +const { + data, + dataUpdatedAt, + error, + errorUpdatedAt, + failureCount, + failureReason, + fetchStatus, + isError, + isFetched, + isFetchedAfterMount, + isFetching, + isInitialLoading, + isLoading, + isLoadingError, + isPaused, + isPending, + isPlaceholderData, + isRefetchError, + isRefetching, + isStale, + isSuccess, + refetch, + status, +} = createQuery( + () => ({ + queryKey, + queryFn, + enabled, + select, + placeholderData, + deferStream, + reconcile, + gcTime, + networkMode, + initialData, + initialDataUpdatedAt, + meta, + queryKeyHashFn, + refetchInterval, + refetchIntervalInBackground, + refetchOnMount, + refetchOnReconnect, + refetchOnWindowFocus, + retry, + retryOnMount, + retryDelay, + staleTime, + throwOnError, + }), + () => queryClient, +) +``` + +## Usage example + +Here are some examples of how to use the `createQuery` primitive in Solid Query. + +### Basic + +The most basic usage of `createQuery` is to create a query that fetches data from an API. + +```tsx +import { createQuery } from '@tanstack/solid-query' + +function App() { + const todos = createQuery(() => ({ + queryKey: 'todos', + queryFn: async () => { + const response = await fetch('/api/todos') + if (!response.ok) { + throw new Error('Failed to fetch todos') + } + return response.json() + }, + })) + + + return ( +
+ +
Error: {todos.error.message}
+ +
+ +
    + + {(todo) =>
  • {todo.title}
  • } +
+ ) +} +``` + +### Reactive Options + +The reason why `createQuery` accepts a function that returns an object is to allow for reactive options. This is useful when query options depend on other values/signals that might change over time. Solid Query can track the passed function in a reactive scope and re-run it whenever the dependencies change. + +```tsx +import { createQuery } from '@tanstack/solid-query' + +function App() { + const [filter, setFilter] = createSignal('all') + + const todos = createQuery(() => ({ + queryKey: ['todos', filter()], + queryFn: async () => { + const response = await fetch(`/api/todos?filter=${filter()}`) + if (!response.ok) { + throw new Error('Failed to fetch todos') + } + return response.json() + }, + })) + + return ( +
+ + + +
+ +
Error: {todos.error.message}
+ +
+ +
    + {(todo) =>
  • {todo.title}
  • }
+ ) +} +``` + +### Usage with `Suspense` + +`createQuery` supports triggering SolidJS `Suspense` and `ErrorBoundary` components when the query is in a pending or error state. This allows you to easily handle loading and error states in your components. + +```tsx +import { createQuery } from '@tanstack/solid-query' + +function App() { + const todos = createQuery(() => ({ + queryKey: 'todos', + queryFn: async () => { + const response = await fetch('/api/todos') + if (!response.ok) { + throw new Error('Failed to fetch todos') + } + return response.json() + }, + throwOnError: true, + })) + + return ( + Error: {todos.error.message}}> + Loading...}> +
    + {(todo) =>
  • {todo.title}
  • }
+ ) +} +``` + +## `createQuery` Parameters + +- ### Query Options - `Accessor` + + - ##### `queryKey: unknown[]` + - **Required** + - The query key to use for this query. + - The query key will be hashed into a stable hash. See [Query Keys](../../guides/query-keys) for more information. + - The query will automatically update when this key changes (as long as `enabled` is not set to `false`). + - ##### `queryFn: (context: QueryFunctionContext) => Promise` + - **Required, but only if no default query function has been defined** See [Default Query Function](../../guides/default-query-function) for more information. + - The function that the query will use to request data. + - Receives a [QueryFunctionContext](../../guides/query-functions#queryfunctioncontext) + - Must return a promise that will either resolve data or throw an error. The data cannot be `undefined`. + - ##### `enabled: boolean` + - Set this to `false` to disable this query from automatically running. + - Can be used for [Dependent Queries](../../guides/dependent-queries). + - ##### `select: (data: TData) => unknown` + - Optional + - This option can be used to transform or select a part of the data returned by the query function. It affects the returned `data` value, but does not affect what gets stored in the query cache. + - The `select` function will only run if `data` changed, or if the reference to the `select` function itself changes. To optimize, wrap the function in `useCallback`. + - ##### `placeholderData: TData | (previousValue: TData | undefined; previousQuery: Query | undefined,) => TData` + - Optional + - If set, this value will be used as the placeholder data for this particular query observer while the query is still in the `pending` state. + - `placeholderData` is **not persisted** to the cache + - If you provide a function for `placeholderData`, as a first argument you will receive previously watched query data if available, and the second argument will be the complete previousQuery instance. + - ##### `deferStream: boolean` + - Optional + - Defaults to `false` + - Only applicable while rendering queries on the server with streaming. + - Set `deferStream` to `true` to wait for the query to resolve on the server before flushing the stream. + - This can be useful