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thallgren edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 1 revision

In order to completely uninstall PL/Java you need to have super user privilegies on the database. Here's how you do it.

  1. See to that no transaction is active that make use of PL/Java functions.
  2. Edit the /postgresql.conf file and remove the entries that are associated with PL/Java. Typically the dynamic_library_path, custom_variable_classes, and any variable that starts with 'pljava.'.
  3. Issue a pg_ctl reload -D on the database to make the backend aware of the changes.
  4. Use the Deployer with the -remove option. This will remove the sqlj schema from the database and all jars that you have loaded using the -install or -reinstall option.
    (An alternative approach is to run the /uninstall.sql script)
  5. Remove the and all that it contains.