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Developer tutorial for Beast 2.7.x using IntelliJ

Required software

Create a directory for IntelliJ dev and get BEAST2 and BEASTFX v2.7.6.

mkdir ~/intellij
cd ~/intellij
tar -xvzf v2.7.6.tar.gz
mv beast2-2.7.6 beast2
mv BeastFX-master/ BeastFX

Azul JDK 17 (Java 17)

This tutorial was set up using zulu17.50.19-ca-fx-jdk17.0.11. Versions 17.0.4 and 17.0.5 did not work and are not recommended.

IntelliJ IDE (Community Edition)

Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.12

Create Project

File > New > Project


Set the JDK to Zulu 17


Create global libraries for beast2, beast2 junit test, and BeastFX

File > Project Structure > Global Libraries > + > Java or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S



Select all files under BeastFX/locallib



Rename the library to b2fx-lib

Select the beast2/lib directory


Rename the library to b2-lib

Select the beast2/junit directory


Rename the library to b2-junit

Configure modules and dependencies

File > Project Structure


Import the module beast2 by selecting the directory, selecting next.

In the Libraries window, edit change 'lib' to 'beast-lib' and untick DensiTree.


Modules > + > Import Module

Import BeastFX with the same procedure



File > Project Structure > Modules > beast2 > Sources

Select test folder and mark as Tests


File > Project Structure > Modules > beast2 > Dependencies

Add the beast2 library and beast2 junit test library, setting Scope to Compile.

+ > 2 Library > Global Libraries



File > Project Structure > Modules > BeastFX > Sources

Select src/test folder and mark as Tests


File > Project Structure > Modules > BeastFX > Dependencies

Add a Module Dependency for beast2 and the BeastFX library, setting Scope to Compile.


For MyPackage, add Module Dependency for both the beast2 and BeastFX.


Beauti debug

In the Project tab, navigate to BeastFX > src > > beauti and select Beauti.

Right click Beauti and select Modify Run Configuration.



To run Beauti, Run > Debug > Beauti.


BeastMCMC debug

In the Project tab, navigate to BeastFX > src > > beast and select BeastMCMC.

Right click BeastMCMC and select Modify Run Configuration.

In Program Arguments, locate the xml you wish to run, e.g. beast2/examples/testHKY.xml


To run Beast2, Run > Debug > BeastMCMC.

Alternatively, use the same debug configuration for BeastMain, which will bring up a window where an xml file can be selected.

Implementing a new substitution model

We are implementing the F84 substitution model.

Create a new Package called beast.base.evolution.substitutionmodel.

Right click src > New > Package.


Create F84 class

Right click beast.base.evolution.substitutionmodel and create a new Java Class called F84.


Open the class.

Add extends SubstitutionModel.Base after F84.

public class F84 extends SubstitutionModel.Base {


Click on


Select the error to declare F84 and click on the light bulb Show Quick Fixes.


Select Implement Methods and click OK, adding in unimplemented methods.



The file should now look like this


Add k parameter

Add the extends SubstitutionModel.Base after the class name.

public class F84 extends SubstitutionModel.Base{

    public Input<RealParameter> kF84 = new Input<RealParameter>("kF84", "k parameter in the F84 model", Validate.REQUIRED);

To resolve the errors, Import Class for each unimplemented method.


The following declarations should have been added.

import beast.base.core.Input;
import beast.base.inference.parameter.RealParameter;

Implementing the canHandleDataType method

public boolean canHandleDataType(DataType dataType) {
   if (dataType instanceof Nucleotide) {
     return true;
   return false;

Add the unimplement method, inserting the following code.

import beast.base.evolution.datatype.Nucleotide;

Implementing the getTransitionProbabilities method

Fill in the getTransitionProbabilities method with the following:

public void getTransitionProbabilities(Node node, double fStartTime, double fEndTime, double fRate, double[] matrix) {
       double[] freqs = frequencies.getFreqs();
       double freqA = freqs[0];
       double freqC = freqs[1];
       double freqG = freqs[2];
       double freqT = freqs[3];
       double freqR = freqA + freqG;
       double freqY = freqC + freqT;

       double k = kF84.get().getValue();
       double sumPiSquared = freqA*freqA + freqC*freqC + freqG*freqG + freqT*freqT;
       double sumPiRatios = freqA*freqA/freqR + freqC*freqC/freqY + freqG*freqG/freqR + freqT*freqT/freqY;
       double mu = (1.0 - sumPiSquared) + k*(1.0 - sumPiRatios);

