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[manual] Add manual sources
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git-svn-id: 9a2a4a0b-1251-0410-9248-99fc04669920
  • Loading branch information committed Mar 20, 2011
0 parents commit fe2336a
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Showing 69 changed files with 5,472 additions and 0 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
.PHONY : all clean dist dist-clean

all :
$(MAKE) -C src

clean :
$(MAKE) -C src clean

dist :
$(MAKE) -C src dist

dist-clean :
$(MAKE) -C src dist-clean
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

This package contains the sources to typeset "A short manual for TeXworks".

TeXworks is an open-source, cross-platform TeX editor designed to lower the
entry barrier to the TeX world. See for more

The actual sources for the document (together with further information,
licensing details, etc.) are located in the src/<lang>/ folders to allow the
manual to be translated.


Assuming you have a GNU make compatible version of make installed, you can run
(or alternatively the name of your version, e.g., mingw32-make) in this
directory form the command line to build all pdf and html versions of the
manual. Please note that this requires pdflatex & friends to be in your $PATH.
For typesetting the html version, you additionally need ghostscript and the
ImageMagick convert tools in your path. In addition, tidy is recommended.

Note that not all parts of the makefiles are platform-independent and tested on
other than GNU/Linux systems and may thus fail on your system. In the case your
invocation doesn't produce a valid output, you can typeset the manual by
manually running the proper commands, of course.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
LANGS = $(patsubst %/,manual-%,$(wildcard */))
DISTLANGS = $(patsubst manual-%,dist-%,$(LANGS))
CLEANLANGS = $(patsubst manual-%,clean-%,$(LANGS))
DISTCLEANLANGS = $(patsubst manual-%,dist-clean-%,$(LANGS))

.PHONY : all clean dist dist-clean $(LANGS) $(DISTLANGS) $(CLEANLANGS) $(DISTCLEANLANGS)

all : $(LANGS)

clean : $(CLEANLANGS)

dist : $(DISTLANGS)

dist-clean : $(DISTCLEANLANGS)

$(LANGS) :
@$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst manual-%,%,$@)

@$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst dist-%,%,$@) dist

@$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst clean-%,%,$@) recursive-clean

@$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst dist-clean-%,%,$@) recursive-dist-clean

342 changes: 342 additions & 0 deletions src/en/COPYING.CC-by-sa-3.0

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions src/en/COPYING.GPLv2

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/en/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
LANG=$(notdir $(abspath .))

SYNCTEX = -synctex=1

WINDOWS = $(if $(filter .exe,$(suffix $(SHELL))),"y")
SUPRESSOUT = > $(if $(WINDOWS),nul,/dev/null)
CP = $(if $(WINDOWS),copy,cp)

.PHONY : all pdf html clean dist-clean dist dist-pdf dist-html recursive-clean recursive-dist-clean

all : pdf html

pdf : manual.pdf

html :
@$(MAKE) -C html

manual.pdf : manual.ind *.tex *.sty images/*.pdf images/*.png
@pdflatex manual
@pdflatex manual
@pdflatex $(SYNCTEX) manual

manual.ind : *.tex *.sty
@pdflatex manual
@makeindex manual

clean :
rm -f *.aux *.log *.out *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.toc

dist-clean : clean
rm manual.pdf

recursive-clean : clean
@$(MAKE) -C html clean

recursive-dist-clean : dist-clean
@$(MAKE) -C html dist-clean

dist : dist-pdf dist-html

dist-pdf : manual.pdf
@mkdir -p ../../pdf/$(LANG)
@$(CP) manual.pdf ../../pdf/$(LANG)/TeXworks-manual.pdf

dist-html :
$(MAKE) -C html dist
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions src/en/README
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@

This package contains the sources to typeset "A short manual for TeXworks".

TeXworks is an open-source, cross-platform TeX editor designed to lower the
entry barrier to the TeX world. See for more


To typeset this document, you need LaTeX. This is usually provided by a TeX
distribution such as:
* TeXLive (
* MiKTeX (
* MacTeX (

Make sure you have the following required LaTeX packages installed:
amsmath, amssymb, array, babel, booktabs, calc, color, fancyhdr, fancyvrb,
fncychap, fontenc, footmisc, framed, graphicx, hyperref, idxlayout,
inputenc, keystroke, lmodern, longtable, makeidx, needspace, sectsty,
tocbibind, upquote, url, wrapfig,
and the ZapfChancery font.

When using TeXLive, these can be installed by running
tlmgr install amsfonts amsmath babel booktabs fancyhdr fancyvrb fncychap \
footmisc framed graphics hyperref idxlayout keystroke latex \
lm needspace sectsty tocbibind tools upquote url wrapfig \
from the command line.

If you intend to typeset in the HTML format, you also need tex4ht.


Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Alain Delmotte, Stefan Löffler, and contributors.
Some rights reserved.

Unless noted otherwise, the icons in the images/ folder are taken from the
TeXworks project, the Tango project, or were made for this work.

This manual is free documentation: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either:

* the CC-BY-SA license as published by Creative Commons; either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.


* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

or both in parallel. For details, see the files COPYING.CC-by-sa-3.0
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/en/actionsAlphabetical.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
actionAbout\_Scripts & actionPaste \\
actionAbout\_TW & actionPlace\_on\_Left \\
actionActual\_Size & actionPlace\_on\_Right \\
actionApply\_to\_Selection & actionPreferences \\
actionAutoIndent\_None & actionPrevious\_Page \\
actionAuto\_Follow\_Focus & actionQuit\_TeXworks \\
actionBalance\_Delimiters & actionRedo \\
actionClear & actionRemove\_Aux\_Files \\
actionClose & actionReplace \\
actionComment & actionReplace\_Again \\
actionCopy & actionRevert\_to\_Saved \\
actionCopy\_to\_Find & actionSave \\
actionCopy\_to\_Replace & actionSave\_All \\
actionCut & actionSave\_As \\
actionFind & actionScroll \\
actionFind\_Again & actionSelect\_All \\
actionFind\_Selection & actionSelect\_Image \\
actionFirst\_Page & actionSelect\_Text \\
actionFit\_to\_Width & actionShow\_Hide\_Console \\
actionFit\_to\_Window & actionShow\_Scripts\_Folder \\
actionFont & actionShow\_Selection \\
actionFull\_Screen & actionSide\_by\_Side \\
actionGoToHomePage & actionSmartQuotes\_None \\
actionGo\_to\_Line & actionStack \\
actionGo\_to\_Page & actionSyntaxColoring\_None \\
actionGo\_to\_Preview & actionTile \\
actionGo\_to\_Source & actionTo\_Lowercase \\
actionHard\_Wrap & actionTo\_Uppercase \\
actionIndent & actionToggle\_Case \\
actionLast\_Page & actionTypeset \\
actionLine\_Numbers & actionUncomment \\
actionMagnify & actionUndo \\
actionManage\_Scripts & actionUnindent \\
actionNew & actionUpdate\_Scripts \\
actionNew\_from\_Template & actionWrap\_Lines \\
actionNext\_Page & actionWriteToMailingList \\
actionNone & actionZoom\_In \\
actionOpen & actionZoom\_Out \\
actionOpen\_Recent & \\
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/en/autocompletionBasic.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
xa & \textbackslash xa & \textbackslash alpha \\
xb & \textbackslash xb & \textbackslash beta \\
& \textbackslash bsk & \textbackslash bigskip \\
& & \textbackslash bigskip{\AutoCompRet} \\
xch & \textbackslash xch & \textbackslash chi \\
xd & \textbackslash xd & \textbackslash delta \\
xcd & \textbackslash xcd & \textbackslash Delta \\
xe & \textbackslash xe & \textbackslash epsilon \\
xet & \textbackslash xet & \textbackslash eta \\
xg & \textbackslash xg & \textbackslash gamma \\
xcg & \textbackslash xcg & \textbackslash Gamma \\
& & \textbackslash hskip \\
& & \textbackslash indent \\
& & \textbackslash input \\
xio & \textbackslash xio & \textbackslash iota \\
xl & \textbackslash xl & \textbackslash lambda \\
xcl & \textbackslash xcl & \textbackslash Lambda \\
& \textbackslash msk & \textbackslash medskip \\
& & \textbackslash medskip{\AutoCompRet} \\
xm & \textbackslash xm & \textbackslash mu \\
& & \textbackslash noindent \\
xn & \textbackslash xn & \textbackslash nu \\
xo & \textbackslash xo & \textbackslash omega \\
xco & \textbackslash xco & \textbackslash Omega \\
& & \textbackslash par \\
xcph & \textbackslash xcph & \textbackslash Phi \\
xph & \textbackslash xph & \textbackslash phi \\
xp & \textbackslash xp & \textbackslash pi \\
xcp & \textbackslash xcp & \textbackslash Pi \\
xcps & \textbackslash xcps & \textbackslash Psi \\
xps & \textbackslash xps & \textbackslash psi \\
xr & \textbackslash xr & \textbackslash rho \\
& & \textbackslash scriptsize \\
xs & \textbackslash xs & \textbackslash sigma \\
xcs & \textbackslash xcs & \textbackslash Sigma \\
& & \textbackslash smallskip{\AutoCompRet} \\
& \textbackslash ssk & \textbackslash smallskip{\AutoCompRet} \\
xt & \textbackslash xt & \textbackslash tau \\
tex & \textbackslash tex & \textbackslash TeX \\
& & \textbackslash TeX \\
texs & \textbackslash texs & \textbackslash TeX\textbackslash \\
& & \textbackslash TeX\textbackslash \\
xth & \textbackslash xth & \textbackslash theta \\
xcth & \textbackslash xcth & \textbackslash Theta \\
xu & \textbackslash xu & \textbackslash upsilon \\
xcu & \textbackslash xcu & \textbackslash Upsilon \\
xve & \textbackslash xve & \textbackslash varepsilon \\
xvph & \textbackslash xvph & \textbackslash varphi \\
xvp & \textbackslash xvp & \textbackslash varpi \\
xvr & \textbackslash xvr & \textbackslash varrho \\
xvs & \textbackslash xvs & \textbackslash varsigma \\
xvth & \textbackslash xvth & \textbackslash vartheta \\
& & \textbackslash vskip \\
xcx & \textbackslash xcx & \textbackslash Xi \\
xx & \textbackslash xx & \textbackslash xi \\
xz & \textbackslash xz & \textbackslash zeta \\

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