to avoid sending a loading state to the client before the query has resolved. + - ##### `reconcile: false | string | ((oldData: TData | undefined, newData: TData) => TData)` + - Optional + - Defaults to `false` + - Set this to a string to enable reconciliation between query results based on the string key. + - Set this to a function which accepts the old and new data and returns resolved data of the same type to implement custom reconciliation logic. + - ##### `gcTime: number | Infinity` + - Defaults to `5 * 60 * 1000` (5 minutes) or `Infinity` during SSR + - The time in milliseconds that unused/inactive cache data remains in memory. When a query's cache becomes unused or inactive, that cache data will be garbage collected after this duration. When different garbage collection times are specified, the longest one will be used. + - Note: the maximum allowed time is about 24 days. See [more](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/setTimeout#maximum_delay_value). + - If set to `Infinity`, will disable garbage collection + - ##### `networkMode: 'online' | 'always' | 'offlineFirst` + - optional + - defaults to `'online'` + - see [Network Mode](../../guides/network-mode) for more information. + - ##### `initialData: TData | () => TData` + - Optional + - If set, this value will be used as the initial data for the query cache (as long as the query hasn't been created or cached yet) + - If set to a function, the function will be called **once** during the shared/root query initialization, and be expected to synchronously return the initialData + - Initial data is considered stale by default unless a `staleTime` has been set. + - `initialData` **is persisted** to the cache + - ##### `initialDataUpdatedAt: number | (() => number | undefined)` + - Optional + - If set, this value will be used as the time (in milliseconds) of when the `initialData` itself was last updated. + - ##### `meta: Record` + - Optional + - If set, stores additional information on the query cache entry that can be used as needed. It will be accessible wherever the `query` is available, and is also part of the `QueryFunctionContext` provided to the `queryFn`. + - ##### `queryKeyHashFn: (queryKey: QueryKey) => string` + - Optional + - If specified, this function is used to hash the `queryKey` to a string. + - ##### `refetchInterval: number | false | ((query: Query) => number | false | undefined)` + - Optional + - If set to a number, all queries will continuously refetch at this frequency in milliseconds + - If set to a function, the function will be executed with the query to compute a frequency + - ##### `refetchIntervalInBackground: boolean` + - Optional + - If set to `true`, queries that are set to continuously refetch with a `refetchInterval` will continue to refetch while their tab/window is in the background + - ##### `refetchOnMount: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query) => boolean | "always")` + - Optional + - Defaults to `true` + - If set to `true`, the query will refetch on mount if the data is stale. + - If set to `false`, the query will not refetch on mount. + - If set to `"always"`, the query will always refetch on mount. + - If set to a function, the function will be executed with the query to compute the value + - ##### `refetchOnWindowFocus: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query) => boolean | "always")` + - Optional + - Defaults to `true` + - If set to `true`, the query will refetch on window focus if the data is stale. + - If set to `false`, the query will not refetch on window focus. + - If set to `"always"`, the query will always refetch on window focus. + - If set to a function, the function will be executed with the query to compute the value + - ##### `refetchOnReconnect: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query) => boolean | "always")` + - Optional + - Defaults to `true` + - If set to `true`, the query will refetch on reconnect if the data is stale. + - If set to `false`, the query will not refetch on reconnect. + - If set to `"always"`, the query will always refetch on reconnect. + - If set to a function, the function will be executed with the query to compute the value + - ##### `retry: boolean | number | (failureCount: number, error: TError) => boolean` + - If `false`, failed queries will not retry by default. + - If `true`, failed queries will retry infinitely. + - If set to a `number`, e.g. `3`, failed queries will retry until the failed query count meets that number. + - defaults to `3` on the client and `0` on the server + - ##### `retryOnMount: boolean` + - If set to `false`, the query will not be retried on mount if it contains an error. Defaults to `true`. + - ##### `retryDelay: number | (retryAttempt: number, error: TError) => number` + - This function receives a `retryAttempt` integer and the actual Error and returns the delay to apply before the next attempt in milliseconds. + - A function like `attempt => Math.min(attempt > 1 ? 