       double distance = (fStartTime - fEndTime) * fRate;
       double expTerm = Math.exp(-mu * distance);
       double expTermK = Math.exp(-mu * distance * (k + 1.0));

       matrix[0]  = freqA + freqA*(1.0/freqR - 1.0)*expTerm + ((freqR - freqA)/freqR)*expTermK; //AA
       matrix[1]  = freqC*(1.0 - expTerm); //AC
       matrix[2]  = freqG + freqG*(1.0/freqR - 1.0)*expTerm - (freqG/freqR)*expTermK; //AG
       matrix[3]  = freqT*(1.0 - expTerm); //AT

       matrix[4]  = freqA*(1.0 - expTerm); //CA
       matrix[5]  = freqC + freqC*(1.0/freqY - 1.0)*expTerm + ((freqY - freqC)/freqY)*expTermK; //CC
       matrix[6]  = freqG*(1.0 - expTerm); //CG
       matrix[7]  = freqT + freqT*(1.0/freqY - 1.0)*expTerm - (freqT/freqY)*expTermK; //CT

       matrix[8]  = freqA + freqA*(1.0/freqR - 1.0)*expTerm - (freqA/freqR)*expTermK; //GA
       matrix[9]  = freqC*(1.0 - expTerm); //GC
       matrix[10] = freqG + freqG*(1.0/freqR - 1.0)*expTerm + ((freqR - freqG)/freqR)*expTermK; //GG
       matrix[11] = freqT*(1.0 - expTerm); //GT

       matrix[12] = freqA*(1.0 - expTerm); //TA
       matrix[13] = freqC + freqC*(1.0/freqY - 1.0)*expTerm - (freqC/freqY)*expTermK; //TC
       matrix[14] = freqG*(1.0 - expTerm); //TG
       matrix[15] = freqT + freqT*(1.0/freqY - 1.0)*expTerm + ((freqY - freqT)/freqY)*expTermK; //TT

Add description and citation

Paste the following lines before the F84 class:

@Description("F84 substitution model")

@Citation("Kishino, H., and M. Hasegawa. 1989. Evaluation of the maximum likelihood estimate of the evolutionary tree topologies from DNA sequence data, and the branching order in Hominoidea. Journal of Molecular Evolution 29:170-179.")

Import the Description class from beast.base.core.


Import the class for Citation.

Create a new File in MyPackage called version.xml and copy the following lines.

<package name="MyPackage" version="0.0.1">
    <depends on='BEAST.base' atleast='2.7.0'/>
    <depends on='' atleast='2.7.0'/>

    <service type="beast.base.evolution.datatype.DataType">
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.datatype.Nucleotide"/>

    <service type="beast.base.core.BEASTInterface">
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.substitutionmodel.F84"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.alignment.Alignment"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.alignment.Sequence"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.datatype.Nucleotide"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.sitemodel.SiteModel"/>

        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.tree.Tree"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.tree.TreeHeightLogger"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.tree.TreeParser"/>

        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.tree.coalescent.ConstantPopulation"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.tree.coalescent.RandomTree"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.Logger"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.CompoundDistribution"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.MCMC"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.Operator"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.parameter.RealParameter"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.distribution.Prior"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.distribution.OneOnX"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.inference.util.ESS"/>

        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.likelihood.TreeLikelihood"/>

        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.operator.ScaleOperator"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.operator.SubtreeSlide"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.operator.Uniform"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.operator.Exchange"/>
        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.operator.WilsonBalding"/>

        <provider classname="beast.base.evolution.substitutionmodel.Frequencies"/>    

Create an xml for F84

Create an examples folder in the MyPackage directory.

Copy the testHKY.xml from the examples folder from beast2.

Right click the file and select Refactor > Rename and rename the file to testF84.xml

Click the file and select Edit > Find > Replace in Files, then select Scope and set it to Current File.

Replace all instances of HKY with F84, the replaces all instances of kappa with kF84.


Right click BeastMain under BeastFX > src > > beast > BeastMain to Modify Run Configuration.

Set the classpath to -cp MyPackage.

Add the following snippet to program arguments in debug: -version_file version.xml examples/testF84.xml

Create an fxtemplate for beauti - Currently Unimplemented (skip to TreeStat section)

Create a folder called fxtemplates in the MyPackage directory.

