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File metadata and controls

119 lines (64 loc) · 2.74 KB

Description of AG.Logs library

TAGLog = class abstract

It is abstract class for using in any parts of code.

public metods & propertys

  • class function GenerateLogString(const s:string;o:TObject=nil):string;static;

    Function for add time and object information (if o is not nil) to string.

  • procedure Indent();

    Procedure for add indent to all next strings.

  • procedure UnIndent();

    Procedure for remove indent from all next strings.

  • procedure Write(const Text:string;o:TObject=nil);

    Procedure for writing string in log.

  • property IndentText:string;

    String what using as indent symbol in logs. Default value is DefOneTabStr const(two spaces).

TAGRamLog = class(TAGLog)

Write log in RAM buffer.

public metods & propertys

  • buf:String;

    Buffer when you can find log.

TAGDiskLog = class(TAGLog)

File log.

public metods & propertys

  • constructor Create(const FileName:String);

    Use to create log from file name. If file not exist if will created.

TAGNullLog = class(TAGLog)

Doesn't do anything.

Use if you don't need log, but don't want del logging from code.

TAGCommandLineLog = class(TAGLog)

Write log to command line.

public metods & propertys

  • constructor Create();

    Use to create log to default commandline.

  • constructor Create(Handele:THandle);

    Use to create log from winapi handle (Windows only). Use as:


TAGStreamLog = class(TAGLog)

Write log to pascal stream (TStream).

public metods & propertys

  • constructor Create(Astream:TStream);

    Use to create log from pascal stream (TStream).

TAGCallBackLog = class(TAGLog)

Write log to callback.

public metods & propertys

  • TCallBack

    Type. In delphi it is anonimus procedure, in free pascal - standart procedure. Declaration:

    TCallBack={$IFNDEF FPC}reference to{$ENDIF}procedure(s:string);

  • constructor Create(ACallBack:TCallBack);

    Use to create log from callback.

TAGMultiLog = class(TAGLog)

Writes several logs.

public metods & propertys

  • TLogsList

    Type for list of logs. In delphi it is System.Generics.Collections.TList, in free pascal - FGL.TFPGList. Declaration:

    TLogsList={$IFDEF FPC}specialize TFPGList<TAGLog>{$ELSE}TList<TAGLog>{$ENDIF}

  • constructor Create(ALogs:TLogsList);

    Use to create log from TLogsList. If ALogs is nil will used empty list.