2 ** attempt * 1000 : 1000, 30 * 1000)` applies exponential backoff. + - A function like `attempt => attempt * 1000` applies linear backoff. + - ##### `staleTime: number | Infinity` + - Optional + - Defaults to `0` + - The time in milliseconds after data is considered stale. This value only applies to the hook it is defined on. + - If set to `Infinity`, the data will never be considered stale + - ##### `throwOnError: undefined | boolean | (error: TError, query: Query) => boolean` + - Defaults to the global query config's `throwOnError` value, which is `undefined` + - Set this to `true` if you want errors to be thrown in the render phase and propagate to the nearest error boundary + - Set this to `false` to disable `suspense`'s default behavior of throwing errors to the error boundary. + - If set to a function, it will be passed the error and the query, and it should return a boolean indicating whether to show the error in an error boundary (`true`) or return the error as state (`false`) + +- ### Query Client - `Accessor` + - Optional + - Use this to use a custom QueryClient. Otherwise, the one from the nearest context will be used. + +## `createQuery` Return Value - `Store>` + +`createQuery` returns a SolidJS store with the following properties: + +- ##### `status: QueryStatus` + - Will be: + - `pending` if there's no cached data and no query attempt was finished yet. + - `error` if the query attempt resulted in an error. The corresponding `error` property has the error received from the attempted fetch + - `success` if the query has received a response with no errors and is ready to display its data. The corresponding `data` property on the query is the data received from the successful fetch or if the query's `enabled` property is set to `false` and has not been fetched yet `data` is the first `initialData` supplied to the query on initialization. +- ##### `isPending: boolean` + - A derived boolean from the `status` variable above, provided for convenience. +- ##### `isSuccess: boolean` + - A derived boolean from the `status` variable above, provided for convenience. +- ##### `isError: boolean` + - A derived boolean from the `status` variable above, provided for convenience. +- ##### `isLoadingError: boolean` + - Will be `true` if the query failed while fetching for the first time. +- ##### `isRefetchError: boolean` + - Will be `true` if the query failed while refetching. +- ##### `data: Resource` + - Defaults to `undefined`. + - The last successfully resolved data for the query. + - **Important**: The `data` property is a SolidJS resource. This means that if the data is accessed underneath a `` component, + it will trigger the Suspense boundary if the data is not available yet. +- ##### `dataUpdatedAt: number` + - The timestamp for when the query most recently returned the `status` as `"success"`. +- ##### `error: null | TError` + - Defaults to `null` + - The error object for the query, if an error was thrown. +- ##### `errorUpdatedAt: number` + - The timestamp for when the query most recently returned the `status` as `"error"`. +- ##### `isStale: boolean` + - Will be `true` if the data in the cache is invalidated or if the data is older than the given `staleTime`. +- ##### `isPlaceholderData: boolean` + - Will be `true` if the data shown is the placeholder data. +- ##### `isFetched: boolean` + - Will be `true` if the query has been fetched. +- ##### `isFetchedAfterMount: boolean` + - Will be `true` if the query has been fetched after the component mounted. + - This property can be used to not show any previously cached data. +- ##### `fetchStatus: FetchStatus` + - `fetching`: Is `true` whenever the queryFn is executing, which includes initial `pending` as well as background refetches. + - `paused`: The query wanted to fetch, but has been `paused`. + - `idle`: The query is not fetching. + - see [Network Mode](../../guides/network-mode) for more information. +- ##### `isFetching: boolean` + - A derived boolean from the `fetchStatus` variable above, provided for convenience. +- ##### `isPaused: boolean` + - A derived boolean from the `fetchStatus` variable above, provided for convenience. +- ##### `isRefetching: boolean` + - Is `true` whenever a background refetch is in-flight, which _does not_ include initial `pending` + - Is the same as `isFetching && !isPending` +- ##### `isLoading: boolean` + - Is `true` whenever the first fetch for a query is in-flight + - Is the same as `isFetching && isPending` +- ##### `isInitialLoading: boolean` + - **deprecated** + - An alias for `isLoading`, will be removed in the next major version. +- ##### `failureCount: number` + - The failure count for the query. + - Incremented every time the query fails. + - Reset to `0` when the query succeeds. +- ##### `failureReason: null | TError` + - The failure reason for the query retry. + - Reset to `null` when the query succeeds. +- ##### `errorUpdateCount: number` + - The sum of all errors. +- ##### `refetch: (options: { throwOnError: boolean, cancelRefetch: boolean }) => Promise` + - A function to manually refetch the query. + - If the query errors, the error will only be logged. If you want an error to be thrown, pass the `throwOnError: true` option + - `cancelRefetch?: boolean` + - Defaults to `true` + - Per default, a currently running request will be cancelled before a new request is made + - When set to `false`, no refetch will be made if there is already a request running.