Inside the folder, create an xml file called F84-beauti-template.xml copying in the following contents.

<beast version='2.0'

    <mergewith point='substModelTemplates'>

        <subtemplate id='F84' class='beast.base.evolution.substitutionmodel.F84' mainid='F84.s:$(n)'>
			<plugin spec='F84' id='F84.s:$(n)'>
				<parameter id="kF84.s:$(n)" name='kF84' value="2.0" lower="0.0" estimate='true'/>
				<frequencies id='estimatedFreqs.s:$(n)' spec='Frequencies'>
					<frequencies id='freqParameter.s:$(n)' spec='parameter.RealParameter' dimension='4' value='0.25' lower='0' upper='1'/>
			<operator id='kF84Scaler.s:$(n)' spec='kernel.BactrianScaleOperator' scaleFactor="0.1" weight="1" parameter="@kF84.s:$(n)"/>
			<operator id='FrequenciesExchanger.s:$(n)' spec='kernel.BactrianDeltaExchangeOperator' delta="0.01" weight="0.1" parameter="@freqParameter.s:$(n)"/>
			<prior id='kF84Prior.s:$(n)' x='@kF84.s:$(n)'>
				<distr spec="LogNormalDistributionModel" meanInRealSpace='true'>
					<parameter name='M' value="1.0" estimate='false'/>
					<parameter name='S' value="1.25" estimate='false'/>

            <connect srcID='kF84.s:$(n)' targetID='state' inputName='stateNode' if='inposterior(F84.s:$(n)) and kF84.s:$(n)/estimate=true'/>
            <connect srcID='freqParameter.s:$(n)' targetID='state' inputName='stateNode' if='inposterior(F84.s:$(n)) and inposterior(freqParameter.s:$(n)) and freqParameter.s:$(n)/estimate=true'/>
            <connect srcID='kF84Scaler.s:$(n)' targetID='mcmc' inputName='operator' if='inposterior(F84.s:$(n)) and kF84.s:$(n)/estimate=true'>Scale F84 transition-transversion parameter of partition $(n)</connect>
            <connect srcID='FrequenciesExchanger.s:$(n)' targetID='mcmc' inputName='operator' if='inposterior(F84.s:$(n)) and inposterior(freqParameter.s:$(n)) and freqParameter.s:$(n)/estimate=true'>Exchange values of frequencies of partition $(n)</connect>
            <connect srcID='kF84.s:$(n)' targetID='tracelog' inputName='log' if='inposterior(F84.s:$(n)) and kF84.s:$(n)/estimate=true'/>
            <connect srcID='freqParameter.s:$(n)' targetID='tracelog' inputName='log' if='inposterior(F84.s:$(n)) and inposterior(freqParameter.s:$(n)) and freqParameter.s:$(n)/estimate=true'/>
            <connect srcID='kF84Prior.s:$(n)' targetID='prior' inputName='distribution' if='inposterior(F84.s:$(n)) and kF84.s:$(n)/estimate=true'>F84 transition-transversion parameter of partition $(n)</connect>



In this next step we will run a beast2 package, treestat2, that is deployed through a a graphical user interface from the applauncher.

cd ~/intellij
git clone

Import the TreeStat2 module and add the beast2 and BeastFX modules as depedencies.

File > Project Structure > Modules > + > Import Module > TreeStat2


Create a debug configuration for TreeStat2.


To run TreeStat2, Run > Debug > TreeStatApp.

Compiling the Package

To test the package for release, we use ant to compile it.

First, you need to create a build.xml file in the MyPackage directory with the following script.

<!-- Build F84 model -->
<project basedir="." default="build_jar_all_F84" name="BUILD_F84">
        Build F84.
        JUnit test is available for this build.
        $Id: build_F84.xml $
    <!-- set global properties for this build -->
    <property name="srcF84" location="src" />
    <property name="buildF84" location="build" />
    <property name="libF84" location="lib" />
    <property name="release_dir" value="release" />
    <property name="distF84" location="${buildF84}/dist" />
    <property name="beast2path" location="../beast2" />
    <property name="libBeast2" location="${beast2path}/lib" />
    <property name="srcBeast2" location="${beast2path}/src" />
    <property name="beast2classpath" location="${beast2path}/build" />
    <property name="Package_dir" value="${release_dir}/package" />
    <import file="${beast2path}/build.xml" />
    <property name="main_class_BEAST" value="" />
    <property name="report" value="${buildF84}/junitreport"/>
    <path id="classpath">
        <pathelement path="${buildF84}"/>
        <fileset dir="${libBeast2}" includes="junit-4.8.2.jar"/>
        <pathelement path="${beast2classpath}"/>
    <!-- start -->
    <target name="initF84">
        <echo message="${}: ${ant.file}" />
    <target name="cleanF84">
        <delete dir="${buildF84}" />

    <!-- clean previous build, and then compile Java source code, and Juint test -->
    <target name="build_all_F84" depends="cleanF84,compile-allF84,junitF84" description="Clean and Build all run-time stuff">

    <!-- clean previous build, compile Java source code, and Junit test, and make the beast.jar and beauti.jar -->
    <target name="build_jar_all_F84" depends="cleanF84,compile-allF84,junitF84" description="Clean and Build all run-time stuff">

    <!-- No JUnit Test, clean previous build, compile Java source code, and make the F84.jar and beauti.jar -->
    <target name="build_jar_all_F84_NoJUnitTest" depends="cleanF84,compile-allF84" description="Clean and Build all run-time stuff">

    <!-- compile Java source code -->
    <target name="compile-allF84" depends="initF84,compile-all">
        <!-- Capture the path as a delimited property using the refid attribute -->
        <property name="myclasspath" refid="classpath"/>
        <!-- Emit the property to the ant console -->
        <echo message="Classpath = ${myclasspath}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${buildF84}" />
        <!-- Compile the java code from ${srcF84} into ${buildF84} /bin -->
        <javac srcdir="${srcF84}" destdir="${buildF84}" classpathref="classpath" fork="true" memoryinitialsize="256m" memorymaximumsize="256m">
            <include name="mypackage/**/**" />
            <!-- compile JUnit test classes -->
            <include name="test/mypackage/**" />
        <echo message="Successfully compiled." />

    <jar jarfile="${distF84}/F84.src.jar">
        <fileset dir="${srcF84}">
            <include name="mypackage/**/*.java" />
            <include name="mypackage/**/*.png" />
            <include name="mypackage/**/*.xsl" />
    <jar jarfile="${dist}/F84.package.jar">
            <attribute name="Built-By" value="${}" />
        <fileset dir="${buildF84}">
            <include name="mypackage/**/*.class" />
            <include name="mypackage/**/*.png" />
            <include name="mypackage/**/*.properties" />

    <!-- run beast.jar -->
    <target name="run_F84">
        <java jar="${distF84}/F84.jar" fork="true" />

    <!-- JUnit test -->
    <target name="junitF84">
        <mkdir dir="${report}" />
        <junit printsummary="yes"> <!--showoutput='yes'-->
                <path refid="classpath" />
                <path location="${buildF84}" />
            <formatter type="xml" />
            <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${report}">
                <fileset dir="${srcF84}">
                    <include name="test/**/*"/>
                <fileset dir="${srcBeast2}">
                    <include name="test/beast/integration/**/*"/>
                    <exclude name="test/beast/integration/**/"/>
        <echo message="JUnit test finished." />
    <target name="junitreport">
        <junitreport todir="${report}">
            <fileset dir="${report}" includes="*.xml"/>
            <report format="frames" todir="${report}"/>
        <echo message="JUnit test report finished." />
    <target name="package"
            description="release BEAST 2 package version of F84">
        <delete dir="${Package_dir}" />
        <!-- Create the release directory -->
        <mkdir dir="${Package_dir}" />
        <mkdir dir="${Package_dir}/lib" />
        <mkdir dir="${Package_dir}/fxtemplates" />
        <copy todir="${Package_dir}/lib">
            <fileset dir="${dist}" includes="F84.package.jar" />
        <copy todir="${Package_dir}">
            <fileset dir="${dist}" includes="F84.src.jar" />
        <copy todir="${Package_dir}/fxtemplates">
            <fileset file="fxtemplates/F84-beauti-template.xml" />
        <jar jarfile="${dist}/">
            <fileset dir="${Package_dir}">
                <include name="**/*" />
        <echo message="Package version release is finished." />

Now, you can compile by running the following lines in the MyPackage directory.

ant package

The package can be found in the directory: /beast2/build/dist/

Unzipping the package in ~/.beast/2.7/ allows it to be deployed in BEAST2.


Developer tutorial for Beast 2.7.x using IntelliJ






No releases published


No packages published